Economy-Wide Benefits from Water-Intensive Industries in South Africa: Quasi-Input-Output Analysis of the Contribution of Irrigation Agriculture and Cultivated Plantations in the Crocodile River Catchment

Periodical Article: Economy-Wide Benefits from Water-Intensive Industries in South Africa: Quasi-Input-Output Analysis of the Contribution of Irrigation Agriculture and Cultivated Plantations in the Crocodile River Catchment

Title: Economy-Wide Benefits from Water-Intensive Industries in South Africa: Quasi-Input-Output Analysis of the Contribution of Irrigation Agriculture and Cultivated Plantations in the Crocodile River Catchment
Author: Hassan, Rashid M.
Year: 2003
Periodical: Development Southern Africa
Volume: 20
Issue: 2
Period: June
Pages: 171-195
Language: English
Geographic term: South Africa
Subjects: Economics and Trade
Agriculture, Natural Resources and the Environment
Development and Technology
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Periodical Article for Undergraduate, Masters and Postgraduate Students