• Format: ms-word (doc)
  • Pages: 58
  • Chapter 1 to 5
  • With abstract reference and questionnaire
  • Preview abstract and chapter 1 below


Attitude of Students Towards the Study of Early Childhood Education in Federal College of Education (Technical) Umunze


This study was on attitude of students towards the study of early childhood education in federal college of education (technical) umunze.. Three objectives were raised which included:  To examine the factors that contribute to premarital sex among female students in secondary schools, to examine the effects of premarital sex on the academic performance of secondary school students and to determine the solutions to the factors that contribute to premarital sex among female students in secondary schools. A total of 77 responses were received and validated from the enrolled participants where all respondents were drawn from federal college of education (technical) umunze. Hypothesis was tested using Chi-Square statistical tool (SPSS).


 Chapter one


Background of the study

The attitude of students towards the study of Early Childhood Education (ECE) is a multifaceted aspect that involves a combination of personal beliefs, perceptions, and motivations. Several factors contribute to shaping students’ attitudes, and understanding these factors is crucial for enhancing the quality of ECE programs. This response will explore various dimensions of students’ attitudes towards the study of Early Childhood Education, supported by relevant citations.

Students’ attitudes towards the study of ECE can be influenced by their perceptions of the importance of early childhood education. Research by Pianta and Barnett (2003) highlights the significance of early learning experiences in shaping a child’s cognitive and socio-emotional development. Students who recognize the pivotal role of ECE in laying the foundation for future learning may exhibit a more positive attitude towards studying the subject.

The career aspirations of students can significantly impact their attitude towards ECE. Those aspiring to become educators or professionals working with young children may be more inclined to appreciate the relevance of studying ECE. According to Ingersoll and Strong (2011), individuals who view teaching as a long-term profession tend to approach their educational preparation with a more positive attitude

Experiential learning, particularly through practicum experiences, plays a crucial role in shaping students’ attitudes. A study by Whitebook et al. (2008) emphasizes the importance of hands-on experiences in ECE settings for developing a deep understanding of the field. Positive practicum experiences can foster a more positive attitude towards the practical aspects of working with young children.

The content and pedagogical approaches within the ECE curriculum can influence students’ attitudes. A study by Phillips and Muijs (2016) suggests that an engaging and well-structured curriculum, along with effective teaching methods, can contribute to a positive attitude towards the study of ECE. Conversely, a poorly designed curriculum may lead to disinterest among students.

Societal attitudes towards early childhood education can also impact students’ views. If ECE is widely recognized and valued in society, students may be more likely to appreciate the importance of studying it. Research by Bowman et al. (2001) emphasizes the need for societal recognition and support for ECE to attract and retain motivated individuals in the field.

Students’ attitudes towards the study of Early Childhood Education are shaped by a combination of factors, including perceived importance, career aspirations, experiential learning, curriculum quality, and societal perceptions. Understanding and addressing these factors can contribute to fostering a positive attitude among students, ultimately enhancing the effectiveness of ECE programs.

Statement of the problem

The field of Early Childhood Education (ECE) is of paramount importance in shaping the cognitive, emotional, and social development of young children. However, despite its significance, there exists a pressing concern regarding the attitudes of students towards the study of Early Childhood Education.

There is a noticeable lack of awareness among students regarding the critical role of Early Childhood Education in laying the foundation for lifelong learning. Many students may not fully grasp the importance of early learning experiences in shaping a child’s overall development.

A significant proportion of students may not view Early Childhood Education as a viable and rewarding career path. The lack of interest in pursuing a profession related to early childhood may contribute to a disinterest in studying the subject, hindering the development of a skilled and motivated workforce in this crucial field.

The quality and quantity of experiential learning opportunities, particularly through practicum experiences, may be insufficient. This lack of hands-on exposure to real-world ECE settings may hinder students’ ability to connect theoretical knowledge with practical application, impacting their overall attitude towards the study of ECE.

The existing Early Childhood Education curriculum may face challenges in terms of relevance, engagement, and alignment with the evolving needs of the field. A poorly designed or outdated curriculum can contribute to students’ disengagement and may not adequately prepare them for the complexities of working with young children.

