• Format: PDF Available
  • Format: MS-Word DOC Available
  • Pages: 66
  • File Size: 382kb
  • Chapters 1 to 5
  • With Abstract, Questionnaire and References
  • Chapter One Below


Public Transportation Facilities and Challenges: Case of Vatican Travel Agency, Bamenda


This study was on public transportation facilities and challenges: Case of Vatican Travel Agency, Bamenda. Three objectives were raised which included: Identify the key challenges and constraints faced by the Vatican Travel Agency in operating its public transportation services in Bamenda, examine the impact of inadequate infrastructure, limited funding, congestion, safety and security concerns, accessibility barriers, and environmental factors on the agency’s operations and evaluate current strategies and initiatives employed by the Vatican Travel Agency to address these challenges and their effectiveness in mitigating the identified issues. The total population for the study is 75 staff of Vatican Travel Agency. The researcher used questionnaires as the instrument for the data collection. Descriptive Survey research design was adopted for this study. The data collected were presented in tables and analyzed using simple percentages and frequencies. In conclusion, while the Vatican Travel Agency in Bamenda faces formidable challenges in its mission to provide efficient, reliable, and safe public transportation services, the findings of this study underscore the importance of proactive intervention and collective action. By addressing infrastructure deficiencies, overcoming funding constraints, and fostering partnerships, the agency can work towards realizing its vision of a more accessible, connected, and vibrant Bamenda






Public transportation facilities are essential components of urban and rural infrastructure, providing mobility options for millions of people worldwide. However, they often face significant challenges that impede their effectiveness and accessibility.

Many public transportation systems suffer from inadequate infrastructure, including poorly maintained roads, outdated railway tracks, and aging bus stations. These deficiencies can lead to service disruptions, increased maintenance costs, and safety hazards for commuters (Wright & Hook, 2017).

Public transportation projects frequently encounter funding constraints, limiting their ability to invest in new infrastructure, upgrade existing facilities, and expand service coverage. Insufficient funding can result in fare hikes, reduced service frequencies, and deferred maintenance, negatively impacting service quality and rider satisfaction (Litman, 2019).

Urban public transportation networks often experience congestion and overcrowding, especially during peak hours. Limited capacity on buses, trains, and subway systems can lead to discomfort, longer travel times, and decreased passenger satisfaction (Basso & Jara-Diaz, 2019).

Public transportation facilities may be vulnerable to safety and security threats, including crime, vandalism, and accidents. Concerns about personal safety and property security can deter passengers from using public transit, particularly in high-crime areas or poorly lit stations (Melo et al., 2020).

Accessibility barriers, such as lack of wheelchair ramps, elevators, or adequate signage, can prevent people with disabilities or limited mobility from accessing public transportation services. Addressing these barriers is essential to ensure equal access to transportation options for all members of society (Lucas & Golub, 2019).

Many public transportation systems rely on fossil fuels, contributing to air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, and climate change. Transitioning to cleaner, more sustainable modes of transportation, such as electric buses or light rail, presents both environmental and technological challenges but is crucial for reducing transportation-related emissions (Boyer et al., 2020).

These challenges, policymakers, transit agencies, and urban planners must prioritize investments in infrastructure upgrades, secure stable funding sources, implement measures to alleviate congestion and overcrowding, enhance safety and security measures, improve accessibility for all passengers, and promote the adoption of environmentally sustainable transportation solutions.


The Vatican Travel Agency in Bamenda faces several significant challenges regarding the provision of public transportation facilities and services. These challenges hinder the agency’s ability to efficiently and effectively meet the transportation needs of the local population.

The Vatican Travel Agency operates within an environment characterized by insufficient transportation infrastructure, including poorly maintained roads, limited bus stops, and inadequate parking facilities. These deficiencies result in service disruptions, longer travel times, and safety hazards for commuters.

The agency struggles to secure sufficient funding to invest in the maintenance and upgrade of its fleet, as well as the improvement of its facilities. Limited financial resources constrain the agency’s ability to expand service coverage, enhance passenger comfort, and introduce new technologies to improve operational efficiency.

Urban congestion and overcrowding pose significant challenges to the Vatican Travel Agency’s operations. Limited capacity on buses and vans leads to discomfort for passengers, longer waiting times, and reduced service reliability. Addressing congestion requires innovative strategies to optimize route planning and increase fleet capacity.

The safety and security of passengers and staff are paramount concerns for the Vatican Travel Agency. Instances of crime, vandalism, and accidents can deter passengers from using public transportation services, undermining the agency’s reputation and ridership levels. Implementing effective safety measures and enhancing security protocols are essential to address these concerns.

The agency must ensure that its services are accessible to all members of the community, including people with disabilities and limited mobility. However, accessibility barriers, such as lack of wheelchair ramps or adequate signage, prevent some individuals from fully utilizing the agency’s services. Addressing these barriers requires infrastructure upgrades and policy interventions to promote inclusivity and equal access.

The Vatican Travel Agency must consider the environmental impact of its operations, particularly in terms of air pollution and carbon emissions. Transitioning to cleaner, more sustainable modes of transportation, such as electric or hybrid vehicles, presents both challenges and opportunities for the agency. Balancing environmental concerns with operational needs is essential for long-term sustainability.


The objective of this study is to assess the challenges facing the Vatican Travel Agency in Bamenda regarding the provision of public transportation facilities and services. Specifically, the study aims to:

  1. Identify the key challenges and constraints faced by the Vatican Travel Agency in operating its public transportation services in Bamenda.
  2. Examine the impact of inadequate infrastructure, limited funding, congestion, safety and security concerns, accessibility barriers, and environmental factors on the agency’s operations.
  3. Evaluate current strategies and initiatives employed by the Vatican Travel Agency to address these challenges and their effectiveness in mitigating the identified issues.


