Design And Implementation Of A Computerized Banking System (A Case Study Of United Bank For Africa)
Abstract of Design And Implementation Of A Computerized Banking System
In this world of competitive resource application and technological development, the banks have been totally computerized.
This project work Design and Implementation of computerized banking system is concerned with the analysis and design of a computerized system aimed at supporting the whole banking operation provides an interface which enables the user or the customer to update his or her account, check balance and transfer fund as the need arises. It will also provide the basis for the implementation of computerized banking transactions.
A development which made most banks and other financial institutions more responsive to changes and imperative to adopt the latest art of technology is for the purpose of maintaining operational efficiency as a means of warding off competitive threat, and also to improve on the security measures, checkmate fraud and error, to increase the speed of transaction and improvement of customer’s convenience by reducing barriers to entry into payment systems.
At the end of all, the system proposed is better, calculates faster and is reliable. This enhances operations and level of commitment to customers.
Table of contents on Design And Implementation Of A Computerized Banking System
Title page
1.1 Background to the study
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 Objective of the study
1.4 Scope of the study
1.5 Significance of the study
1.6 Limitation of the study
1.7 Organizational Structure
1.8 Definition of Terms
2.1 The evolution of the computerized banking system
2.2 Registration and Security
2.3 Database Management System
2.4 Cash/Cheque Payment
2.5 Traditional Banking vs Computerized Banking System
2.6 Types of Services
2.7 Feasibility Consideration
2.8 The manual System
2.9 Input, Output and Analysis
2.10 Security features in Computerized Banking
2.11 Advantages of Computerized Banking System
2.12 Disadvantages of Computerized Banking System
2.13 The role of information Technology in Banking System
3.0 System Analysis
3.1 Database Specification
3.1.1 Key field and Database normalization
3.2 Entity relational table
3.3.1 Add customer table
3.3.2 Deposit table
3.3.3 Role permission table
3.3.4 Security log table
3.3.5 Add user table
3.3.6 Withdraw table
3.3.7 Customer Account table
3.3.8 User role table
3.4 Choice of Programming language
3.5 Algorithm
3.5.1 Creation of Account
3.5.2 Deletion of Account
3.5.3 Editing of Customer’s profile
3.5.4 Opening of new account
3.5.5 Closing of Account
3.5.6 Deposit
3.5.7 Withdraw
3.6 Flowchart
3.6.1 Program Flowchart
3.6.2 Procedure Chart
3.6.3 System Flowchart
4.1 Design Standard
4.1.2 Output Specification and Design
4.1.3 Input Specification and Design
4.2.1 Homepage
4.2.2 Login Page
4.2.3 Admin Page
4.2.4 Security log Page
4.2.5 Customer’s profile Page
4.2.6 Account balance Menu
4.2.7 Transfer fund Menu
4.2.8 Deposit Menu
4.2.9 Withdraw Menu
4.2.10 Creation of Account Menu
4.3 System Requirement
4.3.1 Hardware Requirement
4.3.2 Software Requirement
5.1 Summary
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendations
chapter one of Design And Implementation Of A Computerized Banking System
Banking has come a long way from the time of ledger cards and other manual filing systems. Most banks today are computerized to handle their daily voluminous tasks of information retrieval, storage, and processing. Irrespective of whether they are automated or not, banks by their natures are involved in all forms of Information Technology and Management on continuous basis (Molina, 2002).
Banks play their significant role in any economic system. They are financial intermediaries involved in transfers of funds within and outside the country. Banking sector is getting competitive everyday. Quantity, speed, efficiency and innovations are the main points on which quality programs are designed. All banks are engaged in same basic banking activities but it is the way of delivery of services that distinguishes one bank from the other. All banks worldwide are considering quality in the strategic management. Taking a proactive stance against privacy invasion could help stave off government intervention in passing legislation to create tighter controls over what can be done with an individual’s personal data. The development of computerized banking system, however, involves a substantial amount of work, which ranges from collecting sufficiently large number of data items.
Computerized banking system uses computer technology to relieve the consumer of the paper based and time consuming work. Computerized banks have started utilizing powerful computer networks resources for automating large numbers of daily transactions, which minimizes the time consuming manual paper work and giving access to different banking services to its clients instantly, on demand, at home or at work. With the help of computerized banking, one can have access to money and banking functions anytime and anywhere, even where there is internet access (Renom, 2005).
This technology has seen a tremendous increment in the usage, as more and more big national banks and various other banks in smaller regions, have started some form of computerized banking to provide conveniences to their customers and to themselves. According to (Wainer, 2000), the computerized banking mechanism is fast and secure compared to the traditional banking operations because of automation of the manual aspects of banking practice, which is time consuming.
United Bank for Africa was incorporated on February 23, 1961 and was the first of the International Banks operating in Nigeria at that time to be registered under Nigeria Law. However, the Bank has its antecedents in the British French bank which itself metamorphosed from Banque National Pour Le Commerce ET L Industries, BNCI, and Paris, established in 1932. UBA has 258 branches and cash offices and agencies in Nigeria’s major commercial center, state capital and the federal territory, including two offshore branches in New York and grand Cayman Island. UBA retains the unique status of being the only Nigerian Bank with a presence in the United States of America. The New York branch acts as one of UBA’s overseas correspondent banks. Others major correspondent banks are Bankers Trust (USA) and Banque Nationale de Paris (UK and France) a tradition of trail-brazing.
