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  • Pages: 78
  • Chapter 1 to 5
  • With Abstract, Questionnaire and References e.t.c
  • Chapter One Below


Demotivation of Human Kinetics Students and the Consequences Towards Sports Participation Among Students of the University of Benin



This study investigates the demotivation trends among Human Kinetics students at the University of Benin using a quantitative survey research design. A structured questionnaire was administered to a sample of 120 respondents to gather data on various factors influencing demotivation and sports participation. The collected data were then analyzed using SPSS27, with statistical techniques such as t-tests employed to test the hypotheses posited. The findings revealed significant relationships between academic stress and demotivation, highlighting the impact of workload and lack of support on students’ motivation levels. Additionally, demotivated students were found to be less likely to actively participate in sports activities on campus. However, targeted intervention strategies were not found to have a negative influence on motivation and sports participation among Human Kinetics students. In conclusion, this study underscores the importance of addressing demotivation among Human Kinetics students to promote healthier and more active lifestyles on campus. By identifying key factors contributing to demotivation and their implications for sports engagement, this research contributes to the existing body of knowledge in the field of Human Kinetics education. Based on the findings, several recommendations are proposed to enhance motivation and sports participation among students, including the implementation of mentorship programs, flexible course structures, and recognition initiatives.




Background to the Study

Human Kinetics, an interdisciplinary field that encompasses the study of human movement, exercise, and sports, plays a crucial role in promoting a healthy and active lifestyle among individuals (Markland & Ingledew, 2021; Morris et al., 2021). The field provides valuable insights into understanding the mechanics of human motion, the physiological responses to exercise, and the psychological aspects of sports participation. At the University of Benin, this academic domain has been a focal point for nurturing knowledge and passion in these areas (Kiper, 2020; Şirin et al., 2020). However, amidst this scholarly environment, a concerning trend has surfaced – the demotivation of Human Kinetics students, raising questions about its potential ramifications, particularly in the context of sports participation among students.

The University of Benin, with its commitment to academic excellence and holistic development, has been a hub for fostering expertise in Human Kinetics (Acar & Gündüz, 2017; Altıntaş & Bayar Koruç, 2022). The institution recognizes the importance of this interdisciplinary field in shaping individuals who can contribute to society through promoting physical activity and well-being. The curriculum is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of human movement, exercise physiology, and the sociocultural aspects of sports. However, despite the university’s efforts to create an enriching academic environment, the demotivation of Human Kinetics students has become a cause for concern.

The demotivation observed among Human Kinetics students at the University of Benin may be influenced by various factors, such as academic stress and external pressures (Daley & O’Gara, 2018; Dalkıran & Aslan, 2022). Academic stress, including the demands of coursework and examinations, can have a significant impact on students’ motivation levels and overall well-being. This demotivation can manifest itself in decreased enthusiasm for academic pursuits, leading to potential consequences for the student’s academic performance and their engagement in sports activities.

The potential consequences of demotivation among Human Kinetics students extend beyond academic performance, with a direct impact on sports participation (Daniels & Lawton, 2021; Görgüt & Güllü, 2020). In a field that emphasizes the practical application of knowledge through physical activity and sports engagement, a lack of motivation can hinder students from actively participating in sports-related activities. This not only affects the students’ well-being but also poses a challenge to the broader sports culture within the university.

Addressing the demotivation of Human Kinetics students is crucial to fostering a vibrant sports culture within the University of Benin. Strategies need to be implemented to identify and mitigate the factors contributing to demotivation (Chandler, Cronin, & Vamplew,). This may involve creating a supportive academic environment, offering mentorship programs, and providing resources that enhance students’ motivation and engagement. Interventions should target both academic and extracurricular aspects, emphasizing the holistic development of Human Kinetics students.

Implementing targeted intervention strategies requires a deep understanding of the specific factors contributing to demotivation (Oyar et al., 2021; White & Duda, 2020). Academic institutions can research to explore the unique challenges faced by Human Kinetics students, considering elements such as workload, teaching methodologies, and the overall learning environment. By addressing these challenges, the university can create an atmosphere that fosters motivation and active participation in both academic and sports-related activities.

In essence, Human Kinetics, as an interdisciplinary field, is indispensable in promoting a healthy and active lifestyle among individuals, with the University of Benin serving as a hub for nurturing knowledge and passion in this domain. However, the demotivation observed among Human Kinetics students at the university poses a significant concern. This phenomenon raises questions about its potential consequences, particularly in the realm of sports participation among students. Addressing this issue requires a comprehensive approach, including targeted interventions and research to understand the underlying factors contributing to demotivation. By fostering a supportive academic environment, the University of Benin can empower Human Kinetics students to excel academically and actively contribute to a thriving sports culture within the institution.

Statement of Problem

The demotivation of Human Kinetics students at the University of Benin represents a pressing issue that requires a thorough examination to address existing gaps in understanding and intervention. Despite the institution’s commitment to academic excellence and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle through Human Kinetics education (Kiper, 2020), a significant gap exists in comprehending the multifaceted nature of demotivation within this specific academic domain. The current literature lacks a nuanced exploration of the diverse factors influencing demotivation among Human Kinetics students at the University of Benin (Acar & Gündüz, 2017). Consequently, there is a need to identify and analyze these factors comprehensively, including academic stressors, external pressures, and other context-specific challenges (Daley & O’Gara, 2018; Dalkıran & Aslan, 2022).

