• Format: ms-word (doc)
  • Pages: 133
  • Chapter 1 to 5
  • With abstract reference and questionnaire
  • Preview abstract and chapter 1 below


Effect of Strategic Leadership on Organizational Innovation in Some Selected Small and Medium Enterprises in Benue State, Nigeria


The study investigated the influence of strategic leadership on organizational innovation within small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Benue State, Nigeria. A quantitative survey research design was adopted, utilizing a structured questionnaire administered to a sample of 120 respondents selected from various SMEs in the region. The questionnaire aimed to capture insights into the perceptions and experiences of SME leaders regarding strategic leadership practices and their impact on innovation. Data collected from the survey were analyzed using SPSS27, facilitating the presentation and statistical analysis of the findings. The study employed t-tests to rigorously test several hypotheses. These hypotheses explored the relationships between strategic leadership practices and organizational innovation, the effectiveness of specific leadership attributes in promoting innovation, challenges encountered by SMEs in implementing strategic leadership for innovation, and the outcomes of innovation efforts driven by strategic leadership. Findings from the study revealed significant positive relationships between strategic leadership practices and organizational innovation within the SMEs studied. Specific leadership attributes such as visionary leadership, risk-taking propensity, and effective communication were identified as critical factors in fostering an innovative culture and driving positive outcomes. However, challenges such as inadequate financial resources, resistance to change among employees, and skills deficits were recognized as barriers to the effective implementation of strategic leadership for innovation. In conclusion, based on the results obtained, it was evident that strategic leadership played a pivotal role in enhancing innovation capabilities and performance in SMEs. The study underscored the importance of adopting proactive leadership strategies tailored to the specific needs and challenges faced by SMEs in dynamic business environments. It also highlighted the potential for SMEs to achieve sustainable growth and competitive advantage through effective leadership practices that prioritize innovation. The study recommended several actionable strategies for SME leaders and policymakers. These included investing in leadership development programs focused on fostering innovative thinking and problem-solving skills among employees, enhancing financial support mechanisms for SMEs to facilitate innovation initiatives, and promoting a culture of openness to change and continuous improvement within organizational structures.




Background to the Study

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play a crucial role in the economic development of countries worldwide. In Nigeria, SMEs contribute significantly to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), employment generation, and poverty alleviation. Specifically, in Benue State, SMEs are vital for economic diversification and social stability. However, their ability to innovate and remain competitive is highly dependent on the quality of their leadership. According to Raimi and Towobola (2021), educational and entrepreneurial development through strategic leadership can significantly enhance the performance of SMEs. This insight underscores the critical role of leadership in driving innovation and competitiveness within the SME sector.

Strategic leadership is a key factor that drives organizational innovation, which involves translating ideas into valuable products or services that meet consumer needs. Effective strategic leaders possess the vision, creativity, and managerial skills necessary to navigate the complexities of the business environment, make informed decisions, and inspire their teams toward achieving innovative outcomes. As noted by Tidd (2021), innovation management is highly contextual, depending on the environment, organization, and overall performance. This implies that strategic leadership must be tailored to the unique challenges and opportunities within SMEs in Benue State.

The relationship between strategic leadership and organizational innovation is critical for SMEs in Benue State to thrive in an increasingly competitive market. Strategic leaders are expected to foster a culture of innovation, encourage risk-taking, and provide the necessary resources for innovative projects. As Salavou, Baltas, and Lioukas (2023) emphasize, the strategic orientation and competitive structure of an organization play significant roles in facilitating innovation. This perspective is particularly relevant for SMEs in Benue State, where strategic leadership can bridge the gap between existing capabilities and emerging market demands.

Despite the recognized importance of strategic leadership in fostering innovation, there is a lack of empirical research focusing on this relationship within the context of SMEs in Benue State. This study seeks to fill this gap by examining how strategic leadership impacts organizational innovation in selected SMEs in the region. Understanding this relationship can provide insights into how SMEs can leverage strategic leadership to enhance their innovative capabilities and achieve sustainable growth. According to Mitchelmore and Rowley (2020), entrepreneurial competencies are crucial for driving innovation and achieving business success. This highlights the need for strategic leaders in Benue State to develop and apply these competencies effectively.

