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  • Pages: 48
  • Chapter 1 to 5
  • With abstract reference and questionnaire
  • Preview abstract and chapter 1 below


An Appraisal of the Roles and Position of Confidential Secretaries in the Civil Service of Anambra State Problems and Strategies for Improvement


This study was on an appraisal of the roles and position of confidential secretaries in the civil service of Anambra state problems and strategies for improvement. Three objectives were raised which included:  To identify and analyze the challenges and problems encountered by confidential secretaries in the course of their duties, to evaluate the existing recognition programs and professional development initiatives available for confidential secretaries in Anambra State and to assess the technological infrastructure available to confidential secretaries within the Civil Services. A total of 77 responses were received and validated from the enrolled participants where all respondents were drawn from selected civil servants in Anambra state civil service. Hypothesis was tested using Chi-Square statistical tool (SPSS).


  Chapter one


Background of the study

An office cannot effectively function without secretary. A secretary is very important in every organization. Secretary is the pillar of every organization. The objectives of an organization can hardly be achieved if a secretary is not employed. The success or failure of any organization depends on the secretary. The impression the secretary creates influence the attitude of the public towards the organization. Every secretary must be able to handle office equipment such as typewriter, converting hand written materials into printed forms mail room equipment, dispatch and receive of mails telephone instrument for communication purposes and the computer, a powerful equipment which renders itself to various uses. All these activities and many others not described here from the duties attributable to confidential secretaries.

Therefore, before appraising the major roles confidential secretaries play in the civil service of Anambra State. Let us have a brief concept of which a secretary means. Confidential secretary has been defined in various ways.

A confidential secretary is an assistance to an executive possessing a mastery of the office, the person must demonstrate the ability to accept responsibility without direct supervision assigned direction.

A mere servant, his position is that he has to do what he is told and no person can assume he has any authority to represent anything at all.

The above definition was made when the education status of secretaries has not been enhanced and their duties not clearly identified. As time goes on the positive of confidential secretaries has started to experience what can be termed as modification is occasioned by technological development, which afforded advancement in secretarial field. Many scholars and association formulated a coherent definition of secretary. Homby (1942) in his dictionary identified a secretary as: An employee in an office who deals with correspondence, keeps records, make arrangement and appointment for a particular member of the staff and usually called private secretary.

The importance of a secretary and his work in any organisation cannot be overemphasized he is the gateway of every employer as he is the first person to be seen.

According to Unwin (1982) a secretary is an ambassador of an organization, more often. He is the first person whom customer or members of the general public come in contact. A secretary is also a person to speak than on the telephone, and first impressions are important, therefore, the secretary has the responsibility of representing the organization.

The national association of secretary in their view described secretary as: An assistant to an executive possessing mastering of office skill and ability to assume responsibility without being directed, supervision, who display initiative exercise judgment and makes decision within the scope of her authority.

Oguniye (1978) in his handwork of secretary duties identified secretary as: that individual who has been professionally prepared through series of educational expose coupled with practices to records correspondence, minutes, finance, personal materials related to the affairs of the organization for which is employed.

Finally, confidential secretaries are employed in various ministries constituting the evil service of Anambra State. They play significant roles but are faced with many problems, which will be identifier in the course of the research possibly solution or strategies would be suggested, aiming at ameliorating the problems, encountered by confidential secretaries

Statement of the problem

The roles and positions of confidential secretaries within the Civil Service of Anambra State are crucial for ensuring efficient administrative operations and maintaining the confidentiality of sensitive information. However, a critical examination of their current state reveals several pressing issues that impede the optimal performance of confidential secretaries.

Confidential secretaries often face a lack of recognition for their indispensable role in the civil service. Additionally, there is a deficiency in structured professional development programs tailored to enhance their skills, limiting their capacity to adapt to evolving administrative demands and technological advancements.

The civil service of Anambra State may be grappling with outdated technological infrastructure, hindering confidential secretaries’ ability to perform efficiently. Inadequate access to modern tools and technology may impede communication, document management, and overall workflow, compromising the effectiveness of these key personnel.

Confidential secretaries contend with heavy workloads and the constant demand for discretion in handling sensitive information. This may lead to increased stress levels and, in turn, negatively impact their well-being and performance. The absence of effective workload management strategies may exacerbate these challenges.

The communication channels within the Civil Service of Anambra State may exhibit deficiencies, affecting the coordination and collaboration essential for the roles of confidential secretaries. Communication gaps could impede the seamless flow of information, potentially resulting in delays, errors, or misunderstandings.

