‘Milking the Cow Without Feeding It’: Perceptions of Communities on Water-user Fees for Smallholder Irrigation in Ruaha Sub-Basin, Tanzania
El derecho al agua limpia y saneamiento y su influencia en la violencia de género en el campo de refugiados de Dadaab (Kenia)
Oil pollution and water conflicts in the riverine communities in Nigeria’s Niger Delta region: challenges for and elements of problem-solving strategies
People Want a Clean Environment’: Historical Roots of the Environmental Crisis and the Emergence of Eco-Resistances in Tunisia
Authority Beyond State and Tribe in the Early Medieval Maghrib: The Impact of Climate on the Economic, Social and Political Reorganisation of the Maghrib al-Aqsa in the Eighth-Ninth Centuries: The Case of Sijilmasa (Morocco)
Is it one Nile? Civic engagement and hydropolitics in the Eastern Nile Basin: the case of Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia
Along the museological grain: An exploration of the (geo)political inheritance in ‘Isishweshwe Story: Material Women?’
Government procurement policy and the establishment of manufacturing: Aircraft industry in Australia, Canada and South Africa 1918-39