In 1963, UBA became the first bank to introduce Mobile Banking services in Nigeria. In 1986, UBA became the first to introduce a Cheque Guarantee Scheme known as UBACARD, a forerunner of Easy Card which has recently replaced the electronic payment card, UBA Val Card. Today the bank remains in the forefront in the application of technological innovations in banking. It is one of the largest agents of monogram International for award international money transfers. UBA Connect TM provides a window for online global banking. In 1998 UBA became the first Nigerian Bank to have its shares placed abroad through a global depositary Receipt (GDR) program. UBA thus has a more international and diversified shareholder base than any other Nigerian bank.
UBA Capital and Trust, one of UBA’s subsidiaries, handles specialized services including Asset Management , retirement and Pension, Executorships of wills, trust ship services etc. Nominee, custodial and share registration services are provided by UBA Securities services. An aggressive business promotion strategy has earned the bank an enviable position in the banking industry. Due to the competition in the banking sector, banks are mapping up the best strategy to meeting up the global challenges. UBA is one of the new generation banks in Nigeria that has one or two branches in each States of the Federation. From the studies carried out, their initial means of transactions was manual, to automated system then to computerized system which lacked some feature such as account to account transfer of different customers, instant messaging. This study focuses on total elimination of the manual means of transactions through the addition of more features in computerized system of banking. Effective adoption of computerized banking system, error rate, paper work, inefficiency, inconsistency which has been the features of manual means of transaction will drastically reduced or totally eliminated.
In banking industries today, queuing has become the order of the day, customers’ line up for hours waiting to withdraw or deposit money. This creates a lot of problem to customers as they waste their useful time in the banking hall. The management also wastes their time as they run around to find solution to their problems. Also it is observed that customers cannot withdraw, transfer, and check their balance any time they want as banks have their working hours. This is a big problem as needs can arise at any time and human beings will always like to have those needs solved. Also money deposited into accounts at times takes some hours to reflect in the persons account balance hence making banking operations slow and unhealthy for business growth.
The project has been planned to have the form of distributed architecture, with centralized storage database to improve on the speed and effectiveness, efficiency and conveniences in business transaction. The standards of security and data protective mechanism have been given a big choice for paper usage. The application takes care of different modules and their associated reports. The only online transactions the customer can do are cheque book requisition and fund transfer among his personal accounts. Provide administration to control and monitor various transactions. The study and subsequent design and implementation of this program will be of immense use to the organization, the administration and the customers in realizing the speed, efficiency, effectiveness and convenience. The program takes care of those factors that militate against the smooth running of the organization using the computerized system services. Better still scholars who intend to carry out subsequent research could have this as base from where improvement could be made.
The following are the major objectives of this work:
- To provide fast services, this reduces the queue in the banking hall.
- To provide an easy to operate system for the bank staff.
- To build a one time entry for customer details in the system.
- It requires minimum staff for easy operation.
- It reduces room for errors which might be caused by staff.
- To provide a minimum saving tie for customer and also staff.
- The system provides automatic calculation for accurate results.
- The system reduces the time normally spent trying to save data.
- A calculation like interest or rate is very fast and accurate under this system.
The software is designed specifically for banking operations. However, it can be used equally by government establishment, cooperate organization and individuals to efficiently pilot the affairs and its management.
The purpose of this project is to magnificently improve on the manual means of transaction in the banks which has lead to low output, customer’s dissatisfaction, inefficiency, inconsistency, error and poor storage data and information to computerized means of transaction system.
The study was mainly hampered by the lack of funding. Finances were critical to the study for the preparation of the research materials and for travelling to carry out interviews. However, alternative means were used such as gathering of articles and journals in order to counter the limited funds. The time that was available to carry out the research was also limited but the researcher was determined to make the best of the time available and speed up the research process while being thorough in order to make the research project a success.
Fig 1.7: The Organizational Structure
Administrator: He is the super user who can add customers into the banking system, and assigns corresponding username, password, account type and other details. He can also delete customer’s account and halt transactions. He can generate different reports and takes the system backup.
Algorithm: Set of steps for solving a particular problem
Analysis: Breaking a problem into successively manageable parts for individual study.
Attribute: A data item that characterizes an object
Customer: A person, who uses any or all of the services offered by the bank, can request for balance enquiry, transfer fund to another account in the same bank, request for change of basic information.
Data flow: Movement of data in a system from a point of origin to specific destination indicated by a line and arrow
Data Security: Protection of data from loss, disclosure, modification or destruction.
Design: Process of developing the technical and operational specification of a candidate system for implements.
File: Collection of related records organized for a particular purpose also called dataset.
Flow Chart: A graphical picture of the logical steps and sequence involved in a procedure or a program.
Form: A physical carrier of data of information
Gantt chart: A statistics system model used for scheduling portrays output performance against time.
Implementation: In system development-phase that focuses on user training, site preparation and file conversion for installing a candidate system.
Maintenance: Restoring to its original condition
Normalization: A process of replacing a given file with its logical equivalent the object is to derive simple files with no redundant elements.
Operation System: In database – machine based software that facilitates the availability of information or reports through the DBMS.
Password: Identity authenticators a key that allow access to a program system a procedure.
Record: A collection of aggregates or related items of a data treated as a unit.
Source Code: A procedure or format that allow enhancements on a software package.
System: A regular or orderly arrangements of components or parts in a connected and interrelated series or whole a group of components necessary to some operation.
System Design: Detailed concentration on the technical and other specification that will make the new system operational.
SDLC (System Development Life Cycle): A structural sequence of phases for implementing information system
System Testing: Testing the whole system by the user after major programs and subsystem has been tested.
Unit testing: Testing changes made in an existing or new programs.
Validation: Checking the quality of software in both simulated and live environments.
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