One of the key challenges faced by SMEs in Benue State is the ability to balance day-to-day operational demands with the need for strategic innovation. Strategic leaders must, therefore, be adept at managing resources, identifying opportunities for innovation, and fostering an organizational culture that supports continuous improvement. As Schumpeter (2020) points out, the entrepreneurial spirit is essential for economic development and innovation. This underscores the importance of strategic leadership in cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset within SMEs.

Moreover, the dynamic nature of the business environment in Benue State requires strategic leaders to be flexible and adaptive. They must be able to respond to changes in market conditions, technological advancements, and competitive pressures. Verhees and Meulenberg (2022) argue that market orientation and innovativeness are key drivers of product innovation and performance in small firms. This suggests that strategic leaders in Benue State must prioritize market research and customer feedback to guide their innovation strategies.

Additionally, the role of strategic leadership in fostering collaboration and networking cannot be overstated. By building strong relationships with other businesses, government agencies, and research institutions, SMEs can access new ideas, technologies, and resources that can drive innovation. As Wernerfelt (2020) discusses, the resource-based view of the firm highlights the importance of leveraging internal and external resources to achieve competitive advantage. Strategic leaders in Benue State must therefore be proactive in seeking out and exploiting these opportunities.

Furthermore, effective strategic leadership involves setting clear goals and objectives for innovation, as well as establishing mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating progress. O’Brien (2023) highlights the importance of aligning capital structure with innovation strategies to support sustainable growth. This suggests that strategic leaders in Benue State need to develop robust financial management practices that enable them to invest in innovative projects and manage risks effectively.

In addition to financial management, strategic leaders must also focus on human resource management to drive innovation. By attracting, retaining, and developing talented employees, SMEs can build a strong foundation for innovation. According to Wiklund and Shepherd (2021), entrepreneurial orientation and small business performance are closely linked to the capabilities and motivations of the workforce. Strategic leaders in Benue State must therefore prioritize employee development and engagement to foster a culture of innovation.

Moreover, strategic leaders must be able to navigate the regulatory and policy environment in Benue State to support innovation. This involves understanding the legal and regulatory frameworks that govern business operations and advocating for policies that promote entrepreneurship and innovation. Oke, Walumbwa, and Myers (2022) emphasize the role of environmental uncertainty in shaping innovation strategies. This highlights the need for strategic leaders in Benue State to stay informed about policy changes and engage with policymakers to create a conducive environment for innovation.

Another important aspect of strategic leadership is the ability to leverage technology to drive innovation. By adopting new technologies and integrating them into business processes, SMEs can improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance the quality of their products and services. Sharma (2022) notes that technological innovations can significantly enhance customer experience and drive business growth. Strategic leaders in Benue State must therefore be proactive in exploring and implementing new technologies that can support their innovation goals.

Furthermore, strategic leaders must also be adept at managing change and overcoming resistance to innovation within their organizations. This involves communicating the benefits of innovation to all stakeholders, providing training and support to employees, and addressing any concerns or barriers to change. Majid (2023) highlights the importance of an innovation culture in driving organizational performance. This suggests that strategic leaders in Benue State need to create an environment where innovation is valued and encouraged at all levels of the organization.

Finally, the success of strategic leadership in driving innovation also depends on the ability to measure and evaluate the outcomes of innovation efforts. By establishing key performance indicators (KPIs) and regularly reviewing progress, strategic leaders can ensure that their innovation strategies are delivering the desired results. McKeown (2022) emphasizes the importance of accurate measurement and evaluation in managing innovation. This highlights the need for strategic leaders in Benue State to implement robust monitoring and evaluation systems to track the impact of their innovation initiatives.

Statement of Problem

Despite the recognized importance of strategic leadership in fostering innovation within Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), there is a significant gap in empirical research focusing on this relationship, particularly within the context of SMEs in Benue State, Nigeria. While numerous studies have examined various aspects of SMEs and their contributions to economic development, the specific role of strategic leadership in driving organizational innovation within this region remains underexplored. This lack of focused research presents a critical gap that needs to be addressed to enhance the innovative capabilities and overall performance of SMEs in Benue State.

