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  • Pages: 52
  • Chapter 1 to 5
  • With abstract reference and questionnaire
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Civil Servants and the Inconsistency of Government in Payment of Workers’ Monthly Salary in Anambra State


This study was on civil servants and the inconsistency of government in  payment of workers’ monthly salary in Anambra state. Four objectives were raised which included:     To identify the underlying factors contributing to the inconsistent payment of salaries to civil servants in Anambra State, to assess the direct and indirect effects of inconsistent salary payments on the financial well-being, job satisfaction, and overall morale of civil servants in Anambra State and to investigate the broader social and economic consequences of inconsistent salary payments, focusing on the potential ripple effects on families, local communities, and public services in Anambra State. A total of 77 responses were received and validated from the enrolled participants where all respondents were civil servants. Hypothesis was tested using Chi-Square statistical tool (SPSS). 



Chapter one


Background of the study

Civil servants play a crucial role in the functioning of any government, providing essential services to the public. One of the fundamental expectations of these dedicated professionals is the timely and consistent payment of their monthly salaries. However, across various countries, the issue of inconsistent payment has become a persistent challenge, raising concerns about the financial well-being and job satisfaction of civil servants.

The inconsistent payment of salaries can have severe consequences on the lives of civil servants. It disrupts their financial planning, leads to uncertainty, and can contribute to increased stress and dissatisfaction among government employees (Smith, 2018). According to a survey conducted by the International Labour Organization (ILO), delayed salaries adversely affect the overall well-being of civil servants, impacting their productivity and job performance (ILO, 2019).

Several factors contribute to the inconsistency in the payment of civil servants’ salaries. Economic downturns, budgetary constraints, and bureaucratic inefficiencies are common reasons cited for delayed payments (World Bank, 2020). Additionally, political instability and corruption can exacerbate the problem, diverting resources away from timely salary disbursements (Transparency International, 2021).

Governments typically have legal frameworks and employment contracts in place to ensure timely payment of civil servants. However, the enforcement of these regulations can vary. Weak regulatory mechanisms and a lack of accountability may result in non-compliance, leaving civil servants without a reliable financial support system (OECD, 2017).

The inconsistency in salary payments erodes public trust in government institutions. When civil servants face financial instability, it can lead to a perception of governmental incompetence and a lack of concern for the well-being of its workforce (World Economic Forum, 2022). This, in turn, can contribute to a negative cycle, as reduced trust makes it challenging to implement effective policies.

Examining specific cases highlights the global nature of the issue. In Nigeria, for instance, civil servants have faced recurring delays in salary payments due to economic challenges and bureaucratic bottlenecks (Vanguard, 2021). Similarly, in Greece, austerity measures implemented during the economic crisis led to irregular payment of public sector salaries (Eurofound, 2018).

The inconsistency in government payment of civil servants’ monthly salaries is a multifaceted issue with significant implications for both individuals and society as a whole. Addressing this challenge requires a holistic approach, encompassing improved fiscal management, strengthened legal frameworks, and enhanced transparency and accountability measures. Governments must prioritize the financial well-being of their civil servants to ensure a motivated and efficient public service workforce.

Statement of the problem

Anambra State, like many regions, grapples with a persistent and concerning issue – the inconsistency in the payment of monthly salaries to its civil servants. This problem, with multifaceted implications, significantly affects the financial stability, job satisfaction, and overall well-being of the dedicated workforce serving the state.

Civil servants in Anambra State frequently experience delays in the receipt of their monthly salaries. This inconsistency disrupts their financial planning, compromises their ability to meet basic needs, and contributes to a climate of uncertainty among employees.

The inconsistent payment of salaries in Anambra State poses a direct threat to the financial well-being of civil servants. It hinders their capacity to cover essential expenses such as housing, healthcare, and education, leading to increased stress and potential long-term financial strain.

The recurrent issue of inconsistent salary payments adversely affects the job satisfaction and motivation of civil servants. When employees are uncertain about their financial future, it can lead to reduced productivity, lower morale, and a decline in overall job satisfaction, ultimately impacting the quality of public services.

The inconsistency in salary payments creates a ripple effect in the broader community. Families of civil servants in Anambra State may face challenges in meeting their basic needs, leading to potential socio-economic implications, such as increased poverty rates and strained social services.

Identifying the root causes of inconsistent salary payments is crucial for addressing the issue effectively. Factors such as financial mismanagement, bureaucratic inefficiencies, and inadequate budgetary planning may contribute to the recurring problem, highlighting systemic challenges within the governance structure.

The inability to provide timely and consistent salary payments erodes the trust civil servants place in the government. This can lead to a breakdown in the employer-employee relationship, negatively impacting the perception of the state government’s commitment to the well-being of its workforce.

Inconsistent salary payments may also raise legal and ethical concerns, as governments are generally obligated to fulfill contractual agreements with their employees. An examination of the legal framework and adherence to ethical standards regarding salary disbursements is necessary to address these concerns.

