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  • Chapter 1 to 5
  • With Abstract, Questionnaire, Secondary Data and References e.t.c
  • Chapter One Below


Compensation Management and Employee Performance in Cadbury Nigeria Plc, Ondo State


In this quantitative survey research, a structured questionnaire was employed to investigate the relationship between compensation management and employee performance in Cadbury Nigeria Plc, Ondo State. A sample of 120 respondents from the organization provided valuable insights, and SPSS27 was utilized for data presentation and analysis. The study also employed the t-test to test the hypotheses. The findings of this study revealed several significant insights. First, it was observed that there is a positive correlation between effective compensation management and employee performance in Cadbury Nigeria Plc. Employees who perceived the compensation system as fair and just were more likely to perform at their best and expressed higher job satisfaction. Secondly, the study highlighted the importance of employee satisfaction with their compensation, as this was found to be directly linked to their overall job performance. Finally, the research identified that employees at Cadbury Nigeria Plc considered the regional socio-economic context in Ondo State when evaluating their compensation, with a significant proportion strongly agreeing that this context influenced their expectations. In conclusion, this study underscores the pivotal role of compensation management in enhancing employee performance, job satisfaction, and motivation in the context of Cadbury Nigeria Plc, Ondo State. The results provide valuable insights for organizations operating in diverse regions and highlight the need for tailored compensation practices that consider regional disparities. The study recommends that Cadbury Nigeria Plc regularly reviews and adjusts its compensation practices, maintains transparency, and adopts performance-based compensation to motivate employees and enhance job satisfaction. By implementing these suggestions, the organization can strengthen its competitive edge and foster a more engaged and productive workforce.




Background to the Study

Compensation management is a critical aspect of human resource management, involving the design and implementation of reward systems to recognize and motivate employees for their contributions to the organization (Abolo, 2021). Effective compensation management is particularly vital in the context of employee performance. Employee performance is a fundamental determinant of an organization’s success, influencing productivity, job satisfaction, and overall achievement of objectives (Craig et al., 2020). In the dynamic business environment of Ondo State, Cadbury Nigeria Plc, a prominent multinational company in the confectionery industry (Abolo, 2021), must navigate the intricacies of compensation management to optimize employee performance and maintain its competitive edge.

Employee performance is essential to an organization’s success, and it is influenced by various factors, with compensation being a significant one (Abolo, 2021). Compensation management practices play a pivotal role in employee motivation and satisfaction (Agusioma et al., 2019). Cadbury Nigeria Plc, being a prominent player in the confectionery industry, must prioritize employee performance to ensure the quality of its products and services, as well as its competitive advantage in the market (Abolo, 2021). Effective compensation management can act as a powerful tool to motivate and retain employees, ultimately enhancing their performance (Ajalie, 2017).

Cadbury Nigeria Plc’s operations in Ondo State, a region known for its unique socio-economic context, necessitate a keen understanding of the relationship between compensation management and employee performance (Agusioma et al., 2019). The specific context in which Cadbury operates in Ondo State can significantly impact the effectiveness of compensation management practices (Balogan & Omotoye, 2020). For this reason, Cadbury Nigeria Plc must tailor its compensation management strategies to the specific needs and expectations of employees in the Ondo State region (Irawati et al., 2019).

To gain a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between compensation management and employee performance in Cadbury Nigeria Plc, we must examine the compensation management practices employed by the organization (Balogan & Omotoye, 2020). Compensation practices include various elements such as salary structures, bonuses, benefits, and incentives, all of which have a direct impact on employee motivation and satisfaction (Chappelow, 2019). Cadbury must carefully consider how these compensation components align with the preferences and expectations of employees in Ondo State to optimize their performance (Irawati et al., 2019).