One of the primary gaps in existing research is the limited understanding of how strategic leadership practices can be tailored to the unique challenges and opportunities faced by SMEs in Benue State. As noted by Majid (2023), innovation culture significantly influences organizational performance, yet there is insufficient data on how strategic leaders in Benue State can effectively cultivate such a culture within their firms. This gap in knowledge makes it difficult for SMEs to implement best practices in strategic leadership that are specifically suited to their local context.

Moreover, existing studies often focus on larger organizations or SMEs in more developed regions, overlooking the distinct socio-economic and cultural dynamics of Benue State. For instance, Schumpeter (2020) highlights the importance of entrepreneurship in driving economic development, but the application of his theories to the SME sector in Benue State requires further investigation. This contextual gap means that strategies proven effective in other regions may not necessarily yield the same results in Benue State due to different market conditions, regulatory environments, and cultural factors.

Another significant gap is the lack of comprehensive frameworks that integrate strategic leadership and innovation within SMEs. While some research, such as that by Wernerfelt (2020), discusses the resource-based view of the firm and its implications for competitive advantage, there is a need for more detailed studies that link these theories specifically to strategic leadership and innovation in SMEs. Without such frameworks, SMEs in Benue State may struggle to develop coherent strategies that align leadership practices with innovation goals.

Additionally, there is a paucity of empirical data on the specific challenges and barriers that SMEs in Benue State face in implementing strategic leadership for innovation. Studies by Salavou, Baltas, and Lioukas (2023) suggest that strategic orientation and competitive structure are critical for organizational innovation, yet the unique obstacles encountered by SMEs in Benue State—such as limited access to finance, inadequate infrastructure, and a lack of skilled labour—are not adequately addressed in the literature. This gap hinders the development of targeted interventions that could help SMEs overcome these challenges and foster innovation more effectively.

Furthermore, the existing research often lacks a longitudinal perspective, focusing instead on short-term outcomes of strategic leadership and innovation initiatives. As Tidd (2021) points out, the long-term sustainability of innovation efforts is crucial for maintaining competitive advantage. However, there is a need for longitudinal studies that track the impact of strategic leadership on innovation over time within the SME sector in Benue State. Such studies would provide deeper insights into the enduring effects of leadership practices and help identify factors that contribute to sustained innovation and growth.

Objectives of the Study

The primary objective of this study was to examine the effect of strategic leadership on organizational innovation in selected SMEs in Benue State, Nigeria. The specific objectives were:

  1. To determine the extent to which strategic leadership practices influenced the innovation processes within selected SMEs in Benue State.
  2. To identify the specific strategic leadership attributes that were most effective in promoting organizational innovation in these SMEs.
  3. To assess the challenges faced by SMEs in Benue State in implementing strategic leadership for innovation.
  4. To evaluate the outcomes of organizational innovation driven by strategic leadership in these SMEs.

Research Questions

To achieve the objectives of the study, the following research questions were formulated:

  1. To what extent did strategic leadership practices influence the innovation processes within selected SMEs in Benue State?
  2. Which strategic leadership attributes were most effective in promoting organizational innovation in these SMEs?
  3. What challenges did SMEs in Benue State face in implementing strategic leadership for innovation?
  4. What were the outcomes of organizational innovation driven by strategic leadership in these SMEs?

Research Hypotheses

Based on the research questions, the following hypotheses were tested:

  1. H₁: There was a significant positive relationship between strategic leadership practices and organizational innovation in selected SMEs in Benue State.
  2. H₂: Specific strategic leadership attributes had a more pronounced effect on promoting organizational innovation in these SMEs.
  3. H₃: SMEs in Benue State faced significant challenges in implementing strategic leadership for innovation.
  4. H₄: Organizational innovation driven by strategic leadership resulted in positive outcomes for the selected SMEs.

Significance of the Study

The significance of this study on the effect of strategic leadership on organizational innovation in selected SMEs in Benue State, Nigeria, is multifaceted, addressing crucial gaps in both academic research and practical applications within the SME sector. This study is particularly relevant given the pivotal role that SMEs play in the economic development of Nigeria, contributing significantly to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), employment generation, and poverty alleviation. By focusing on SMEs in Benue State, this study not only contributes to regional economic development but also offers insights that could be applied to similar contexts in other developing regions.