Objective of the study

  1. To identify and analyze the challenges and problems encountered by confidential secretaries in the course of their duties
  2. To evaluate the existing recognition programs and professional development initiatives available for confidential secretaries in Anambra State
  3. To assess the technological infrastructure available to confidential secretaries within the Civil Service

Research Hypotheses

The following research hypotheses are formulated

H1: There are no challenges and problems encountered by confidential secretaries in the course of their duties

H2: There is no existing recognition programs and professional development initiatives available for confidential secretaries in Anambra State

Significance of the study

This study holds significant importance due to its potential impact on various levels within the Civil Service of Anambra State and the broader administrative landscape. The following points outline the significance of the study:

The findings and recommendations of this study can contribute valuable insights to policymakers within the Civil Service of Anambra State. By understanding the challenges faced by confidential secretaries and proposing strategic interventions, the study aims to guide the development and enhancement of policies that support and optimize the roles of these key personnel.

Enhancing the roles and positions of confidential secretaries directly correlates with improving the overall administrative efficiency of the Civil Service. Addressing identified problems such as outdated technology, inadequate recognition, and communication gaps can lead to streamlined processes, reducing bottlenecks and enhancing the effectiveness of administrative functions.

Confidential secretaries play a pivotal role in the civil service, and their professional development is critical for adapting to evolving administrative demands. The study’s significance lies in its potential to advocate for and influence the implementation of recognition and training programs that contribute to the continuous improvement of the skills and competencies of confidential secretaries.

Addressing workload-related stressors and implementing effective workload management strategies can significantly contribute to the well-being and productivity of confidential secretaries. By recognizing and mitigating factors that contribute to stress, the study aims to create a conducive work environment that enhances employee satisfaction and overall productivity.

Scope of the study

The scope of the study covers an appraisal of the roles and position of confidential secretaries in the civil service of Anambra state problems and strategies for improvement. Study will be limited to civil servants in Anambra state

Limitation of the study

While this study aims to provide valuable insights into the roles and positions of confidential secretaries in the Civil Service of Anambra State, it is essential to acknowledge certain limitations that may impact the scope and generalizability of the findings. These limitations include:

  1. Regional Specificity:

The study is specifically focused on the Civil Service of Anambra State, which may limit the generalizability of the findings to other regions or administrative settings. Variations in organizational structures, policies, and practices in different regions could influence the applicability of the study’s recommendations beyond Anambra State.

  1. Time Constraints:

Time constraints may impact the depth and breadth of the study. Comprehensive investigations into all aspects of the roles and positions of confidential secretaries and the proposed improvement strategies may be constrained by the available research timeframe.

  1. Resource Constraints:

The availability of resources, including financial and human resources, may limit the extent of data collection and analysis. In-depth research, such as extensive surveys or interviews, may be constrained by budgetary limitations or a shortage of research personnel.

  1. Access to Information:

Limited access to certain confidential or sensitive information within the Civil Service may constrain the study. Some aspects of the roles and positions of confidential secretaries may be restricted due to the confidential nature of their work, potentially leading to incomplete insights.

Definition of terms

  1. Confidential Secretaries:

Confidential secretaries refer to administrative professionals within the Civil Service who play a pivotal role in handling sensitive information, managing communication, and providing crucial support to high-level officials. Their responsibilities often include document preparation, scheduling, and maintaining confidentiality in official matters.

  1. Civil Service:

The civil service is the body of government employees responsible for implementing public policies and services. It includes various administrative levels and functions, employing individuals in roles ranging from clerical positions to managerial and executive roles.

  1. Roles and Positions:

In the context of this study, roles and positions refer to the specific responsibilities and job titles held by confidential secretaries within the Civil Service. This encompasses a detailed examination of the tasks they perform, their hierarchical positions, and their contributions to the overall administrative structure.

  1. Recognition Programs:

Recognition programs involve formal initiatives within an organization that acknowledge and appreciate the contributions of employees. In the context of this study, recognition programs pertain to efforts aimed at acknowledging the significance of the work performed by confidential secretaries within the Civil Service.

  1. Professional Development:

Professional development refers to the continuous process of improving and enhancing one’s skills, knowledge, and competencies in a professional context. In the study, professional development relates to programs and activities designed to advance the capabilities of confidential secretaries in the Civil Service.

  1. Technological Infrastructure:

Technological infrastructure encompasses the hardware, software, networks, and other technology-related resources that support the operations of an organization. In this study, technological infrastructure refers to the tools and systems available to confidential secretaries for performing their duties within the Civil Service.


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