The satisfaction of employees with their compensation is a critical aspect of the relationship between compensation management and employee performance (Agusioma et al., 2019). Employee satisfaction with their compensation package is positively correlated with their overall job performance (Balogan & Omotoye, 2020). Therefore, Cadbury Nigeria Plc must pay close attention to employee feedback and perceptions of their compensation to ensure that it aligns with their expectations and motivates them to excel in their roles (Chappelow, 2019).

In the context of Cadbury Nigeria Plc’s operations in Ondo State, the impact of compensation management extends to employee retention (Balogan & Omotoye, 2020). Employee retention is the organization’s ability to keep its valuable talent over a specified period (Agusioma et al., 2019). A well-designed compensation system not only motivates employees but also contributes to their commitment to the organization. This, in turn, leads to a lower turnover rate, reducing recruitment and training costs for Cadbury Nigeria Plc (Irawati et al., 2019).

The socio-economic context of Ondo State further emphasizes the importance of compensation management for employee performance in Cadbury Nigeria Plc. Ondo State has its unique characteristics, and understanding the local dynamics is essential for the company’s long-term success (Balogan & Omotoye, 2020). Compensation management should take into account the cost of living, the local business environment, and cultural expectations to effectively motivate and retain employees in this specific region (Irawati et al., 2019).

Furthermore, studies have shown that employee performance has a direct impact on an organization’s financial performance (Craig et al., 2020). Therefore, Cadbury Nigeria Plc must consider how its compensation management practices can positively influence its financial outcomes (Giami & Iwo, 2021). By motivating employees to perform at their best, the company can increase productivity and, subsequently, its profitability (Sultana et al., 2012). In the highly competitive confectionery industry, every improvement in employee performance can translate into a significant advantage for Cadbury (Giami & Iwo, 2021).

To conclude, the relationship between compensation management and employee performance in Cadbury Nigeria Plc, Ondo State, is a complex and critical one. Effective compensation management practices can motivate employees, enhance their job satisfaction, and ultimately contribute to their retention, all of which are essential in maintaining the organization’s competitive edge. Cadbury must adapt its compensation strategies to the unique socio-economic context of Ondo State to ensure that its employees are both motivated and satisfied. In this way, Cadbury Nigeria Plc can continue to thrive in the highly competitive confectionery industry.

Statement of Problem

Compensation management is a pivotal element of human resource management, with the potential to significantly impact employee performance (Abolo, 2021). Cadbury Nigeria Plc, a major player in the confectionery industry, operates in diverse regions across Nigeria, including Ondo State. In this competitive environment, the organization’s success heavily relies on the performance of its employees (Giami & Iwo, 2021). Employee performance, a critical aspect of organizational achievement, is influenced by several factors, with compensation being a primary one. Compensation practices, such as salary structures, bonuses, benefits, and incentives, have a profound effect on employee motivation and job satisfaction (Chappelow, 2019).

The specific socio-economic context of Ondo State adds a layer of complexity to Cadbury’s compensation management. The region has its unique dynamics, including varying costs of living and cultural expectations (Balogan & Omotoye, 2020). These factors necessitate an in-depth examination of how Cadbury’s compensation management practices align with the needs and expectations of employees in Ondo State (Irawati et al., 2019). Consequently, Cadbury’s ability to adapt and optimize its compensation strategies within this distinctive context becomes vital for its long-term success.

One fundamental challenge that arises within this context is the alignment of Cadbury’s compensation management practices with the preferences and needs of employees in Ondo State. Compensation packages must resonate with local expectations to effectively motivate and satisfy the workforce (Balogan & Omotoye, 2020). As such, the question of whether Cadbury’s compensation practices are tailored to the unique environment of Ondo State is a significant concern.

Moreover, employee satisfaction with their compensation is closely linked to their overall job performance (Abolo, 2021). Employees who perceive their compensation as fair and satisfactory are more likely to perform at their best and remain committed to the organization (Agusioma et al., 2019). In the context of Cadbury Nigeria Plc’s operations in Ondo State, understanding the relationship between compensation satisfaction and job performance is essential.

