Human and Natural Impacts on Forests along Lower Tana River, Kenya: Implications towards conservation and management of endemic primate species and their habitat
Self-Organization and Cross-Scale Interaction in Integrated Development and Conservation Projects: A comparative study of Honey Care Africa’s beekeeping projects in Kakamega District and Kwale District
Relating Muscat to Mombasa: Spatial tropes in the kinship narratives of an extended family network in Oman
Regional strategic action plan on integrated water resources development and management (2011-2015): RSAP III
Recent legal and political changes in the Nile region and their implications for equitable water sharing in the Nile River Basin
Application of Fragmentation Research to Conservation Planning for Multiple Stakeholders: An example from the Taita Hills, southwest Kenya
La pollution progressive des eaux du fleuve Logone: une potentielle source de conflits dans le bassin du Lac Tchad
The Mombasa Martyrs and Confessors Revisited: Religious motivation of their killer from Portuguese evidence
Treatment-seeking Behaviour, Cost Burdens and Coping Strategies among Rural and Urban Households in Coastal Kenya: An equity analysis
Heavy Episodic Drinking among Kenyan Female Sex Workers is Associated with Unsafe Sex, Sexual Violence and Sexually Transmitted Infections
‘But the Coast, Of Course, is Quite Different’: Academic and local ideas about the East African littoral
Representation in Kenya, its Diaspora and Academia: Colonial legacies in constructions of knowledge about Kenya’s coast
The Persistence of the Commons: Economic theory and community decision-making on land tenure in Voi, Kenya
Tourism and Socio-Economic Development in Developing Countries: A case study of Mombasa resort in Kenya
Contraintes environnementales et désarticulation spatiale au Sénégal: exemple des inondations récurrentes à Pikine
Johann Ludwig Krapf: The Life and Work of a Missionary and Scholar-Traveller in 19th Century East Africa ; proceedings of the workshop on life and work of Johann Ludwig Krapf, Mombasa, September 11, 2007