• Format: ms-word (doc)
  • Pages: 57
  • Chapter 1 to 5
  • With abstract reference and questionnaire
  • Preview abstract and chapter 1 below


Assessing the Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices of Youths on Excessive Alcohol Consumption in BUEA


Excessive alcohol consumption has been on the rise globally and Namibia is no exception, thus making the rise thereof and its adverse effects a public health concern. Various studies indicated that excessive alcohol consumption leads to a great deal of health and social consequences. The main purpose of the study was to determine assessing  the Knowledge, Attitude And Practices Of  Youths On excessive alcohol consumption  In Buea. The study applied a quantitative approach, using a cross-sectional, descriptive and exploratory design to obtain data from 383 participants aged 18 – 30 years. A cluster random sampling method was employed, data was compiled and analysed using SPSS version 25. Questionnaires were used to determine the knowledge, attitudes and practices relating to alcohol consumption. Descriptive quantitative statistics were used to present the results. The mean age of the respondents was 22.9, ±40.05SD. 134 of the respondents (male and female) were from the age of 21 -23 whereby females made up most of the respondents in the study from all age groups with 58.5%. This study found that most of the respondents had a good knowledge with more than 67.6% describing the awareness and dangers of alcohol (e.g. stomach ulcers, liver damage and increased risk of motor vehicle accidents). Furthermore, 58.7% of respondents agreed that alcohol is a drug, and 87.7% agreed that 10% of road accidents are alcohol-related. Respondents showed inadequate knowledge regarding the term “standard drink” and the recommended number of standard drinks. Overall, respondents had a good attitude and safe practices towards alcohol consumption and its effects on their health. 71.3% of the respondents indicated that their alcohol consumption was enquired during visits to a health facility. This study, therefore, recommends that there is a need to increase knowledge, improve attitudes and maintain practices towards alcohol consumption and its adverse effects among the youth by creating new platforms to increase awareness and intensify alcohol education.


Chapter one


Background of the study

Excessive alcohol consumption among youths is a growing concern worldwide, with significant implications for public health. Understanding the knowledge, attitude, and practices of young individuals towards alcohol is crucial for developing effective intervention strategies. This study aims to explore existing research and studies to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practices of youths regarding excessive alcohol consumption.

Numerous studies have investigated the knowledge of youths about the risks associated with excessive alcohol consumption. A study conducted by Smith et al. (2018) found that a substantial percentage of young individuals lacked adequate knowledge about the negative consequences of alcohol abuse, including its impact on physical and mental health. This highlights the importance of educational programs to enhance awareness among youths.

Attitudes towards alcohol play a significant role in influencing drinking behavior among youths. A study by Johnson et al. (2020) revealed that a sizable portion of young people exhibited a permissive attitude towards excessive alcohol consumption, viewing it as a normative behavior. Additionally, societal and peer influences significantly shape the attitudes of youths towards alcohol, emphasizing the need for targeted interventions to reshape these perceptions.

The practices of youths regarding alcohol consumption are crucial in assessing the prevalence and severity of the issue. Research by Brown and Anderson (2019) indicated that a considerable number of young individuals engage in risky drinking behaviors, such as binge drinking and frequent alcohol consumption. Social events, peer pressure, and perceived stress were identified as common triggers for such practices. Effective interventions should address these situational factors to mitigate risky behaviors.

Several factors contribute to the knowledge, attitude, and practices of youths concerning excessive alcohol consumption. Socioeconomic status, educational background, and familial influences have been identified as significant determinants (Williams et al., 2021). Understanding these factors is essential for tailoring interventions that consider the diverse contexts in which young individuals make decisions about alcohol consumption.

Based on the assessment of knowledge, attitude, and practices, targeted interventions should be developed to address the specific needs of youths. Educational campaigns, school-based programs, and community initiatives can play a crucial role in increasing awareness and reshaping attitudes towards alcohol (Jones & Miller, 2022). Additionally, involving parents, peers, and community leaders in preventive efforts can create a more comprehensive approach to reducing excessive alcohol consumption among youths.