The following research questions are formulated

  1. What are the key challenges faced by the Vatican Travel Agency in Bamenda regarding the provision of public transportation facilities and services?
  2. How does inadequate infrastructure impact the efficiency, reliability, and safety of public transportation operations managed by the Vatican Travel Agency?
  3. What are the main funding constraints affecting the Vatican Travel Agency’s ability to maintain, upgrade, and expand its public transportation services in Bamenda?


The following research hypotheses are formulated

H1: There are no key challenges and constraints faced by the Vatican Travel Agency in operating its public transportation services in Bamenda

H2: There are no inadequate infrastructure impacts the efficiency, reliability, and safety of public transportation operations managed by the Vatican Travel Agency

H3: There are no main funding constraints affecting the Vatican Travel Agency’s ability to maintain, upgrade, and expand its public transportation services in Bamenda


This study holds several significant implications for various stakeholders involved in public transportation provision, governance, and urban development in Bamenda and beyond:

The findings of this study will provide valuable insights into the challenges facing public transportation agencies like the Vatican Travel Agency in Bamenda. Policymakers and decision-makers at the local, regional, and national levels can utilize these insights to formulate evidence-based policies and strategies aimed at improving transportation infrastructure, services, and regulatory frameworks.

By identifying and understanding the key challenges confronting the Vatican Travel Agency, this study can help inform efforts to enhance the efficiency, reliability, safety, accessibility, and sustainability of public transportation services in Bamenda. Implementing the study’s recommendations can lead to tangible improvements in service delivery, benefiting both passengers and the broader community.

The study’s findings can serve as a catalyst for increased stakeholder engagement and collaboration among public transportation agencies, local authorities, community organizations, advocacy groups, and funding partners. By fostering dialogue and cooperation, stakeholders can work together to address common challenges, leverage resources, and implement innovative solutions to improve public transportation facilities and services.

Access to reliable, safe, and affordable public transportation is essential for promoting inclusive urban development and socio-economic opportunities. By identifying and addressing barriers to accessibility, safety, and affordability, the study can contribute to fostering greater social equity, inclusion, and mobility for all residents, including vulnerable and marginalized populations.

Public transportation plays a crucial role in promoting sustainable urbanization by reducing traffic congestion, air pollution, carbon emissions, and energy consumption. By exploring strategies to enhance the environmental sustainability of public transportation services, the study can contribute to broader efforts to mitigate climate change, improve air quality, and create healthier, more livable cities.

Lastly, the study contributes to the body of knowledge on public transportation challenges and solutions, particularly in the context of urban centers in developing regions. By documenting experiences, lessons learned, and best practices, the study can serve as a valuable resource for researchers, practitioners, educators, and policymakers working in the fields of transportation planning, urban studies, and sustainable development.


The study was on public transportation facilities and challenges.  Study will be limited to Vatican travel agency, Bamenda


While this study aims to provide valuable insights into the challenges facing the Vatican Travel Agency in Bamenda regarding public transportation facilities and services, it is important to acknowledge certain limitations:

  1. Scope Limitation: The study focuses specifically on the Vatican Travel Agency in Bamenda and may not fully capture the broader context of public transportation challenges in the region. As such, the findings and recommendations may have limited generalizability to other transportation agencies or urban areas.
  2. Data Availability: Limited availability of data, particularly regarding the operational performance and financial management of the Vatican Travel Agency, may constrain the depth and breadth of the analysis. This could affect the comprehensiveness and accuracy of the study findings.
  3. Time Constraints: The study may be subject to time constraints, which could impact the depth of data collection, analysis, and interpretation. As a result, certain aspects of the research may not be fully explored or adequately addressed.
  4. Resource Constraints: Resource constraints, including limited funding, time, and manpower, may limit the extent to which the study objectives can be achieved. This could affect the depth of analysis, scope of research activities, and implementation of recommended solutions.


  1. Public Transportation: Refers to the system of transportation services provided for use by the general public, typically operated by government agencies or private entities, including buses, trains, subways, trams, ferries, and other modes of transit accessible to all members of society.
  2. Vatican Travel Agency: Specifically refers to the transportation agency operating in Bamenda, which provides public transportation services to residents and commuters within the city and surrounding areas.
  3. Infrastructure: Refers to the physical structures and facilities necessary for the operation of public transportation systems, including roads, railways, bus stops, train stations, terminals, depots, and other components that support the movement of passengers and vehicles.
  4. Funding Mechanisms: Refers to the financial resources and mechanisms used to support the operation, maintenance, and expansion of public transportation services, including government subsidies, fare revenues, grants, loans, public-private partnerships, and other sources of funding.
  5. Operational Processes: Refers to the procedures, protocols, and workflows involved in the day-to-day operation of public transportation services, including scheduling, dispatching, ticketing, maintenance, customer service, and regulatory compliance.
  6. Safety Protocols: Refers to the measures and protocols implemented to ensure the safety and security of passengers, staff, and infrastructure within public transportation systems, including emergency response plans, surveillance systems, passenger screening, and risk management strategies.


  • Source: Journal of Public Transportation. (2019). “The Impact of New Mobility Services on the Use of Public Transit”.
  • Environmental Sustainability:
  • Source: Sustainability. (2018). “Sustainability Assessment of Public Transit Systems: A Comprehensive Review of Existing Tools”.
  • Governance and Coordination:
  • Source: World Bank. (2012). “Governance and Institutions for Urban Public Tansport Development: A Case Study of Six Latin American and Caribbean Cities”.


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