Johann Ludwig Krapf: The Life and Work of a Missionary and Scholar-Traveller in 19th Century East Africa ; proceedings of the workshop on life and work of Johann Ludwig Krapf, Mombasa, September 11, 2007

Periodical Article On Johann Ludwig Krapf: The Life and Work of a Missionary and Scholar-Traveller in 19th Century East Africa ; proceedings of the workshop on life and work of Johann Ludwig Krapf, Mombasa, September 11, 2007

Title: Johann Ludwig Krapf: The Life and Work of a Missionary and Scholar-Traveller in 19th Century East Africa ; proceedings of the workshop on life and work of Johann Ludwig Krapf, Mombasa, September 11, 2007
Author: Vierke, C.
Year: 2008
City of publisher: Nairobi
Publisher: Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
Geographic term: Kenya
Discipline: Religion
Subjects: Krapf J.L.
Mission – christian
Exploration – early
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