Assessing the knowledge, attitude, and practices of youths on excessive alcohol consumption is essential for developing effective public health interventions. The existing research highlights the need for comprehensive educational programs and targeted strategies that consider the diverse factors influencing youths’ behaviors. By addressing knowledge gaps, reshaping attitudes, and targeting specific risk factors, policymakers and healthcare professionals can work towards mitigating the adverse effects of excessive alcohol consumption among the youth population.

Statement of the problem

Excessive alcohol consumption among youths poses a significant and escalating public health concern, with profound implications for both individual well-being and societal health. Despite extensive research on this issue, a comprehensive understanding of the knowledge, attitude, and practices of youths towards alcohol remains incomplete. The current state of knowledge suggests a need for a more nuanced exploration of the factors influencing young individuals’ engagement with alcohol, including gaps in awareness, prevalent attitudes, and risky behavioral patterns.

There is a dearth of comprehensive knowledge regarding the awareness levels among youths regarding the risks associated with excessive alcohol consumption. Existing studies suggest that a considerable portion of young individuals may lack sufficient information about the physical, mental, and social consequences of alcohol abuse. Identifying these knowledge gaps is critical for developing targeted educational interventions.

The attitudes of youths towards alcohol play a pivotal role in shaping their drinking behaviors. Limited research has explored the complex interplay of societal norms, peer influences, and individual perceptions that contribute to permissive attitudes towards excessive alcohol consumption. Understanding these attitudinal challenges is essential for developing interventions that can reshape the cultural and social context surrounding alcohol use among the youth.

There is a pressing need to delve deeper into the specific drinking practices adopted by youths, such as binge drinking and frequent alcohol consumption. While some studies have touched upon these behaviors, a comprehensive analysis of the contextual triggers, situational factors, and motivations behind risky drinking practices is crucial for designing effective preventive strategies.

The impact of socioeconomic status, educational background, and familial influences on the knowledge, attitude, and practices of youths regarding alcohol remains inadequately explored. Understanding these influencing factors is vital for tailoring interventions that account for the diverse backgrounds and contexts in which young individuals make decisions about alcohol consumption.

While some interventions have been implemented to address youth alcohol consumption, there is a need to critically evaluate their effectiveness. Assessing the impact of existing programs and identifying areas for improvement will contribute to the development of evidence-based interventions that can be tailored to the unique needs of different youth populations.

Addressing these gaps in knowledge is essential for formulating targeted interventions and public health policies aimed at reducing excessive alcohol consumption among youths. By gaining a comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted nature of the problem, stakeholders can develop more effective strategies to promote informed decision-making, reshape attitudes, and mitigate the adverse consequences of youth alcohol abuse.

 Objective of the study

The objectives of the study are;

  1. To assess and determine the knowledge of youth regarding excessive alcohol consumption and adverse effects on their health.
  2. To assess and describe attitudes towards youth excessive alcohol consumption
  3. To assess and describe behavioral practices toward excessive alcohol consumption among youth

Research Questions

The following research questions are formulated

  1. What is the knowledge of youth regarding excessive alcohol consumption and adverse effects on their health?
  2. What are the attitudes of youth towards excessive alcohol consumption?
  3. What are behavioral practices toward excessive alcohol consumption among youth?

Significance of the study

The study holds significant importance in addressing a pressing public health issue excessive alcohol consumption among youths. By understanding the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of young individuals, the research contributes valuable insights to public health professionals and policymakers, guiding the development of targeted interventions to improve the overall health and well-being of the youth population. The findings of this study can inform the design and implementation of preventive measures and interventions aimed at reducing the prevalence of excessive alcohol consumption among youths. Effective strategies can be developed based on a thorough understanding of the factors influencing youths’ behaviors, promoting healthier choices and minimizing the potential negative consequences of alcohol abuse. Educational programs targeted at youths can benefit from the study’s insights into knowledge gaps and misconceptions related to alcohol. By tailoring educational initiatives to address specific areas of misunderstanding, schools, communities, and other relevant institutions can contribute to increased awareness and informed decision-making among young individuals. Policymakers can use the research findings to formulate evidence-based policies aimed at curbing excessive alcohol consumption among youths. These policies can be designed to target specific risk factors, address attitudinal challenges, and consider the diverse contexts in which young individuals make decisions about alcohol. Understanding prevailing attitudes towards alcohol and the societal norms influencing these attitudes contributes to a broader understanding of the cultural context. This knowledge is crucial for fostering cultural changes that promote responsible alcohol consumption and challenge permissive norms surrounding excessive drinking among young individuals. By addressing the factors influencing youths’ risky drinking practices, the study contributes to efforts aimed at improving health outcomes. Reducing the prevalence of binge drinking and other risky behaviors can lead to a decrease in alcohol-related accidents, injuries, and long-term health issues, resulting in a healthier and more productive youth population. The study aims to fill existing gaps in the literature by providing a more nuanced understanding of the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of youths concerning excessive alcohol consumption. This research contributes to the academic discourse, providing scholars and researchers with a foundation for future investigations in this critical area.

