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Addressing the Causes of Sibling Rivalry and Its Impact on Effective Interaction Among Adolescents



This study investigated the causes of sibling rivalry and its impact on effective interaction among adolescents, adopting a quantitative survey research design. A structured questionnaire was meticulously crafted to gather insights from a targeted sample size of 120 respondents, strategically selected to represent diverse perspectives and experiences. The collected data underwent rigorous analysis using SPSS27, a robust statistical software known for its data presentation and analysis capabilities. Within this analytical framework, a t-test was employed to rigorously test the hypotheses outlined in the study. The findings of this research uncovered significant insights into the dynamics of sibling relationships and rivalry among adolescents. Through the analysis of the collected data, it was revealed that parental favouritism indeed correlates with heightened levels of sibling rivalry among adolescents. This correlation indicates a crucial link between family dynamics and the interpersonal relationships within sibling pairs. Additionally, the study shed light on the negative impact of sibling rivalry on the emotional well-being and social development of adolescents. These findings underscore the importance of addressing sibling rivalry within familial contexts to promote healthier relationships and overall well-being among adolescents. In conclusion, the study emphasizes the need for targeted interventions and strategies aimed at mitigating sibling rivalry and fostering positive sibling relationships. Recognizing the detrimental effects of parental favouritism and rivalry on adolescents’ emotional and social development, family-oriented interventions can play a pivotal role in promoting harmonious familial dynamics. By addressing underlying issues such as limited resources, unequal treatment, and communication barriers, families can create environments conducive to healthy sibling interactions and reduced rivalry. Based on the insights gleaned from this study, several recommendations emerge for future research and practical interventions. Firstly, there is a call for continued research into the nuanced factors contributing to sibling rivalry, including cultural influences, family dynamics, and individual characteristics. Longitudinal studies could offer deeper insights into the developmental trajectories of sibling relationships and rivalry over time. Additionally, intervention programs focusing on conflict resolution skills, open communication, and parental guidance are recommended to address and mitigate the adverse effects of sibling rivalry on adolescent well-being.




1.1 Background to the Study

Sibling rivalry has been a prevalent and complex issue in family dynamics across cultures and generations. It refers to the competition, jealousy, and conflict that can arise between siblings, often leading to strained relationships and negative emotional outcomes. While sibling relationships can be sources of support, companionship, and learning, they can also be sites of intense competition and animosity, particularly during adolescence. Understanding the causes of sibling rivalry and its impact on effective interaction among adolescents is crucial for promoting healthy family dynamics and emotional well-being among young people.

Research has shown that sibling relationships play a significant role in shaping children’s social and emotional development. The quality of these relationships can vary widely, from close bonds to intense rivalry (Mota & Matos, 2021). Factors such as parental involvement, parenting styles, and family communication patterns can influence the dynamics of sibling relationships and the occurrence of rivalry (Milevsky et al., 2021).

During adolescence, sibling rivalry can intensify due to various developmental and environmental factors. Adolescents experience significant changes in their identities, autonomy, and relationships, which can lead to conflicts with their siblings (Siddiqui & Ross, 2020). They may compete for parental attention, resources, and recognition, leading to jealousy and resentment within the sibling relationship (Sherman et al., 2020).

The causes of sibling rivalry are multifaceted and can include issues such as parental favouritism, perceived unfairness in resource allocation, and differences in personality or temperament (Sheehan, 2000). For example, a study by Milevsky et al. (2021) found that parental involvement in sibling conflicts and parenting styles significantly influenced the quality of sibling relationships and the occurrence of rivalry.

Psychological theories provide frameworks for understanding the dynamics of sibling relationships and rivalry. Attachment theory emphasizes the role of early relationships in shaping individuals’ attachment styles and their interactions with siblings (Raffaelli, 1992). Family systems theory highlights the interconnectedness of family members and how changes in one relationship can impact the entire family system (Nichols, 2020).