Societal attitudes towards Early Childhood Education may not fully recognize and value the importance of this field. The lack of societal acknowledgment can impact students’ motivation to pursue ECE studies, as they may not perceive it as a respected and esteemed profession.

Objective of the study

  1. To evaluate the level of awareness among students regarding the importance and impact of Early Childhood Education on the holistic development of young children.
  2. To identify factors that may influence or hinder students in considering ECE as a viable and rewarding career path.
  3. To assess the quality and quantity of practical experiences, particularly through practicum placements, in ECE programs.

Research Hypotheses

H1: there is no level of awareness among students regarding the importance and impact of Early Childhood Education on the holistic development of young children

H2: there is no quality and quantity of practical experiences, particularly through practicum placements, in ECE programs

Significance of the study

The study on the attitudes of students towards the study of Early Childhood Education (ECE) holds immense importance due to its potential impact on various stakeholders and aspects of the educational landscape. The significance of this study can be outlined as follows:

The findings of the study can provide valuable insights for educational institutions to enhance the design and delivery of Early Childhood Education programs. Understanding students’ attitudes allows for the identification of areas in need of improvement and the development of strategies to create more engaging and effective curricula.

A positive attitude among students towards the study of ECE is crucial for cultivating a skilled and motivated workforce in this critical field. Addressing factors that may hinder career aspirations in ECE can contribute to the recruitment and retention of dedicated professionals, positively impacting the quality of early childhood care and education.

The study can shed light on the role of experiential learning, such as practicum experiences, in shaping students’ attitudes. Understanding the impact of hands-on experiences can guide institutions in optimizing practicum placements to better prepare students for the practical challenges of working with young children.

By exploring societal perceptions of Early Childhood Education, the study can contribute to raising awareness about the importance of this field. The results may inform advocacy efforts aimed at garnering increased societal recognition and support for ECE, influencing public opinion and policy decisions.

Scope of the study

The scope of the study covers attitude of students towards the study of early childhood education. The study will be limited to federal college of education (technical) umunze

Limitation of the study

While the research on the attitudes of students towards the study of Early Childhood Education (ECE) aims to provide valuable insights, it is important to acknowledge certain limitations that may impact the scope and generalizability of the findings:

  1. Sample Size and Demographics:

The study may be constrained by the size and demographics of the participant sample. A small or homogeneous sample may limit the generalizability of the findings to a broader population. Additionally, the cultural, socio-economic, or geographical diversity of the sample may influence the applicability of the results.

  1. Self-Reporting Bias:

The reliance on self-reporting through surveys or interviews introduces the potential for response bias. Participants may provide socially desirable responses or may not accurately represent their true attitudes towards the study of ECE, impacting the validity of the data.

  1. Cross-Sectional Nature of the Study:

The study’s cross-sectional design, focusing on attitudes at a specific point in time, may restrict the ability to infer causal relationships or observe changes in attitudes over an extended period. A longitudinal approach would provide a more comprehensive understanding of the dynamics influencing attitudes towards ECE.

Definition of terms

  1. Early Childhood Education (ECE):

Early Childhood Education refers to the formal and informal educational programs and practices designed to support the holistic development of children typically ranging from birth to eight years old. These programs encompass cognitive, social, emotional, and physical aspects of early learning.

  1. Attitude:

Attitude refers to an individual’s evaluative and emotional response, predisposition, or inclination towards a particular subject, object, person, or situation. In the context of this study, attitude refers to students’ perceptions and feelings regarding the study of Early Childhood Education.

  1. Experiential Learning:

Experiential learning involves the process of learning through direct engagement and active participation in real-world experiences. In the context of Early Childhood Education, experiential learning often includes practical training, fieldwork, and hands-on activities in educational settings.

  1. Practicum:

Practicum refers to a supervised and practical training component of an educational program, providing students with the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world settings. In the context of Early Childhood Education, practicum experiences involve working directly with young children under supervision.

  1. Curriculum:

Curriculum encompasses the planned and structured educational content, activities, and experiences designed to achieve specific learning outcomes. In the context of Early Childhood Education, the curriculum includes the subjects, methodologies, and pedagogical approaches used to educate young children.


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