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  • Chapter 1 to 5
  • With Abstract and References e.t.c
  • Chapter One Below


Availability and Utilization of School Facilities for Teaching Basic Science Among Junior Secondary Schools in Suleja, Niger State


In this quantitative survey research study, a structured questionnaire was designed and employed to gather data from a sample of 120 respondents. The research aimed to investigate the availability and utilization of school facilities for teaching basic science among junior secondary schools in Suleja Niger State. The study adopted a quantitative survey research design, enabling the collection of data from a wide-ranging sample to gain insights into the subject under investigation. Data collected from the respondents were analyzed using SPSS27, a powerful statistical analysis software. The primary statistical tool employed in this study was the t-test. The t-test was used to test three hypotheses related to the research questions, examining the significance of the relationships between facility availability, utilization, and the quality of basic science education. The findings of the study revealed significant insights into the relationship between the availability of school facilities and the quality of basic science education. Furthermore, the extent to which these facilities are being utilized was also found to have a substantial impact on student performance in the subject. The study identified challenges faced by schools in providing quality basic science education and proposed practical solutions. In conclusion, the results of this study indicated that the availability and utilization of school facilities play a crucial role in shaping the quality of basic science education in junior secondary schools in Suleja, Niger State. The research underlines the importance of addressing resource disparities and fostering an environment where teachers and students actively engage with available facilities. Based on these findings, the study recommends measures to enhance the quality of basic science education, including equitable resource allocation, the incorporation of modern teaching methods and technology, and the provision of adequate funding for schools.




Background to the Study

Education is a fundamental pillar of any society, as it plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of a nation. In this context, the availability and utilization of school facilities are critical factors that influence the quality of education provided to students (Adebayo & Adigun, 2018). In Nigeria, as in many other countries, junior secondary school education represents a crucial stage in a student’s academic journey. Basic science is a foundational subject in the curriculum, as it equips students with the essential knowledge and skills required for future scientific endeavours (Akpinar, 2021). Therefore, the availability and utilization of school facilities for teaching basic science at this level are of paramount importance.

Niger State, located in the heart of Nigeria, is home to a significant number of junior secondary schools (Akano, 2016). Suleja, one of the prominent towns in Niger State, is a bustling educational hub, hosting numerous schools. Despite the importance of basic science education, there are concerns regarding the state of school facilities in junior secondary schools in Suleja, particularly as they pertain to teaching basic science (Okobia, 2021). Inadequate or poorly maintained facilities can hinder effective teaching and learning, ultimately impacting the quality of education provided to students.

The availability of school facilities is a crucial aspect of education that directly affects the learning experience of students. In a study conducted by Adebayo and Adigun (2018), the impact of instructional aids on students’ academic performance in physics in secondary schools in Abuja, Nigeria, was examined. The findings of the study indicated that the availability and use of instructional aids had a significant positive effect on students’ academic performance. This highlights the importance of having adequate facilities, such as teaching aids and materials, to support the teaching of science subjects like physics.

Inadequate facilities can lead to overcrowded classrooms, a lack of essential teaching aids, and insufficient materials, all of which can hinder effective teaching and learning (Adegbite, 2022). When students do not have access to the necessary resources and materials, their understanding of basic science concepts may be compromised. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that schools are equipped with the facilities required for teaching basic science effectively.

Furthermore, the maintenance of existing facilities is another critical factor in ensuring the quality of education. Akano (2016) examined the status of human and material resources for teaching basic science in colleges of education in Niger State. The study found that the lack of maintenance of existing facilities, such as laboratories and equipment, posed significant challenges to effective science education. This underscores the need for not only having the necessary facilities but also ensuring their proper upkeep to provide students with an optimal learning environment.

It is evident from these studies that the availability of school facilities is essential for effective teaching and learning in basic science. The presence of instructional aids, well-maintained laboratories, and suitable classroom spaces can enhance the educational experience for students. However, the challenges faced by schools in providing these facilities need to be addressed to ensure the quality of basic science education (Chimombo, 2021).

This study seeks to delve into the availability and utilization of school facilities for teaching basic science among junior secondary schools in Suleja, Niger State, to assess the current state of these facilities. The study conducted by Okobia (2021) on the availability and teachers’ use of instructional materials and resources in the implementation of social studies in junior secondary schools in Edo State is relevant to this context. Okobia’s findings highlighted the importance of instructional materials in teaching various subjects. In the case of basic science, having access to the appropriate materials is crucial for the effective delivery of the curriculum.

