• Format: ms-word (doc)
  • Pages: 125
  • Chapter 1 to 5
  • With abstract reference and questionnaire
  • Preview abstract and chapter 1 below


Effective Church Administration and Its Impact on Membership Growth (A Comparative of the Redeem Christian Church and Living Faith Church A.K.A Winners Chapel)




This study examined the dynamics of church administration and their impact on membership growth in mega-church contexts, focusing on The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) and Living Faith Church (Winners Chapel). Adopting a quantitative survey research design, a structured questionnaire was developed to gather data from 120 respondents within these congregations. The data collection instrument aimed to assess perceptions of administrative structures, communication processes, leadership influence, and the overall effectiveness of administrative practices in fostering church growth. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 27 facilitated data presentation and analysis, incorporating t-tests to evaluate hypotheses related to the correlations between effective church administration and membership growth. The findings revealed significant associations between effective administrative practices and membership growth in both RCCG and Winners Chapel. Specifically, the one-sample t-tests conducted indicated positive correlations (p < 0.05) between effective church administration and enhanced membership growth. This underscores the pivotal role of structured administrative processes, clear communication strategies, and strong leadership in fostering congregational expansion and retention. Moreover, comparative analyses between RCCG and Winners Chapel highlighted nuanced differences in their administrative strategies, with implications for their respective growth trajectories. In conclusion, the study’s results affirm the critical importance of well-defined administrative structures, effective communication processes, and strong leadership in driving membership growth within mega-churches. The findings underscore the need for strategic investments in administrative capacity-building and leadership development to sustain growth and foster community engagement. Recommendations stemming from this study advocate for continuous review and enhancement of administrative practices, leveraging digital tools for improved communication and outreach, and promoting ethical leadership principles. These insights are pertinent for church leaders and stakeholders seeking to navigate the complexities of modern church management while maximizing organizational effectiveness and societal impact.





Background to the Study

In contemporary religious discourse, the effectiveness of church administration stands as a critical determinant of growth and sustainability for religious institutions globally. Churches such as The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) and Living Faith Church (Winners Chapel) have emerged as exemplary models of successful organisational management within the Christian faith. These churches not only boast substantial numerical growth but also wield significant influence through their community-oriented initiatives and evangelistic efforts.

Founded in Nigeria in 1952, RCCG has grown into a transnational denomination with a presence in over 198 countries, emphasising evangelism and holistic community development as core missions. Similarly, Living Faith Church, established in 1981 in Nigeria under the leadership of Bishop David Oyedepo, has expanded rapidly, employing systematic administrative practices to support its global outreach efforts. These churches’ administrative strategies have played pivotal roles in fostering their expansion and influence across diverse cultural and geographical contexts.

The success of RCCG and Living Faith Church can be attributed to several key administrative factors. Financial management practices within these institutions are rigorous, incorporating robust internal control systems to ensure transparency and accountability in managing church funds. This financial integrity not only supports operational sustainability but also enhances trust among members and external stakeholders (Rustiarini et al., 2019).

Leadership within RCCG and Living Faith Church is characterized by strong ethical standards and visionary guidance. Bishop David Oyedepo’s leadership at Living Faith Church, for instance, has been instrumental in steering the church’s growth trajectory through strategic decision-making and effective governance. Leadership principles focused on integrity, professionalism, and servant leadership are fundamental in maintaining organizational coherence and fostering a culture of excellence (Sanusi et al., 2021).

Technological integration has also played a significant role in enhancing administrative efficiency within RCCG and Living Faith Church. These churches have embraced digital platforms for communication, resource management, and outreach, thereby facilitating streamlined operations and expanding their global footprint. Technological advancements have enabled these institutions to reach broader audiences and engage with their members more effectively, amplifying their impact in both local communities and on a global scale (Sari et al., 2022).

Furthermore, governance frameworks within RCCG and Living Faith Church are designed to ensure compliance with legal and ethical standards while promoting transparency in decision-making processes. These frameworks help mitigate risks associated with organizational growth and enhance the churches’ credibility and trustworthiness among stakeholders (Simon, 2021).

