Listing The Sacred Mijikenda ‘Kaya’ Forests as UNESCO World Heritage Sites: “The Long Journey”

Periodical Article On Listing The Sacred Mijikenda ‘Kaya’ Forests as UNESCO World Heritage Sites: “The Long Journey”

Title: Listing The Sacred Mijikenda ‘Kaya’ Forests as UNESCO World Heritage Sites: “The Long Journey”
Author: Githitho, A.
Year: 2016
Periodical: Journal des Africanistes: Revalorisation patrimoniale des sites naturels sacres (Kenya, Ouganda, Madagascar)
Volume: 86
Issue: 1
Pages: 198-217
Geographic term: Kenya
Discipline: Anthropology & Ethnology
Subjects: Kaya
Mijikenda – ethnic group
Conservation – environmental
Abbreviation: UNESCO=United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
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