• Format: ms-word (doc)
  • Pages: 80
  • Chapter 1 to 5
  • With abstract reference and questionnaire
  • Preview abstract and chapter 1 below


Adapting Emerging Political Interests and Trends in Professional Practice of Sports: a Case of Sports Federation Politics for Sustainable National Development



This study investigated the influence of emerging political interests on sports federations and their impact on national development. Employing a quantitative survey research design, data were collected through a structured questionnaire administered to a sample of 120 respondents. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS27 software, and hypotheses were tested using the t-test method. The findings revealed significant relationships between emerging political interests and the professional practices of sports federations. Additionally, political trends were found to correlate with levels of transparency and accountability within sports organizations. However, effective sports federation politics were not found to positively contribute to overall socio-economic development. Based on these results, it was concluded that political factors played a significant role in shaping the governance and operations of sports federations, with implications for both the sports industry and broader national development agendas. In conclusion, the study underscored the importance of addressing political influences on sports governance to ensure fair and transparent practices within the sector. Recommendations included enhancing transparency and accountability mechanisms, strengthening governance structures, promoting stakeholder engagement, and investing in capacity building for sports administrators. Additionally, advocating for the autonomy of sports federations from political interference and fostering collaboration among stakeholders were recommended strategies to mitigate the negative impact of political interests on sports governance. By implementing these recommendations, sports federations could contribute more effectively to national development goals and promote the overall growth and integrity of the sports industry.




Background to the Study

Sports federations play a vital role in shaping the landscape of sports within a nation (Walker, Machold, & Ahmed, 2021). As regulatory bodies, they are responsible for organizing, developing, and governing sports activities at various levels, from grassroots to elite competition (McLeod, 2020). These federations ensure fair play, athlete development, and the overall advancement of sports (O’Boyle & Shilbury, 2016a). Through their activities, they contribute to the promotion of healthy lifestyles, social cohesion, and national identity (Masters, 2021).

The realm of sports federation politics has undergone significant transformations over the years (McLeod & Shilbury, 2020). Influenced by emerging political interests and trends both domestically and globally (Kihl, 2020), these changes have reshaped the dynamics within sports governance structures (McLeod et al., 2021a). Issues such as gender diversity (Adriaanse, 2017), corruption (Masters, 2021), and stakeholder engagement (McLeod et al., 2020) have become central to discussions surrounding sports federations’ operations.

One of the key challenges facing sports federations today is the need to navigate increasingly complex political landscapes (Shilbury & Ferkins, 2020). Political interference, whether direct or indirect, can impede the autonomy and effectiveness of sports federations in fulfilling their mandates (McLeod et al., 2021b). Moreover, the intersection of sports with broader political agendas can lead to conflicts of interest and ethical dilemmas (Shilbury & Ferkins, 2021). Balancing the demands of political stakeholders while upholding the integrity of sports governance remains a delicate task (Robertson et al., 2019).

At the same time, emerging political interests present new opportunities for sports federations to leverage their influence for national development (McLeod et al., 2021b). By aligning their objectives with government priorities, sports federations can secure funding, infrastructure support, and policy backing for sports initiatives (Hoye & Doherty, 2021). Collaborative partnerships between sports federations and political entities can lead to the implementation of impactful programs aimed at promoting grassroots participation, talent development, and infrastructure development (Shilbury et al., 2021).

The professional practice of sports has also been significantly influenced by emerging political trends (Lee & Cunningham, 2019). Increased scrutiny on issues such as governance transparency (Perkins & Shilbury, 2022), diversity and inclusion (Claringbould & Knoppers, 2020), and ethical conduct (McLeod et al., 2020) have compelled sports federations to adopt more robust governance frameworks and accountability measures. Furthermore, the growing emphasis on sustainability and social responsibility in political discourse has prompted sports federations to integrate these principles into their operations (Shilbury et al., 2021).

In the context of national development, sports federations play a multifaceted role in driving socio-economic progress (Parent & Hoye, 2018). Beyond fostering athletic excellence, they contribute to job creation, tourism promotion, and community development (Perkins & Shilbury, 2021). By investing in sports infrastructure and talent development programs, sports federations stimulate economic growth and social cohesion (O’Boyle et al., 2019). Moreover, through international sports diplomacy, they enhance a nation’s soft power and diplomatic relations on the global stage (Geeraert, 2019).

However, realizing the full potential of sports federations as agents of national development requires addressing persistent challenges and barriers (McLeod et al., 2020). Inadequate funding, bureaucratic inefficiencies, and institutional inertia can hinder the effective implementation of sports policies and programs (Perkins & Shilbury, 2020). Moreover, the politicization of sports can lead to resource misallocation and the neglect of grassroots development initiatives (Hoye et al., 2020).

Statement of Problem

The landscape of sports federation politics is undergoing significant evolution, influenced by emerging political interests and trends both domestically and globally (Kihl, 2020). However, within this dynamic environment, several critical gaps persist, warranting further exploration and research.

Firstly, there is a lack of comprehensive understanding regarding the extent and impact of political interference within sports federations (McLeod et al., 2021b). While anecdotal evidence suggests that political pressures can compromise the autonomy and effectiveness of sports governance structures, empirical studies examining the prevalence and consequences of such interference remain limited.

Secondly, there is a need to explore the mechanisms through which sports federations navigate political complexities while upholding principles of integrity and transparency (Shilbury & Ferkins, 2020). Existing literature often focuses on the challenges posed by political interference without providing actionable insights into strategies and best practices for mitigating these challenges.