Objective of the study

  1. To identify the underlying factors contributing to the inconsistent payment of salaries to civil servants in Anambra State.
  2. To assess the direct and indirect effects of inconsistent salary payments on the financial well-being, job satisfaction, and overall morale of civil servants in Anambra State.
  3. To investigate the broader social and economic consequences of inconsistent salary payments, focusing on the potential ripple effects on families, local communities, and public services in Anambra State.

Research Hypotheses

H1: there are no factors contributing to the inconsistent payment of salaries to civil servants in Anambra State

H2: there is no broader social and economic consequences of inconsistent salary payments, focusing on the potential ripple effects on families, local communities, and public services in Anambra State

Significance of the study

This study holds significant importance in contributing to the formulation of informed policy reforms. By identifying the root causes of inconsistent salary payments in Anambra State, policymakers can develop targeted strategies to enhance financial management practices, budgetary planning, and overall governance, leading to more reliable and timely salary disbursements.

Understanding the impact of inconsistent salary payments on civil servants allows for the development of interventions aimed at improving the financial stability and well-being of the workforce. Addressing these issues can enhance job satisfaction, reduce stress, and ultimately contribute to a more motivated and productive public service in Anambra State.

A reliable and content workforce is crucial for the effective delivery of public services. By resolving the issue of inconsistent salary payments, the study can indirectly contribute to the improvement of public services in Anambra State, ensuring that civil servants can focus on their duties without the distraction of financial uncertainties.

The study’s exploration of the social and economic consequences of inconsistent salary payments provides valuable insights into how these issues may impact local communities. Addressing these challenges can contribute to community development by stabilizing family finances, reducing poverty rates, and fostering economic growth within Anambra State.

The study’s examination of legal and ethical compliance related to salary disbursements can have broader implications for governance standards. Identifying any shortcomings in adherence to legal frameworks will highlight areas for improvement, fostering a culture of transparency and accountability in the management of public resources.

The study’s investigation into the impact of inconsistent salary payments on trust in government is crucial for fostering a positive relationship between the government and its workforce. By addressing the issues identified, the government of Anambra State can work towards rebuilding and strengthening trust, which is essential for effective governance and public administration.

This study contributes to the academic field by providing a detailed analysis of the specific case of inconsistent salary payments in Anambra State. It adds to the body of knowledge in public administration, governance, and human resource management, serving as a reference for future research and academic discussions on similar issues.

The evidence generated from this study can serve as a valuable resource for decision-makers in Anambra State. Policymakers can use the insights gained to make informed decisions and implement targeted interventions, ensuring that resources are allocated effectively to address the challenges identified in the payment of civil servants’ salaries.

Scope of the study

the scope of the study covers civil servants and the inconsistency of government in  payment of workers’ monthly salary in Anambra state. The study will be limited to civil servants in Anambra state

limitation of the study

  1. Availability and Reliability of Data: The accuracy and reliability of the study depend on the availability of relevant data. Limitations in data collection, such as incomplete records or data discrepancies, may impact the comprehensiveness of the analysis. Additionally, the study relies on the cooperation of government agencies and departments for access to relevant information.
  2. Temporal Constraints: The study’s findings are based on a specific timeframe, and changes in governance, economic conditions, or policies after the study period may not be reflected. The dynamic nature of governmental systems could result in shifts that are not captured within the study’s temporal boundaries.
  3. Inherent Bias and Subjectivity: The study involves interpretations and analyses that may be subject to inherent biases. Perceptions of civil servants, government officials, and other stakeholders may differ, influencing the study’s findings. Efforts to minimize bias, such as triangulation of data, will be employed, but complete elimination may be challenging.

Definition of terms

  1. Civil Servants: Civil servants refer to individuals employed by the government to perform administrative, managerial, or professional roles within the public sector. They work in various government departments and agencies, contributing to the implementation of government policies and the delivery of public services.
  2. Inconsistency in Salary Payments: Inconsistency in salary payments refers to the irregular or unpredictable disbursement of monthly wages to civil servants. It encompasses situations where salaries are not paid on time, vary in amounts, or are subject to frequent delays, disrupting the expected financial stability of government employees.
  3. Financial Well-being: Financial well-being is a holistic measure of an individual’s financial health, including their ability to meet basic needs, manage debt, save for the future, and navigate financial challenges without undue stress. In the context of civil servants, financial well-being reflects their overall financial stability.
  4. Job Satisfaction: Job satisfaction refers to the level of contentment, fulfillment, and positive feelings an individual experiences in their job. It is influenced by various factors, including salary, working conditions, opportunities for professional growth, and overall job-related experiences.
  5. Governance: Governance refers to the processes, structures, and systems through which public policies are formulated, implemented, and monitored. It encompasses the activities of government institutions, public officials, and other stakeholders involved in decision-making and the execution of policies.
  6. Transparency: Transparency is the extent to which government actions, decisions, and processes are open, accessible, and understandable to the public. A transparent governance system allows citizens and stakeholders to obtain information and participate in decision-making, promoting accountability and trust.


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