Furthermore, while the consequences of demotivation on academic performance have been acknowledged in general terms, a notable gap exists in understanding the specific repercussions within the Human Kinetics discipline (Daniels & Lawton, 2021). The intricate relationship between demotivation and sports participation among Human Kinetics students requires in-depth exploration, as the practical application of knowledge through physical activity is fundamental to the field (Chandler, Cronin, & Vamplew, 2022). A comprehensive understanding of these consequences is essential for developing targeted intervention strategies that address the unique challenges faced by Human Kinetics students at the University of Benin.

Additionally, there is a dearth of research on effective intervention strategies tailored to the specific needs of Human Kinetics students within the University of Benin context (Oyar et al., 2021; White & Duda, 2020). While general strategies may exist, the unique nature of Human Kinetics education demands specialized approaches. Thus, the current literature falls short in providing evidence-based recommendations for interventions that can successfully alleviate demotivation and promote a positive and thriving academic and sports culture within the Human Kinetics department at the University of Benin.

Research Questions

To guide the investigation, the following research questions were formulated:

  1. What are the primary factors contributing to the demotivation of Human Kinetics students at the University of Benin?
  2. How does demotivation impact sports participation among students?
  3. What strategies can be employed to mitigate the demotivation of Human Kinetics students and promote sports engagement within the university?

Research Hypotheses

The study tested the following hypotheses:

Null Hypotheses(H0):

  1. There is no significant relationship between academic stress and the demotivation of Human Kinetics students.
  2. Demotivated Human Kinetics students are more likely to actively participate in sports activities.
  3. Implementing targeted intervention strategies will negatively influence the motivation and sports participation of Human Kinetics students.

Alternative Hypotheses(H1):

  1. There is a significant relationship between academic stress and the demotivation of Human
  2. Kinetics students. H2: Demotivated Human Kinetics students are less likely to actively participate in sports activities.
  3. Implementing targeted intervention strategies will positively influence the motivation and sports participation of Human Kinetics students.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study was threefold:

  1. To explore the factors contributing to the demotivation of Human Kinetics students at the University of Benin.
  2. To assess the consequences of demotivation on sports participation among students.
  3. To propose strategies to mitigate the demotivation of Human Kinetics students and enhance sports engagement within the university.

Significance of the Study

Understanding and alleviating the demotivation experienced by Human Kinetics students at the University of Benin carries immense significance for various stakeholders. Firstly, this study contributes significantly to the academic community’s knowledge base by unravelling the complex interplay between motivation, academic achievement, and engagement in sports activities within the Human Kinetics discipline. Through a nuanced exploration of these dynamics, the research enhances the understanding of the intricate factors influencing students’ motivation and its cascading effects on both academic and extracurricular pursuits.

Secondly, the findings of this study offer valuable insights for university administrators and educators, equipping them with evidence-based knowledge to formulate and implement targeted interventions and support mechanisms. By identifying specific factors contributing to demotivation among Human Kinetics students, administrators can tailor interventions to address these challenges effectively. Educators, armed with a deeper understanding of the motivational dynamics, can refine teaching methodologies and provide personalized support, thereby fostering a more conducive learning environment for Human Kinetics students.

Lastly, the study’s broader implications extend to the development of a vibrant sports culture within the University of Benin, nurturing healthier and more active lifestyles among its student population. By comprehending the intricate relationship between demotivation and sports participation, the research offers a foundation for crafting strategies that not only rekindle motivation but also actively promote engagement in physical activities. This has potential implications for the overall well-being of students, fostering a campus culture that prioritizes the importance of a healthy and active lifestyle.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This research focused specifically on the demotivation of Human Kinetics students at the University of Benin. The investigation delved into the factors influencing demotivation and its consequences on sports participation. The study covered a defined timeframe and involved students from various academic levels within the Human Kinetics department. Findings and recommendations are intended to be applicable within the University of Benin context.

Limitations of the Study

While efforts were made to conduct a comprehensive study, certain limitations were acknowledged. These include potential biases in self-reported data, the influence of external factors not accounted for, and the generalizability of findings beyond the University of Benin.

Definition of Terms

For clarity and precision, the following terms were operationally defined:

Demotivation: The state of reduced enthusiasm, interest, or engagement among Human Kinetics students at the University of Benin, negatively impacting academic and sports-related activities.

Sports Participation: Active involvement in organized sports and physical activities within the university setting.

Academic Stress: Pressure and strain experienced by Human Kinetics students at the University of Benin due to academic demands, examinations, and related factors.

Intervention Strategies: Targeted measures, programs, or initiatives designed to address and alleviate the demotivation of Human Kinetics students, with a specific focus on enhancing sports participation.

University of Benin: The specific academic institution located in Nigeria, serving as the primary setting for the study.

Human Kinetics Department: Includes students enrolled in programs related to the study of human movement, exercise, and sports at the University of Benin.

Enthusiasm: Positive and energetic interest or excitement demonstrated by Human Kinetics students towards their academic studies and sports participation.

Well-being: Encompasses the overall health, happiness, and satisfaction of Human Kinetics students, influenced by their academic and sports engagement.



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