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  • Pages: 91
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Evaluation of Practical Agricultural Models for Effective Animal Husbandry Business in Benue State


This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of existing practical agricultural models for animal husbandry businesses in Benue State, identify the challenges faced by animal husbandry businesses, investigate the existing practical agricultural models for animal husbandry businesses, and recommend practical agricultural models for effective animal husbandry business in the state. A quantitative survey research design was employed, involving a survey of 72 animal husbandry businesses’ key stakeholders. The results indicated that there is a need for more veterinary clinics and support services to be established to meet the growing demand for veterinary care. The provision of adequate storage facilities for animal products was perceived to be adequate by most respondents, but there may still be gaps in the provision of these facilities. The majority of respondents believed that there has been an improvement in the infrastructure for the transportation of animal products in the state, but there may still be room for further improvement. Key challenges faced by animal husbandry businesses included insufficient access to credit facilities, inadequate knowledge of modern farming techniques, and poor market linkages. Practical agricultural models were recommended to address these challenges, including the establishment of a centralized credit facility, the provision of training and capacity-building programs, and the formation of farmer cooperatives to improve market access. This study provides valuable insights for policymakers, researchers, and practitioners seeking to improve the animal husbandry business in Benue State.




Background of the Study

Benue State, located in North Central Nigeria, is known for its rich agricultural resources and has a vibrant animal husbandry industry. Animal husbandry involves the rearing of various livestock such as cattle, sheep, goats, and pigs. These animals are used for meat, milk, and other products, making animal husbandry an essential sector of the state’s economy. However, the industry faces several challenges such as poor animal health, low productivity, and low profitability (Adewuyi et al., 2022). These challenges are due to a lack of adequate implementation of practical agricultural models for animal husbandry businesses. Therefore, there is a need to evaluate the effectiveness of existing practical agricultural models for animal husbandry businesses in Benue State.

Benue State is known for its agricultural production, which is the foundation of its economy, with over 70% of the population engaged in farming and animal husbandry (Gemade, 2021). The state has a rich agricultural history, and its fertile land is conducive to the cultivation of crops like yam, cassava, and rice, as well as animal husbandry (Umar et al., 2020). Benue State is one of the largest livestock-producing states in Nigeria, and the animal husbandry industry is an essential component of the state’s economy (Umar et al., 2020).

The animal husbandry industry provides employment opportunities, raw materials for agro-allied industries, and a source of income for farmers in Benue State (Okpeke, 2021). The industry also generates revenue for the state government through taxes and other levies (Okpeke, 2021). The state’s livestock production includes cattle, sheep, goats, and pigs, and is mostly concentrated in the northern part of the state (Adama et al., 2022). The industry is faced with several challenges, including poor animal health, low productivity, and low profitability.

To overcome these challenges, there is a need for effective animal husbandry practices and models in Benue State. These models will help to improve the productivity and profitability of the industry, which will, in turn, boost the state’s economy. The adoption of practical agricultural models is necessary for the effective management of animal husbandry businesses in the state (Adama et al., 2022).

Efficient animal husbandry practices should be adopted to improve the health and productivity of livestock in Benue State. One such model is the use of veterinary services to provide animal health care services to farmers. Adequate access to veterinary services can reduce animal mortality rates, increase productivity, and improve animal health (Adama et al., 2022). The establishment of veterinary clinics and hospitals, as well as the training of animal health professionals, will ensure that farmers have access to the necessary veterinary services.

Another practical agricultural model that can improve animal husbandry businesses in Benue State is the adoption of improved breeds of livestock. The use of improved breeds has been shown to increase productivity and profitability in animal husbandry businesses (Okpeke, 2021). The government can provide incentives to farmers who adopt improved breeds of livestock and also encourage the development of breeding programs that will provide farmers with access to quality breeds.

The animal husbandry industry is crucial to the economy of Benue State, Nigeria, as it provides employment opportunities, raw materials for agro-allied industries, and a source of income for farmers. Despite its importance, the industry faces several challenges that hinder its growth and development. One of the major challenges is poor animal health resulting from inadequate veterinary services, lack of access to quality feed, and inadequate knowledge of animal husbandry practices. According to Adewuyi et al. (2022), farmers in Benue State have limited access to veterinary services due to a shortage of qualified personnel, inadequate funding, and poor infrastructure. This results in the spread of diseases among livestock, which not only leads to high mortality rates but also affects the quality of animal products.

Low productivity is another major challenge facing the animal husbandry industry in Benue State. Poor breeding techniques, disease outbreaks, and limited access to market information are some of the factors contributing to low productivity. According to Umar et al. (2020), farmers in Benue State lack access to quality breeding stock, which affects the quality of animals produced. The lack of disease control measures also contributes to low productivity, as disease outbreaks can lead to high mortality rates among animals. Furthermore, limited access to market information means that farmers are unable to make informed decisions regarding the sale of their products, leading to low profitability.