Moreover, the utilization of available school facilities is a significant aspect that impacts the quality of education. The study conducted by Bandura (2019) on social cognitive theory emphasized the role of modelling in the exercise of leadership. In the context of basic science education, teachers serve as models for students. Their use and effective utilization of available facilities can significantly influence students’ learning experiences. When teachers make the best use of resources and create a conducive learning environment, it positively affects students’ understanding and performance.

Furthermore, teachers’ attitudes and competence in using ICT resources are crucial for the effective utilization of technology in education (Bamigboye et al., 2021). The study found that teachers’ competence and attitude towards ICT resources were important factors in enhancing the quality of education. In the context of basic science education, the integration of technology and digital resources can significantly improve the teaching and learning process.

One of the challenges in ensuring the availability and utilization of school facilities for basic science education is the issue of resource disparities among schools. Some schools may have more resources and better facilities than others, creating inequalities in access to quality education (Sims & Manz, 2020). Inequities in resource distribution can result in varying educational outcomes, with students in schools with limited facilities being at a disadvantage.

The availability and utilization of school facilities for basic science education are not only limited to physical infrastructure but also extend to the use of multimedia and technology (Neo & Neo, 2021). Innovative teaching approaches, such as problem-based learning with multimedia, can enhance the learning experience for students. The study conducted by Neo and Neo (2021) on using multimedia in a problem-based learning environment emphasizes the benefits of multimedia in education. Incorporating multimedia and technology in basic science classrooms can make complex concepts more accessible and engaging for students.

In summary, the availability and utilization of school facilities for teaching basic science are of paramount importance in junior secondary schools in Suleja, Niger State, and beyond. The research cited in this discussion underscores the critical role of facilities, instructional materials, maintenance, and teacher competence in shaping the quality of education in basic science. Addressing the challenges and disparities in resource distribution among schools is essential to ensure that all students have equal access to quality education. Moreover, embracing technology and multimedia resources can further enhance the teaching and learning experience in basic science education. A comprehensive investigation into the state of school facilities, as well as concerted efforts to address the challenges, is necessary to provide students with a solid foundation in basic science, ultimately shaping the future of the nation’s scientific endeavours and progress.

Statement of Problem

The statement of the problem is a critical component of any research study, as it outlines the specific issues or challenges that the research aims to address. In the context of this study, we are concerned with the availability and utilization of school facilities for teaching basic science among junior secondary schools in Suleja, Niger State, Nigeria.

Despite the recognized importance of basic science education at the junior secondary level, there are concerns regarding the state of school facilities in Suleja’s junior secondary schools. These concerns are supported by research, as evidenced in the study by Akano (2016), which highlights the challenges faced by colleges of education in Niger State in providing adequate facilities for teaching basic science.

Inadequate facilities, such as overcrowded classrooms, a lack of essential teaching aids, and poorly maintained laboratories, can hinder effective teaching and learning. This situation is consistent with findings from the study conducted by Adegbite (2022), which underscores the need for adequate resources in education.

Furthermore, there may be disparities in the distribution of resources among schools, creating inequalities in access to quality education, as indicated in the study by Sims and Manz (2020). This issue can have detrimental effects on students’ educational outcomes and opportunities.

To address these concerns and challenges, it is imperative to conduct a comprehensive investigation into the availability and utilization of school facilities for teaching basic science in junior secondary schools in Suleja, Niger State. This research seeks to identify the underlying issues, understand their implications, and recommend solutions to improve the quality of basic science education in the region.

Objectives of the Study

This study has three specific objectives:

  1. To assess the current availability of school facilities for teaching basic science in junior secondary schools in Suleja, Niger State.
  2. To examine the extent to which these facilities are being utilized for effective teaching of basic science.
  3. To identify the challenges and constraints faced by schools in providing quality basic science education and recommend possible solutions.

Research Questions

To achieve the stated objectives, this study addressed the following research questions:

  1. What is the current status of school facilities available for teaching basic science in junior secondary schools in Suleja, Niger State?
  2. To what extent are these facilities being utilized for the effective teaching of basic science?
  3. What challenges and constraints do schools encounter in providing quality basic science education, and what solutions can be proposed to address these issues?