Additionally, there is a dearth of research examining the role of sports federations in addressing broader societal issues, such as gender equality, social inclusion, and environmental sustainability (Perkins & Shilbury, 2022). While there is growing recognition of the potential of sports as a vehicle for social change, empirical studies exploring the effectiveness of sports federations’ initiatives in these areas are limited.

Furthermore, there is a need to explore the implications of emerging political trends, such as populism and nationalism, on the governance and development of sports (Lee & Cunningham, 2019). These trends have the potential to reshape the priorities and agendas of sports federations, yet their specific impacts remain underexplored in the existing literature.

Overall, the gaps identified highlight the need for further research to deepen our understanding of the complex interplay between politics and sports governance and to inform evidence-based strategies for enhancing the effectiveness and integrity of sports federations in the pursuit of their mandates.

Objectives of the Study

The specific objectives of this study are to:

  1. Examine the influence of emerging political interests on the professional practice of sports federations.
  2. Analyze the impact of political trends on the governance structures of sports federations.
  3. Assess the role of sports federation politics in fostering sustainable national development.

Research Questions

To address the objectives outlined above, the study sought to answer the following research questions:

  1. How do emerging political interests affect the professional practices of sports federations?
  2. What is the impact of political trends on the governance structures of sports federations?
  3. In what ways does sports federation politics contribute to sustainable national development?

Research Hypotheses

Based on the research questions, the following hypotheses were formulated:

Null Hypotheses(H0):

  1. Emerging political interests do not significantly influence the decision-making processes and policies within sports federations.
  2. Political trends do not have a direct correlation with the levels of transparency and accountability within sports federations.
  3. Effective sports federation politics do not positively contribute to the overall socio-economic development of a nation.

Alternative Hypotheses(H1):

  1. Emerging political interests significantly influence the decision-making processes and policies within sports federations.
  2. Political trends have a direct correlation with the levels of transparency and accountability within sports federations.
  3. Effective sports federation politics positively contribute to the overall socio-economic development of a nation.

Significance of the Study

This study carries substantial significance for a multitude of stakeholders engaged in sports governance, policy formulation, and development. It delves into the nuanced interconnection among emerging political interests, sports federation politics, and the overarching trajectory of national development. The insights garnered from this research endeavour have the potential to enlighten policymakers, sports administrators, athletes, and the wider populace regarding the imperative nature of taking proactive steps to augment the professionalism, transparency, and efficacy of sports federations.

At its core, this study underscores the pivotal role that sports federations play in shaping the landscape of sports within a nation. These federations serve as the bedrock of regulatory bodies, orchestrating, nurturing, and governing sports activities across diverse echelons, from grassroots endeavours to elite competitions. Their mandate encompasses ensuring fair play, fostering athlete development, and propelling the overall advancement of sports. Therefore, any elucidation on the dynamics governing sports federation politics directly impacts the functioning and efficacy of these organizations, consequently influencing the entire spectrum of sports governance.

For policymakers, the findings of this study offer invaluable insights into the intricate nexus between politics and sports governance. By comprehending the complex interplay between emerging political interests and sports federation politics, policymakers can formulate informed policies aimed at bolstering the integrity, transparency, and efficiency of sports federations. Moreover, an understanding of these dynamics can aid in crafting regulations that safeguard sports federations from undue political interference, thereby preserving their autonomy and effectiveness in fulfilling their mandates.

Similarly, sports administrators stand to benefit significantly from the findings of this study. Armed with a deeper understanding of the impact of political interests on sports governance, administrators can adopt proactive measures to fortify the governance structures of sports federations. This may involve implementing robust accountability mechanisms, enhancing transparency in decision-making processes, and cultivating a culture of professionalism within sports organizations. By doing so, administrators can enhance public trust in sports federations and bolster their credibility as stewards of the sporting domain.

For athletes, this study serves as a clarion call for enhanced advocacy and engagement in the governance of sports. By comprehending the broader political landscape shaping sports governance, athletes can advocate for reforms that prioritize athlete welfare, gender equity, and ethical conduct within sports federations. Moreover, heightened awareness of the political dimensions of sports governance empowers athletes to actively participate in decision-making processes, ensuring that their voices are heard and their interests are adequately represented.

Lastly, for the broader public, the findings of this study shed light on the significance of sports governance in fostering national development. By elucidating the role of sports federations as catalysts for social cohesion, economic growth, and soft power projection, this study underscores the multifaceted contributions of sports to national development agendas. Armed with this knowledge, the public can advocate for policies and initiatives that prioritize investments in sports infrastructure, talent development programs, and grassroots sporting initiatives, thereby harnessing the transformative power of sports for the collective benefit of society.

Scope of the Study

This study focused on analyzing the adaptation of emerging political interests and trends within sports federations and their implications for sustainable national development. The scope encompassed examining case studies from diverse regions and countries to provide a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. However, due to resource constraints, the study primarily concentrated on sports federations at the national level.

Operational Definition of Terms

To ensure clarity and consistency throughout the study, the following terms were operationally defined:

Sports Federation: A governing body responsible for overseeing and regulating a specific sport or group of sports within a nation.

Political Interests: The objectives, agendas, and priorities pursued by political actors within the realm of sports governance.

Professional Practice: The conduct, standards, and behaviours expected within the field of sports administration and management.

Governance Structures: The organizational frameworks, policies, and mechanisms governing the operations of sports federations.

Transparency: The degree to which sports federations operate openly, providing access to information and decision-making processes.

Accountability: The obligation of sports federations to answer for their actions, decisions, and performance to relevant stakeholders.

Sustainable Development: The pursuit of socio-economic progress that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

National Development: The process of improving the economic, social, and political conditions within a nation to enhance the well-being of its citizens and foster overall progress.



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