Groundwater management by using mathematical modeling: case of the Makutupora groundwater basin in Dodoma Tanzania

Periodical Article: Groundwater management by using mathematical modeling: case of the Makutupora groundwater basin in Dodoma Tanzania

Title: Groundwater management by using mathematical modeling: case of the Makutupora groundwater basin in Dodoma Tanzania
Authors: Kashaigili, J.J.
Mashauri, D.A.
Abdo, G.
Year: 2003
Periodical: Botswana Journal of Technology (ISSN 1019-1593)
Volume: 12
Issue: 1
Period: April
Pages: 19-24
Language: English
Notes: biblio. refs., ills.
Geographic terms: Tanzania
East Africa
Subjects: science and technology
water management
Water distribution
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Periodical Article for Undergraduate, Masters and Postgraduate Students