 Research Hypotheses

The following research hypotheses were tested in this study:

Null Hypotheses(H0):

  1. There is no significant relationship between the availability of school facilities and the quality of basic science education in junior secondary schools in Suleja, Niger State.
  2. The level of utilization of available school facilities for teaching basic science does not significantly impact the performance of students in the subject.
  3. Addressing the challenges and constraints faced by schools in providing quality basic science education will not lead to an improvement in the quality of education in the subject.

Alternative Hypotheses(H1):

  1. There is a significant relationship between the availability of school facilities and the quality of basic science education in junior secondary schools in Suleja, Niger State.
  2. The level of utilization of available school facilities for teaching basic science significantly impacts the performance of students in the subject.
  3. Addressing the challenges and constraints faced by schools in providing quality basic science education will lead to an improvement in the quality of education in the subject.

Significance of the Study

This study holds significant importance for various stakeholders within the realm of education, benefiting a diverse range of groups:

The study’s outcomes offer invaluable insights for policymakers and government authorities. This data equips them to make well-informed decisions regarding resource allocation, infrastructure development, and educational policies. By addressing the issues identified, they can play a pivotal role in enhancing the quality of basic science education in junior secondary schools.

School administrators in Suleja, Niger State, stand to gain a comprehensive understanding of the specific challenges confronting their institutions about the availability and utilization of school facilities for teaching basic science. Armed with this knowledge, they can implement corrective measures and improvements aimed at creating a more conducive learning environment.

Educators responsible for teaching basic science will find this study’s recommendations to be of immense value. These recommendations serve as guiding principles for educators, allowing them to maximize the utility of available facilities, even under resource constraints. This, in turn, enhances the overall learning experience for their students, thereby improving the quality of education.

Ultimately, the study seeks to elevate the quality of basic science education, and it is the students who stand to benefit the most. With better access to improved facilities and resources, students experience a more enriching and effective learning environment. This, in turn, has the potential to enhance their academic performance, providing them with a strong foundation for future scientific pursuits.

Researchers and Academics: Academics and researchers in the field of education will find this study to be a valuable resource. It not only provides a comprehensive understanding of the issues surrounding educational infrastructure but also serves as a reference point for future research endeavours. By building upon the findings of this study, researchers and academics can further enrich the body of knowledge related to the impact of educational infrastructure on learning outcomes.

In summary, this study offers insights and recommendations that extend their benefits to a wide spectrum of stakeholders. From those in positions of power who can shape policy to educators who can enhance their teaching practices, and most importantly, to the students themselves who are the ultimate beneficiaries, the impact of this research is far-reaching and of great significance within the field of education.

Scope of the Study

This study focuses on junior secondary schools in Suleja, Niger State, Nigeria. It examines the availability and utilization of school facilities for teaching basic science. The study includes both public and private schools to provide a comprehensive overview of the situation in the region.

The study will not cover primary schools or senior secondary schools, as the research specifically targets the junior secondary level. The geographical scope is limited to Suleja, a town in Niger State, Nigeria, as it represents a significant educational hub in the state.

1.8 Operational Definition of Terms

Availability of School Facilities: This refers to the presence and accessibility of physical resources and infrastructure required for teaching basic science, including classrooms, laboratories, equipment, textbooks, and other relevant materials.

Utilization of School Facilities: This encompasses the effective use and application of available facilities in teaching basic science. It involves factors such as the frequency of use, maintenance, and the impact on the teaching and learning process.

Junior Secondary Schools: These are educational institutions in Nigeria that cater to students in the age range of 12 to 15, typically covering grades 7 to 9.

Basic Science Education: Basic science education pertains to the teaching and learning of fundamental scientific principles and concepts, which serve as the foundation for more advanced scientific studies.

Suleja, Niger State: Suleja is a town located in Niger State, Nigeria, and serves as the geographical focus of this study. It is known for its numerous educational institutions.

Quality of Education: Quality of education refers to the effectiveness of the educational process, which includes the infrastructure, teaching methods, curriculum, and overall learning experience provided to students.

Policy Makers and Government Authorities: This term refers to individuals and bodies responsible for formulating and implementing educational policies and regulations at the local, state, or national level in Nigeria.

School Administrators: School administrators include principals, headteachers, and other individuals responsible for the management and administration of junior secondary schools in Suleja, Niger State.



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