‘Poof! I am happily serving the Lord…’: multimodality and evaluative discourses in male toilet graffiti at the University of the Western Cape
Winners and Losers in Marine Conservation: Fishers’displacement and livelihood benefits from Marine Reserves
“The Grassroots Are Very Complicated”: Marginalization and the emergence of alternative authority in the Kenyan Coast 2013 elections
Legacies of Nineteenth Century Racial Formation at the Coast of East Africa: Historiography and the academic suppression of subaltern epistemology
Sanitation, Disease and Public Health in Sierra Leone, West Africa, 1895-1922: Case Failure of British Colonial Health Policy
The Effects of Utiization of Tree Products on Conservation of Kaya Mudzi Muvya Forest in Kilifi County, Kenya
Multidimensional change in the Republic of Sudan (1989-2011): reshaping livelihoods, conflicts, and identities
Implementation of the millennium development goals: progresses and challenges in some African countries
Exploring the Ancient Kingdom of Malindi in East Africa: Achievements of Peking University’s overland archaeology in Kenya
Private sector participation in the provision of quality drinking water in urban areas of Ghana: what do households want and can afford?