Parental involvement and parenting styles are crucial factors in managing sibling rivalry and promoting positive sibling interactions. Research by Milevsky et al. (2021) suggests that authoritative parenting, characterized by warmth, support, and clear boundaries, can reduce conflicts and rivalry among siblings. In contrast, authoritarian or neglectful parenting may contribute to heightened rivalry and emotional distress.

The impact of sibling rivalry on adolescents’ well-being can be significant. Long-standing conflicts or unresolved issues within sibling relationships can lead to feelings of insecurity, low self-esteem, and difficulties in forming healthy peer relationships (Siddiqui & Ross, 2020). Addressing these issues early through family therapy or counselling interventions can promote resilience and positive sibling interactions (Walsh, 2020).

Effective communication and conflict resolution skills within the family are essential for managing sibling rivalry. Open discussions about feelings, expectations, and concerns can help siblings understand each other better and reduce misunderstandings and conflicts (Savi Çakar & Kılınç, 2019). Teaching negotiation and problem-solving strategies can also empower adolescents to navigate conflicts constructively.

In conclusion, sibling rivalry is a complex phenomenon influenced by various factors such as parental involvement, parenting styles, and developmental changes during adolescence. Understanding its causes and impacts is crucial for promoting healthy family dynamics and emotional well-being among adolescents. By fostering positive parenting practices, teaching communication and conflict resolution skills, and addressing underlying issues through therapy or counselling, families can create a supportive environment that minimizes the negative effects of rivalry and enhances effective interaction among siblings. Recognizing the importance of sibling relationships and actively working to manage rivalry can contribute to positive developmental outcomes and emotional resilience in adolescents.

Statement of Problem

The study of sibling rivalry and its impact on effective interaction among adolescents is crucial for understanding family dynamics and promoting positive developmental outcomes. While there has been significant research on sibling relationships and rivalry, several gaps remain that need to be addressed.

One of the key gaps in the existing literature is the limited focus on cultural variations and their influence on sibling relationships and rivalry. Most research has been conducted in Western contexts, neglecting the diverse cultural backgrounds that shape family dynamics (Mota & Matos, 2021). Understanding how cultural factors influence the prevalence and manifestations of sibling rivalry is essential for developing culturally sensitive interventions and support strategies.

Another gap is the need for longitudinal studies that track the development of sibling relationships and rivalry over time. Many studies focus on specific age groups or time points, providing snapshots of behaviour without capturing the dynamic nature of sibling interactions (Milevsky et al., 2021). Longitudinal research can shed light on how sibling rivalry evolves across different developmental stages and its lasting effects into adulthood.

Additionally, there is a lack of research on the role of digital media and technology in shaping sibling relationships and rivalry. With the increasing use of social media and digital devices among adolescents, new forms of competition and conflict may emerge within sibling interactions (Aktaş, 2018). Exploring the influence of digital media on sibling dynamics can provide insights into modern challenges faced by families and adolescents.

Furthermore, while some studies have examined the impact of parental involvement and parenting styles on sibling relationships, more research is needed to understand the specific mechanisms through which these factors influence sibling rivalry (Milevsky et al., 2021). For example, investigating how parental mediation of conflicts or differential treatment of siblings contributes to rivalry can inform interventions aimed at improving family communication and cohesion.

Another gap relates to the intersectionality of sibling relationships with other familial and environmental factors. Factors such as socioeconomic status, family structure, and parental mental health can interact with sibling dynamics to influence the occurrence and intensity of rivalry (Conger et al., 2019). Considering these intersecting influences can provide a more comprehensive understanding of sibling rivalry and its implications for adolescent well-being.

Lastly, there is a need for research that explores the effectiveness of interventions and support strategies for managing sibling rivalry and promoting positive sibling interactions. While studies have identified risk factors and correlates of sibling rivalry, translating these findings into actionable strategies within family contexts is crucial (Siddiqui & Ross, 2020). Evaluating the impact of family therapy, parenting programs, or educational interventions on reducing sibling rivalry and enhancing family resilience can contribute to evidence-based practices in this area.