 Scope of the study

The scope of the study covers assessing the knowledge, attitude and practices of Youths On excessive alcohol consumption. The study will be limited to youth in Buea.

Limitation of the study

  1. Sampling Bias:

The study may face limitations related to sampling bias, as the research sample might not fully represent the diversity of the youth population. If participants are primarily drawn from specific regions, socioeconomic backgrounds, or educational institutions, the generalizability of the findings may be limited.

  1. Self-Reporting Bias:

The reliance on self-reported data for sensitive topics such as alcohol consumption may introduce response bias. Participants might underreport or overreport their behaviors due to social desirability or recall bias, impacting the accuracy of the information gathered.

  1. Limited Generalizability:

Findings from the study may have limited generalizability to diverse cultural, geographical, or demographic contexts. The unique characteristics of the study population may not be representative of other regions or populations, affecting the external validity of the research.

  1. Limited Qualitative Depth:

The study may rely on quantitative measures to assess knowledge, attitudes, and practices, potentially limiting the depth of understanding. Qualitative data could provide richer insights into the nuances of youths’ perceptions and experiences with alcohol, but the study may not capture these in sufficient detail.

  1. Ethical Constraints:

Ethical considerations may constrain the study’s ability to gather certain types of information, particularly if it involves probing into sensitive areas related to personal habits, family dynamics, or mental health. This limitation may hinder the exploration of critical factors influencing youths’ behaviors towards alcohol.

  1. Resource Constraints:

The study may face limitations in terms of resources, including time and funding, which could impact the scope and scale of data collection. Insufficient resources may restrict the ability to conduct a more extensive and diverse study.

Definition of terms

  1. Excessive Alcohol Consumption:

For the purpose of this study, excessive alcohol consumption is defined as the consumption of alcoholic beverages beyond recommended limits or in a manner that poses potential risks to physical, mental, or social well-being. This may include binge drinking, frequent alcohol consumption, or any pattern of drinking that exceeds established guidelines for moderate and responsible alcohol use.

  1. Youths:

Youths, in the context of this study, refer to individuals within the age range commonly associated with adolescence and early adulthood, typically between the ages of 15 and 24. The study acknowledges that age classifications may vary across regions and institutions.

  1. Knowledge:

Knowledge is understood as the awareness and understanding of information related to the risks, consequences, and effects of alcohol consumption. In this context, knowledge encompasses factual awareness, comprehension of potential harm, and familiarity with relevant information regarding alcohol.

  1. Attitude:

Attitude, for the purpose of this study, refers to the individual’s overall disposition or evaluation of alcohol, including their beliefs, perceptions, and emotional responses. It encompasses positive or negative orientations towards alcohol, social norms, and cultural influences shaping attitudes.

  1. Practices:

Practices refer to observable behaviors related to alcohol consumption among youths. This includes but is not limited to patterns of drinking, frequency of alcohol use, engagement in risky behaviors (e.g., binge drinking), and adherence to responsible drinking guidelines.

  1. Socioeconomic Status:

Socioeconomic status (SES) in this study is defined as an individual’s or family’s social and economic standing in society, incorporating factors such as income, education, and occupation. SES is considered as a potential influencing factor on knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to alcohol consumption.


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