Firstly, this study provides valuable empirical data that enriches the academic literature on strategic leadership and organizational innovation. The relationship between these two variables is well-established in larger organizations and more developed regions, but there is a paucity of research specifically examining this dynamic within the context of SMEs in Benue State. By filling this gap, the study enhances the understanding of how strategic leadership can be effectively leveraged to drive innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises operating in similar socio-economic environments.

Secondly, the findings of this study have practical implications for SME owners and managers in Benue State. Understanding the impact of strategic leadership on innovation can help these businesses adopt more effective leadership practices that foster a culture of innovation. This is crucial for their survival and growth in an increasingly competitive market. The insights gained from this research can guide SME leaders in making informed decisions about leadership styles, management practices, and innovation strategies that align with their organizational goals and market demands.

Furthermore, this study has policy implications that are beneficial for government agencies and policymakers. By highlighting the importance of strategic leadership in driving innovation within SMEs, the study can inform the development of targeted policies and support programs that encourage and facilitate leadership development and innovation in the SME sector. Such policies could include leadership training programs, innovation grants, and other forms of support that help SMEs overcome barriers to innovation and enhance their competitive edge.

The study also has broader economic implications. By promoting innovation within SMEs through strategic leadership, there can be a significant positive impact on the overall economic health of Benue State. Innovative SMEs are more likely to grow, create jobs, and contribute to economic diversification. This, in turn, can lead to increased economic stability and prosperity for the region, reducing dependency on larger corporations and fostering a more resilient local economy.

Additionally, the study’s focus on Benue State provides a regional perspective that is often missing in broader national or international studies. This localized approach allows for a deeper understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities faced by SMEs in this specific context. The findings can therefore be more directly applicable and beneficial to the local business community, providing them with actionable insights tailored to their specific needs and circumstances.

Scope of the Study

The study focused on selected SMEs in Benue State, Nigeria, exploring the impact of strategic leadership on their organizational innovation. The research covered a specific period, examining strategic leadership practices and innovation outcomes within a defined timeframe. The SMEs selected for the study represented various industries, including manufacturing, services, and agriculture, to provide a comprehensive understanding of the relationship across different sectors. Data were collected through surveys and interviews with SME owners, managers, and employees to gain insights into their strategic leadership practices and innovation processes.

Operational Definition of Terms

For the purpose of this study, the following terms were defined operationally:

  1. Strategic Leadership: The ability of leaders to influence and guide their organizations towards achieving long-term goals and objectives through visionary thinking, strategic decision-making, and effective management of resources.
  2. Organizational Innovation: The process of developing and implementing new ideas, products, services, or processes that create value and improve the competitive position of an organization.
  3. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs): Businesses that maintain revenues, assets, or a number of employees below a certain threshold, which varies by industry and country. In the context of this study, SMEs in Benue State are defined according to the criteria set by Nigerian regulatory authorities.
  4. Leadership Attributes: The specific characteristics, qualities, and behaviors exhibited by leaders that influence their effectiveness in guiding and motivating their teams towards achieving organizational goals.
  5. Innovation Processes: The series of activities and steps involved in generating, developing, and implementing new ideas, products, or services within an organization.
  6. Competitive Edge: The advantage that an organization has over its competitors, which enables it to generate greater sales, retain more customers, or achieve superior profitability.
  7. Managerial Expertise: The knowledge, skills, and abilities possessed by managers that enable them to effectively plan, organize, lead, and control organizational resources and activities.
  8. Economic Diversification: The process of expanding the range of economic activities and industries within a region or country to reduce dependence on a single sector and promote sustainable economic growth.


  • Wernerfelt, B. (2020). A resource-based view of the firm. Strategic Management Journal, 5(2), 171-180.
  • Wiklund, J., & Shepherd, D. (2021). Entrepreneurial orientation and small business performance: A configurational approach. Journal of Business Venturing, 20(1), 71-91.
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  • Yin, R. K. (2018). Case Study Research and Applications: Designs and Methods (6th ed.). Sage Publications.
  • Zikmund, W. G. (2020). Business research methods (6th ed.). Dryden Press.


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