Flooding and soil nutrient status in the Okavango Delta’s seasonal floodplains

Periodical article: Flooding and soil nutrient status in the Okavango Delta’s seasonal floodplains

Title: Flooding and soil nutrient status in the Okavango Delta’s seasonal floodplains
Authors: Bonyongo, M.C.
Mubyana, T.
Totolo, O.
Veenendaal, E.M.
Year: 2002
Periodical: Botswana Notes and Records (ISSN 0525-5090)
Volume: 34
Pages: 123-130
Language: English
Notes: biblio. refs., ills., maps
Geographic terms: Botswana
Southern Africa
Subjects: Agriculture, Agronomy, Forestry
Okavango River Delta (Botswana)
External link: https://www.jstor.org/stable/40980328


  • africabib.org
  • doi.org
  • Jstor.org

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Periodical Article for Undergraduate, Masters and Postgraduate Students