Feedback of Research Findings for Vaccine Trials: Experiences from two malaria vaccine trials involving healthy children on the Kenyan coast

Periodical Article On Feedback of Research Findings for Vaccine Trials: Experiences from two malaria vaccine trials involving healthy children on the Kenyan coast

Title: Feedback of Research Findings for Vaccine Trials: Experiences from two malaria vaccine trials involving healthy children on the Kenyan coast
Authors: Gikonyo, C.
Kamuya, D.
Mbete, B.
Njuguna, P.
Olotu, A.
Bejon, P.
Marsh, V.
Molyneux, S.
Year: 2013
Periodical: Developing World Bioethics
Volume: 13
Issue: 1
Pages: 48-56
Geographic term: Kenya
Discipline: Health & Nutrition
Subjects: Malaria
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