• Format: ms-word (doc)
  • Pages: 50
  • Chapter 1 to 5
  • With abstract reference and questionnaire
  • Preview abstract and chapter 1 below


Assessing the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Waiting List Management and Its Impact on Service Delivery Among Patients in Federal Medical Center Abeokuta (FMC)


This study was on Assessing the Efficiency and effectiveness of waiting list management and its impact on service delivery among patient in federal medical Center Abeokuta (FMC).. Three objectives were raised which included: To investigate the key factors affecting the efficiency of waiting list management, to assess the effectiveness of waiting list management by examining whether patients receive timely and appropriate care based on their medical needs and to examine the correlation between waiting list management practices and prolonged waiting times for healthcare services.. A total of 77 responses were received and validated from the enrolled participants where all respondents were drawn from federal medical Center Abeokuta (FMC). Hypothesis was tested using Chi-Square statistical tool (SPSS).


 Chapter One


Background of the study

Efficient and effective waiting list management is crucial in healthcare systems to ensure timely access to services and optimize patient outcomes (Smith et al., 2018). This study aims to assess the impact of waiting list management on service delivery among patients, evaluating both efficiency and effectiveness in the context of healthcare.

Examining waiting list efficiency involves analyzing the time patients spend on waiting lists and the processes contributing to delays. This assessment will consider factors such as appointment scheduling systems, prioritization mechanisms, and resource allocation (Jones & Brown, 2019). Effectiveness in waiting list management goes beyond time metrics. It includes evaluating whether patients receive appropriate care based on their medical needs and whether the system ensures fair access, minimizing disparities (Garcia et al., 2020). This assessment considers patient satisfaction, adherence to clinical guidelines, and equitable distribution of services. Efficient waiting list management positively correlates with improved service delivery by minimizing delays and optimizing resource utilization (Johnson et al., 2021). Conversely, poor management may lead to increased patient dissatisfaction and compromised health outcomes.

Several factors influence waiting list management, including healthcare policies, resource availability, technological infrastructure, and the complexity of patient needs (Smith & White, 2022). An in-depth analysis of these factors is necessary to understand their impact on the efficiency and effectiveness of waiting list management. Identifying successful strategies for improving waiting list management is essential. This may involve the implementation of advanced scheduling technologies, the development of clear prioritization criteria, and ongoing staff training to enhance overall system performance (Brown et al., 2017).

Assessing the efficiency and effectiveness of waiting list management is pivotal for optimizing service delivery in healthcare. By understanding the dynamics of waiting list processes and their impact on patient outcomes, healthcare organizations can implement targeted strategies to improve overall system performance

Statement of the problem

In the realm of healthcare, waiting list management is a critical aspect that directly influences the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery to patients. While efficient waiting list systems are essential for timely access to healthcare services, ineffective management can result in prolonged waiting times, patient dissatisfaction, and compromised health outcomes (Gupta et al., 2019; Evans et al., 2020). Despite its evident importance, there exists a gap in our understanding of the nuanced factors contributing to the efficiency and effectiveness of waiting list management and the subsequent impact on overall service delivery within healthcare organizations.

Patients frequently encounter extended waiting times for various healthcare services, leading to potential delays in diagnosis and treatment initiation (Mitchell et al., 2018). The allocation of resources, including personnel, facilities, and equipment, is a critical determinant of waiting list efficiency. Inefficient resource management may contribute to bottlenecks and increased waiting times (Gardner et al., 2021). Disparities in access to healthcare services may arise due to uneven waiting list management practices, potentially leading to inequitable distribution of resources and delayed care for certain patient populations (Cheng et al., 2022).

Prolonged waiting times and unclear communication regarding waiting list status can adversely impact patient satisfaction levels, affecting the overall patient experience within the healthcare system (Baker et al., 2019). Ineffective waiting list management may result in deviations from recommended clinical guidelines, compromising the quality and appropriateness of healthcare interventions (Harrison et al., 2020).

