A Tale of Two Cities: The Evolution of the City of Bulawayo and Makokoba Township under Conditions of Water Scarcity, 1894-1953
Climate variability and water resources degradation in Kenya: improving water resources development and management
Estimating Household Willingness to Pay for Water Services in a Rural Economy: The Case of Kanye in Southern Botswana
Effects of efficient water utilisation on water resources development in Swaziland under climate change
Modeling and mapping groundwater protection priorities using GIS: the case of Dar es Salaam city, Tanzania
Policy-round table meeting plans strategies for managing water for agriculture in eastern and southern Africa: a brief from Maputo
H.E. Lambert (1893-1967): Swahili scholar of eminence (being a short biography together with a bibliography of his published work)
Central-local relations in the provision of basic services: provision of water and sanitation services in Ghana
Nomadisme et transhumance, chronique d’une mort annoncée ou voie d’un développement porteur? Enjeux, défis et enseignements tirés de l’expérience des projets d’hydraulique pastorale au Tchad