The impact of compensation management extends beyond motivating employees and influencing job satisfaction; it also affects employee retention (Giami & Iwo, 2021). Employee retention is crucial for an organization’s stability and cost-effectiveness. Effective compensation management can contribute to employee commitment, ultimately reducing turnover rates (Agusioma et al., 2019). In a region like Ondo State, where the socio-economic context may influence employees’ decisions to stay with the organization, the role of compensation management in retention becomes even more critical (Irawati et al., 2019).

Overall, the statement of the problem revolves around the intricate relationship between compensation management and employee performance in Cadbury Nigeria Plc, Ondo State. It takes into account the organization’s operations in a region with its distinct socio-economic dynamics, exploring how compensation practices align with employee expectations and influence satisfaction, performance, and retention within this unique context. The investigation aims to provide insights that can enhance the long-term success of Cadbury Nigeria Plc in Ondo State’s dynamic business environment.

 Objectives of the Study

The objectives of this study, in past tense, are as follows:

  1. To examine the effect of compensation management practices on employee performance in Cadbury Nigeria Plc, Ondo State.
  2. To assess the relationship between employee satisfaction with their compensation and their overall job performance in Cadbury Nigeria Plc, Ondo State.
  3. To determine the extent to which compensation management impacts employee retention in Cadbury Nigeria Plc, Ondo State.

Research Questions

The research questions that guided this study are as follows:

  1. How do compensation management practices affect employee performance in Cadbury Nigeria Plc, Ondo State?
  2. What is the relationship between employee satisfaction with their compensation and their overall job performance in Cadbury Nigeria Plc, Ondo State?
  3. To what extent does compensation management impact employee retention in Cadbury Nigeria Plc, Ondo State?

Research Hypotheses

The following research hypotheses are formulated for this study:

Null Hypotheses(H0):

  1. There is no significant relationship between compensation management practices and employee performance in Cadbury Nigeria Plc, Ondo State.
  2. Employee satisfaction with their compensation is not positively correlated with their overall job performance in Cadbury Nigeria Plc, Ondo State.
  3. Compensation management does not significantly influence employee retention in Cadbury Nigeria Plc, Ondo State.

Alternative Hypotheses(H1)

There is a significant relationship between compensation management practices and employee performance in Cadbury Nigeria Plc, Ondo State.

Employee satisfaction with their compensation is positively correlated with their overall job performance in Cadbury Nigeria Plc, Ondo State.

Compensation management significantly influences employee retention in Cadbury Nigeria Plc, Ondo State.

Significance of the Study

The significance of this study on the relationship between compensation management and employee performance in Cadbury Nigeria Plc, Ondo State, is multifaceted and carries importance for various stakeholders.

For Cadbury Nigeria Plc, the findings of this study have practical implications. They can serve as a valuable guide to optimizing compensation management practices specifically tailored to the needs and expectations of employees in Ondo State. By doing so, Cadbury can anticipate increased employee motivation, job satisfaction, and retention, ultimately leading to improved employee performance, a critical factor in the competitive confectionery industry. Additionally, reduced turnover rates can result in cost savings associated with recruitment and training, contributing to the overall financial performance of the organization.

Human resource professionals can benefit significantly from the insights offered by this study. It provides valuable information about the intricate relationship between compensation management and employee performance within a distinct regional context. This knowledge can guide HR practitioners in developing and implementing more effective compensation strategies that consider the socio-economic nuances of different regions. Such tailored strategies can help organizations attract and retain top talent, a crucial aspect of the competitive labour market.

In academia, the study contributes to the existing body of knowledge on compensation management and employee performance, serving as a reference for future research in the field of human resource management. Researchers and scholars can build upon these findings to explore related topics or investigate compensation management in different regions with unique socio-economic dynamics.

Policymakers and government agencies can also benefit from the study’s findings. Understanding how compensation management influences employee performance can help shape labour policies and guidelines, ensuring that organizations provide fair and motivating compensation packages for their employees. This, in turn, can have positive implications for the overall workforce and the economy.