In conclusion, the administrative success of churches like RCCG and Living Faith Church underscores the significance of effective management practices in fostering growth and sustainability within religious institutions. By examining these churches as case studies, church leaders and scholars can glean valuable insights into implementing strategic administrative frameworks that support organizational expansion, enhance community engagement, and uphold ethical standards. This study aims to explore and analyze these administrative strategies in-depth, offering practical implications for enhancing church leadership and management in diverse religious contexts.

Statement of Problem

In contemporary religious discourse, while there exists extensive literature on the administrative practices of prominent churches such as The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) and Living Faith Church (Winners Chapel), gaps remain in understanding the nuanced challenges and specific strategies that underpin their administrative success. Existing research primarily focuses on the general aspects of church management, financial accountability (Rustiarini et al., 2019), and leadership effectiveness (Sanusi et al., 2021) in religious organizations. However, there is a notable lack of comprehensive studies that delve deeply into the intersection of administrative practices and the sustained growth and global influence of these mega-churches.

One significant gap pertains to the detailed exploration of the technological integration strategies employed by RCCG and Living Faith Church. While it is recognized that these churches utilize digital platforms for communication and outreach (Sari et al., 2022), there is limited empirical research that systematically analyzes how these technological advancements contribute to enhancing administrative efficiency, member engagement, and global expansion. Understanding the specific digital tools and platforms utilized, their effectiveness, and the challenges faced in their implementation is crucial for informing best practices in church administration.

Moreover, while leadership is acknowledged as a critical factor in the success of RCCG and Living Faith Church (Simon, 2021), there remains a need for deeper insights into the leadership styles and strategies that facilitate effective decision-making, organizational coherence, and sustainable growth. Comprehensive studies exploring the leadership principles, ethical considerations, and strategic foresight that guide these churches’ leaders are essential to identifying replicable leadership models for other religious institutions.

Additionally, existing literature on financial management in churches often discusses general principles of transparency and accountability (Hauriasi et al., 2022), but there is a lack of detailed empirical studies that examine the specific financial management practices adopted by RCCG and Living Faith Church. Research gaps include the operationalization of internal control systems, mechanisms for financial integrity, and the impact of these practices on organizational sustainability and member trust.

Lastly, while governance frameworks are recognized as fundamental in ensuring compliance and ethical standards within religious organizations (Simon, 2021), there is insufficient research that evaluates the governance structures specific to RCCG and the Living Faith Church. Further investigation into how these churches navigate governance challenges, ensure regulatory compliance, and balance autonomy with accountability is crucial for developing robust governance frameworks that promote transparency and mitigate risks in church administration.

While existing research provides foundational insights into various aspects of church administration, there remains a significant gap in the literature regarding the detailed exploration of technological integration, leadership dynamics, financial management practices, and governance frameworks within RCCG and Living Faith Church. Addressing these gaps will not only contribute to academic knowledge but also offer practical implications for enhancing the administrative effectiveness of religious institutions globally, thereby fostering sustainable growth, community impact, and ethical stewardship.

Objectives of the Study

This study aimed to achieve the following specific objectives:

  1. Explored the administrative structures and processes employed by The Redeemed Christian Church of God and Living Faith Church (Winners Chapel).
  2. Assessed the impact of effective church administration on membership growth in these two churches.
  3. Compare the administrative strategies of RCCG and Winners Chapel to identify best practices for fostering church growth.
  4. Examined the role of leadership in shaping administrative effectiveness within these churches.

Research Questions

To guide the investigation, the following research questions were formulated:

  1. What are the key administrative structures and processes implemented by The Redeemed Christian Church of God and Living Faith Church (Winners Chapel)?
  2. How does effective church administration contribute to membership growth in these churches?
  3. What similarities and differences exist in the administrative strategies between RCCG and Winners Chapel, and how do these impact church growth?
  4. How does leadership influence the implementation and effectiveness of administrative practices in RCCG and Winners Chapel?