Overall, addressing these gaps in the literature will advance our understanding of sibling rivalry and its consequences for adolescent development. By filling these gaps, researchers and practitioners can develop more nuanced interventions and support systems that promote healthy sibling relationships and overall family well-being.

Research Questions

To guide this study, the following research questions are formulated:

  1. What are the primary causes of sibling rivalry among adolescents?
  2. How does sibling rivalry influence the quality of interaction among adolescent siblings?
  3. What strategies can be implemented to promote positive interaction and mitigate sibling rivalry among adolescents?

Purpose of the Study

The main objective of this study entails addressing the causes of sibling rivalry and its impact on effective interaction among adolescents. The specific objectives of this study include to:

  1. Investigate the primary causes of sibling rivalry among adolescents.
  2. Examine the impact of sibling rivalry on the quality of interaction among adolescent siblings.
  3. Identify and recommend strategies to promote positive interaction and reduce sibling rivalry among adolescents.

Research Hypotheses

Based on the research questions, the following hypotheses are formulated:

  1. There is no significant relationship between parental favouritism and sibling rivalry among adolescents.
  2. Sibling rivalry does not negatively impact the emotional well-being and social development of adolescents.
  3. Implementing conflict resolution strategies can not reduce the occurrence and intensity of sibling rivalry among adolescents.

Significance of the Study

his study aims to contribute significantly to our understanding of family dynamics and adolescent development by examining the factors that contribute to sibling rivalry and exploring its impact on effective interaction. The insights gained from this research are expected to be valuable for a wide range of stakeholders, including parents, educators, counsellors, and policymakers. By shedding light on the complexities of sibling relationships and rivalry, the findings of this study can inform the development of interventions and strategies aimed at fostering positive sibling relationships and enhancing adolescent well-being.

Sibling relationships are a fundamental aspect of family dynamics, playing a crucial role in shaping social and emotional development during adolescence. However, the presence of sibling rivalry can introduce challenges that affect not only the siblings involved but also the broader family unit. This study seeks to delve into the specific triggers and dynamics that underlie sibling rivalry, providing a nuanced understanding of how these factors influence effective interaction among adolescents.

By uncovering the root causes and mechanisms of sibling rivalry, this study aims to provide actionable insights for parents. Understanding the contexts or situations that exacerbate rivalry can empower parents with strategies to mitigate conflicts and promote harmonious relationships among their children. For instance, insights into how parental involvement, communication styles, or differential treatment contribute to sibling rivalry can guide parents in adopting more effective parenting practices that nurture positive sibling dynamics.

Educators also stand to benefit significantly from the findings of this study. Sibling rivalry can impact school environments, affecting academic performance, peer interactions, and overall well-being. By gaining a deeper understanding of the factors driving sibling rivalry, educators can implement support strategies within educational settings. This may include creating a supportive classroom environment that addresses the challenges faced by students experiencing sibling rivalry, thus promoting a conducive learning atmosphere.

Furthermore, counsellors and mental health professionals can leverage the findings to tailor interventions that address sibling rivalry and its emotional consequences. Sibling conflicts can contribute to heightened stress, anxiety, and emotional distress among adolescents. By identifying the underlying factors contributing to rivalry, counsellors can design therapeutic approaches that enhance conflict resolution skills, communication strategies, and emotional regulation techniques within sibling relationships.

From a policy perspective, the insights gleaned from this study can inform the development of family-focused interventions and programs aimed at supporting healthy sibling dynamics. Policymakers can use research-informed strategies to promote parental education, family counselling services, and community initiatives that foster positive sibling relationships. By recognizing the significance of sibling dynamics within the broader context of family well-being, policymakers can advocate for resources and support structures that prioritize healthy family interactions and emotional resilience among adolescents.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study focuses on sibling rivalry among adolescents aged 10 to 19 years within a specific cultural context. It considers factors such as parental favouritism, personality differences, age gaps, and family dynamics as potential contributors to sibling rivalry. The study does not delve into sibling relationships among children outside the specified age range or those influenced by severe familial dysfunction or abuse, as these may require specialized interventions beyond the scope of this research.


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