Marronage and the Politics of Memory: Fugitive slaves. interaction and integration in nineteenth-century Kenya
Exploring panarchy and social-ecological resilience: towards understanding water history in precolonial southern Africa
Risque et adaptation climatique dans la région de Tillabéri, Niger: pour renforcer les capacités d’analyse et d’évaluation
An index of waste: humanitarian design, ‘dignified living’ and the politics of infrastructure in Cape Town
Risques d’inondation urbaine: cas d’une agglomération à l’aval de versants argileux terrassés dans l’Ouest algérien
The relationship between HIV and AIDS and water scarcity in Nyamakate resettlements land, north-central Zimbabwe
A Sea Change on the African Coast? Preliminary social and ecological outcomes of a governance transformation in Kenyan fisheries Authors: Cinner, J.E.
Water, rights and poverty: an environmental justice approach to analysing water management devices in Cape Town
A critical analysis of the impact of water on the South African campaign in German South West Africa, 1914-1915
A History of Sauti ya Mvita (Voice of Mombasa): Radio, public culture, and Islam in coastal Kenya, 1947-66
Riziculture irriguée et innovations sociétales dans le delta du fleuve Sénégal: recherche d’un nouvel équilibre agro-socio-politique en zone sahélienne
Crop intensification options and trade-offs with the water balance in the Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia
One community’s journey to lobby for water in an environment of privatized water: is Usoma too poor for the pro-poor program?