Research Hypotheses

Based on the research questions, the following hypotheses were formulated:

  1. H₁: Effective church administration does not positively correlate with membership growth in The Redeemed Christian Church of God.
  1. H₂: Effective church administration does not positively correlate with membership growth in Living Faith Church (Winners Chapel).
  2. H₃: Winners Chapel’s administrative strategies are not more effective in fostering membership growth compared to those of The Redeemed Christian Church of God.
  3. H₄: Leadership does not significantly influence the implementation and success of administrative practices in both RCCG and Winners Chapel.

Significance of the Study

This study holds significant implications for both academic research and practical application within the realm of church administration and religious organizational management. By focusing on prominent churches like The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) and Living Faith Church (Winners Chapel), it aims to fill critical gaps in existing literature and contribute valuable insights to several key areas.

Firstly, the study seeks to advance scholarly understanding by providing a detailed empirical analysis of the administrative strategies that have facilitated the remarkable growth and global influence of RCCG and Living Faith Church. Through a systematic examination of technological integration, leadership dynamics, financial management practices, and governance frameworks, the research aims to uncover specific mechanisms that underpin their administrative success. This scholarly endeavour will contribute to the theoretical foundation of church administration studies, offering nuanced perspectives that can inform future research in religious studies, organizational behaviour, and management disciplines.

Practically, the findings of this study are poised to offer actionable insights for church leaders, administrators, and policymakers within religious institutions worldwide. By identifying best practices in technological adoption, leadership development, financial stewardship, and governance implementation, the research aims to provide practical guidelines and recommendations that can enhance administrative effectiveness and organizational sustainability. These insights are particularly valuable for church leaders navigating the complexities of managing large-scale operations, fostering community engagement, and maintaining ethical standards in today’s rapidly evolving religious landscape.

Furthermore, the study’s focus on RCCG and Living Faith Church as global models of successful church administration underscores their significance as case studies for comparative analysis and benchmarking. By examining these churches’ strategies within the context of their historical evolution, cultural contexts, and global outreach efforts, the research aims to draw lessons that are transferable across diverse religious and organizational settings. This comparative approach not only enriches the understanding of effective management practices in religious institutions but also promotes cross-cultural dialogue and collaboration among church leaders worldwide.

Ultimately, the significance of this study lies in its potential to bridge the gap between theory and practice in church administration. By offering evidence-based insights and practical recommendations, the research seeks to empower religious leaders with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate challenges, capitalize on opportunities, and sustain growth in an increasingly complex and competitive global environment. In doing so, it aims to contribute positively to the long-term viability and impact of religious organizations committed to fulfilling their missions and serving their communities effectively.

Scope of the Study

The study focused specifically on The Redeemed Christian Church of God and Living Faith Church (Winners Chapel), examining their administrative practices and their impact on membership growth. It included a comparative analysis to identify effective strategies that contribute to church growth, encompassing both local and international dimensions of these churches’ operations. The geographical scope spanned their global presence, reflecting on how administrative practices are adapted and implemented across diverse cultural and contextual settings.

Operational Definition of Terms

To ensure clarity and consistency throughout the study, the following key terms were operationally defined:

  1. Effective Church Administration: The systematic management of church resources, personnel, and activities to achieve organizational goals and enhance community impact.
  2. Membership Growth: The quantitative and qualitative increase in the number of individuals formally affiliated with a church community.
  3. Administrative Structures: The hierarchical arrangements and organizational frameworks governing the distribution of authority and responsibility within a church.
  4. Administrative Processes: The procedures and protocols implemented to manage church operations and support decision-making.
  5. Church Growth: The overall expansion of a church in terms of membership, physical infrastructure, and influence in the community.
  6. Comparative Analysis: A methodological approach to examine similarities and differences between two or more entities, in this case, The Redeemed Christian Church of God and Living Faith Church (Winners Chapel).
  7. Strategic Decision-Making: The process of selecting and implementing courses of action that align with organizational goals and objectives.
  8. Organizational Effectiveness: The extent to which a church achieves its stated mission and objectives through efficient use of resources and capacity.


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