Water demand and the urban poor: a study of the factors influencing water consumption among households in Cape Town, South Africa
Land management in the central highlands of Eritrea: a participatory appraisal of conservation measures and soils in Afdeyu and its vicinity
Managing moisture stress risk to cope with food insecurity: the case of Kalu District in Northeastern Ethiopia
Community participation in water resources development in Michika Local Government Area, Adamawa State, Nigeria
Structures politiques et irrigation dans le Maroc précolonial et colonial: Le cas des oasis de la tribu arabe des Oulad Jerrar
Résilience des communautés rurales face à la crise écologique et foncière du Sahel: l’exemple de la vallée d’Arewa (Niger central)
The Aesthetic and Spiritual Contexts of Giriama vigango in Kenya and their Relationship to Contemporary Sculptural form
People and dams: environmental and socio-economic changes induced by a reservoir in Fincha’a watershed, western Ethiopia
Observatoires de développement local = Local development observatories: dialogue politique sur la production sociale d’habitat