Individual employees can gain valuable insights from this study. By understanding how compensation management impacts their performance and job satisfaction, they can make more informed career decisions and negotiate better compensation packages. This knowledge empowers employees to advocate for fair and motivating compensation, contributing to their own well-being and job satisfaction.

In summary, the significance of this study extends to a wide range of stakeholders, encompassing the organization itself, human resource professionals, academia, policymakers, and individual employees. The findings offer practical guidance for organizations like Cadbury Nigeria Plc to optimize their compensation management practices, providing a competitive edge in talent attraction and retention. Additionally, the study contributes to the broader body of knowledge in the field of human resource management, guiding future research and informing labour policies and individual career choices.

Scope of the Study

The significance of this study on the relationship between compensation management and employee performance in Cadbury Nigeria Plc, Ondo State, is multifaceted and carries importance for various stakeholders.

For Cadbury Nigeria Plc, the findings of this study have practical implications. They can serve as a valuable guide to optimizing compensation management practices specifically tailored to the needs and expectations of employees in Ondo State. By doing so, Cadbury can anticipate increased employee motivation, job satisfaction, and retention, ultimately leading to improved employee performance, a critical factor in the competitive confectionery industry. Additionally, reduced turnover rates can result in cost savings associated with recruitment and training, contributing to the overall financial performance of the organization.

Human resource professionals can benefit significantly from the insights offered by this study. It provides valuable information about the intricate relationship between compensation management and employee performance within a distinct regional context. This knowledge can guide HR practitioners in developing and implementing more effective compensation strategies that consider the socio-economic nuances of different regions. Such tailored strategies can help organizations attract and retain top talent, a crucial aspect of the competitive labour market.

In academia, the study contributes to the existing body of knowledge on compensation management and employee performance, serving as a reference for future research in the field of human resource management. Researchers and scholars can build upon these findings to explore related topics or investigate compensation management in different regions with unique socio-economic dynamics.

Policymakers and government agencies can also benefit from the study’s findings. Understanding how compensation management influences employee performance can help shape labour policies and guidelines, ensuring that organizations provide fair and motivating compensation packages for their employees. This, in turn, can have positive implications for the overall workforce and the economy.

Individual employees can gain valuable insights from this study. By understanding how compensation management impacts their performance and job satisfaction, they can make more informed career decisions and negotiate better compensation packages. This knowledge empowers employees to advocate for fair and motivating compensation, contributing to their own well-being and job satisfaction.

In summary, the significance of this study extends to a wide range of stakeholders, encompassing the organization itself, human resource professionals, academia, policymakers, and individual employees. The findings offer practical guidance for organizations like Cadbury Nigeria Plc to optimize their compensation management practices, providing a competitive edge in talent attraction and retention. Additionally, the study contributes to the broader body of knowledge in the field of human resource management, guiding future research and informing labour policies and individual career choices.

 Operational Definition of Terms

To ensure clarity and consistency in understanding the key concepts used in this study, the following terms are defined operationally:

Compensation Management: The strategic planning, design, and administration of compensation systems, including salary structures, bonuses, benefits, and incentives, to motivate and retain employees.

Employee Performance: The measurable outcomes and achievements of employees within an organization, which may include job performance, productivity, and task completion.

Employee Satisfaction: The overall contentment and fulfilment experienced by employees in their roles, often influenced by various factors, including compensation.

Employee Retention: The ability of an organization to retain its employees over a specified period, often influenced by factors such as compensation and job satisfaction.

Cadbury Nigeria Plc: A multinational company in the confectionery industry, operating in Nigeria, and specifically within the geographical boundaries of Ondo State.

Compensation Practices: The specific strategies and methods employed by organizations to reward and motivate their employees, including salary structures, bonuses, and other incentives.

Ondo State: A state located in the southwestern region of Nigeria, where Cadbury Nigeria Plc operates and is the geographical focus of this study.



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