The challenges facing the animal husbandry industry in Benue State have significant implications for the standard of living of farmers and their families. Low profitability means that farmers are unable to reinvest in their businesses or improve their living conditions. As a result, many farmers are forced to rely on subsistence farming, which further perpetuates poverty in the state. To address these challenges, there is a need for the government and other stakeholders to implement practical agricultural models for effective animal husbandry business in Benue State.

One of the practical agricultural models that can be implemented in Benue State is the establishment of veterinary clinics in rural areas. According to Adewuyi et al. (2022), the lack of veterinary services is a significant challenge facing farmers in the state. The establishment of veterinary clinics in rural areas will provide farmers with access to quality veterinary services, which will help to improve animal health and reduce disease outbreaks. This will not only increase productivity but also improve the quality of animal products.

Another practical agricultural model that can be implemented in Benue State is the provision of access to quality breeding stock. According to Umar et al. (2020), the lack of access to quality breeding stock is a significant challenge facing farmers in the state. The provision of access to quality breeding stock will help to improve the quality of animals produced, which will increase productivity and profitability. This can be achieved through the establishment of breeding centres in the state, which will provide farmers with access to quality breeding stock.

Furthermore, there is a need for the government to provide farmers with access to market information. According to Umar et al. (2020), limited access to market information is a significant challenge facing farmers in the state. The provision of access to market information will help farmers to make informed decisions regarding the sale of their products, which will increase profitability. This can be achieved through the establishment of market information centres in the state, which will provide farmers with up-to-date information on market trends and prices.

Statement of Problem

The animal husbandry industry in Benue State faces several challenges that limit its growth and development. Poor animal health, low productivity, and low profitability are some of the major problems affecting the industry (Adewuyi et al., 2022). These problems are partly due to the inadequate implementation of practical agricultural models for animal husbandry businesses. Therefore, there is a need to evaluate the effectiveness of existing practical agricultural models for animal husbandry businesses in Benue State.

Objectives of the Study

The specific objectives of this study are:

  1. To assess the effectiveness of existing practical agricultural models for animal husbandry businesses in Benue State.
  2. To identify the challenges faced by animal husbandry businesses in the state.
  3. To investigate the existing practical agricultural models for animal husbandry businesses in Benue State.
  4. To recommend practical agricultural models for effective animal husbandry business in Benue State.

Research Questions

The research questions for this study are:

  1. What are the existing practical agricultural models for animal husbandry businesses in Benue State?
  2. What are the challenges faced by animal husbandry businesses in the state?
  3. How effective are the existing practical agricultural models for animal husbandry businesses in Benue State?
  4. What practical agricultural models can be recommended for effective animal husbandry business in Benue State?

Significance of the Study

The findings of this study will be useful to stakeholders in the animal husbandry industry in Benue State, including farmers, agricultural extension agents, and policymakers. The study will provide information on the effectiveness of existing practical agricultural models for animal husbandry businesses in the state and identify the challenges faced by these businesses. The study will also recommend practical agricultural models for effective animal husbandry business in Benue State.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study will focus on the evaluation of practical agricultural models for effective animal husbandry business in Benue State, Nigeria. The study will be limited to animal husbandry businesses in the state. The study may be limited by the availability of data and the willingness of respondents to participate in the study.

Operational Definition of Terms

Animal husbandry: The management, care, and breeding of animals to obtain products such as meat, milk, and eggs, as well as for work, transport, and recreation.

Practical agricultural models: Systems and methods of farming and animal husbandry that have been developed based on scientific research and best practices, which can be implemented to improve productivity, profitability, and sustainability.

Livestock: Domesticated animals raised for their meat, milk, eggs, wool, or other products, including cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, poultry, and fish.

Productivity: The efficiency with which resources, including labour, capital, and technology, are utilized to produce goods and services. In animal husbandry, productivity is measured by the output of livestock products, such as meat and milk, per unit of input, such as feed and labour.

Breeding: The controlled reproduction of animals, typically to improve desirable traits such as growth rate, disease resistance, and meat or milk production.

Market information: Information on the demand and supply of livestock products, market prices, and trends, can assist farmers in making informed decisions on production, marketing, and sales.

Veterinary services: Services provided by trained professionals, such as veterinarians and animal health workers, for the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases and other health issues in animals.

Standard of living: The level of comfort, wealth, and material goods available to an individual or household, which is influenced by factors such as income, education, and access to basic needs such as food, shelter, and healthcare.


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