Objective of the study

  1. To investigate the key factors affecting the efficiency of waiting list management.
  2. To assess the effectiveness of waiting list management by examining whether patients receive timely and appropriate care based on their medical needs.
  3. To examine the correlation between waiting list management practices and prolonged waiting times for healthcare services.

Research Hypotheses

The following research hypotheses are formulated;

H1: There are no key factors affecting the efficiency of waiting list management.

H2: There is no effectiveness of waiting list management by examining whether patients receive timely and appropriate care based on their medical needs

Significance of the study

This study holds substantial significance within the healthcare domain as it addresses critical issues related to waiting list management and its impact on service delivery among patients. The importance of this research lies in several key areas:

By examining the efficiency and effectiveness of waiting list management, the study aims to contribute insights that can help healthcare organizations optimize their service delivery processes. Improving waiting list management practices can lead to more timely and appropriate care for patients, positively impacting health outcomes.

Understanding the factors influencing waiting list management allows for the identification of areas where patient experiences can be enhanced. Improved efficiency and effectiveness in managing waiting lists contribute to reduced waiting times, increased patient satisfaction, and a more positive perception of healthcare services.

The study’s focus on equity in access to healthcare services sheds light on potential disparities that may exist in waiting list management. Identifying and addressing these disparities is crucial for ensuring that all patient populations receive fair and timely access to necessary healthcare resources.

Insights gained from this research can inform healthcare policies and decision-making at both organizational and governmental levels. Policymakers can use the findings to implement evidence-based strategies that improve waiting list management, leading to more efficient and equitable healthcare systems.

Scope of the study

The scope of the study covers assessing the Efficiency and effectiveness of waiting list management and its impact on service delivery among patient. The study will be limited to federal medical Center Abeokuta (FMC)

Limitation of the study

While this study aims to provide valuable insights into waiting list management and its impact on service delivery among patients, it is important to acknowledge certain limitations that may influence the interpretation of results and generalizability of findings:

  1. Contextual Specificity: The study’s findings may be contextually specific to the healthcare settings under investigation. Factors such as healthcare infrastructure, policies, and cultural nuances could vary, limiting the generalizability of the results to other healthcare contexts.
  2. Temporal Factors: Healthcare practices and waiting list management strategies may evolve over time. The study’s findings are reflective of a specific time period, and changes in policies or practices after the study may not be captured.
  3. Data Collection Constraints: The study’s scope may be constrained by limitations in data availability and access. Certain aspects of waiting list management practices, particularly those related to internal policies of healthcare organizations, may not be fully accessible or disclosed.

Definition of terms

  1. Waiting List Management: Waiting list management refers to the systematic planning, organization, and oversight of individuals awaiting access to healthcare services. It encompasses processes related to scheduling, prioritization, and allocation of resources to minimize delays and optimize patient outcomes.
  2. Service Delivery: Service delivery in the context of this study pertains to the provision of healthcare services to patients, including diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up care. It involves the timely and effective execution of medical interventions to meet patient needs.
  3. Efficiency: Efficiency refers to the ability of the waiting list management system to allocate resources, schedule appointments, and process patients in a manner that minimizes delays and optimizes the use of available resources.
  4. Effectiveness: Effectiveness involves the degree to which waiting list management practices achieve their intended goals. In the context of this study, effectiveness is measured by the ability to provide timely, appropriate, and equitable healthcare services to patients.
  5. Equity in Access: Equity in access denotes the fair and unbiased distribution of healthcare services among diverse patient populations. It involves ensuring that individuals, irrespective of demographic or socioeconomic factors, have equal opportunities to access necessary medical care.
  6. Prolonged Waiting Times: Prolonged waiting times refer to the extended periods individuals spend on waiting lists before receiving healthcare services. This may include delays in scheduling appointments, diagnostic tests, or necessary medical procedures.


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