Public Investment to Reverse Dutch Disease: The Case of Chad

Periodical Article: Public Investment to Reverse Dutch Disease: The Case of Chad

Title: Public Investment to Reverse Dutch Disease: The Case of Chad
Author: Levy, Stephanie
Year: 2007
Periodical: Journal of African Economies
Volume: 16
Issue: 3
Pages: 439-484
Language: English
Geographic term: Chad
Subjects: investment policy
agricultural development
economic development
Economics and Trade
Agriculture, Natural Resources and the Environment
Development and Technology
Politics and Government
External link:
Abstract: This paper studies the relevance of agricultural policies for avoiding Dutch disease, which affects many less developed countries experiencing a resource boom. Using a computable general equilibrium model calibrated for Chad, it examines the impact of using this country’s annual oil revenue for public investment, particularly in the development of road and irrigation infrastructure. The model takes into account the integration of markets and migration processes. The results show that improving water access would reduce Chad’s dependence on food aid and entail a substantial improvement in rural household welfare. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract]



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