• Format: ms-word (doc)
  • Pages: 78
  • Chapter 1 to 5
  • With abstract reference and questionnaire
  • Preview abstract and chapter 1 below


Evaluation of the Job Prospects for Library and Information Science Graduates in Nigeria: A Case Study of Tai Solarin University of Education, Ijagun, Ogun State

Chapter One


This study aimed to explore the employability and career development of Library and Information Science (LIS) graduates from Tai Solarin University of Education (TASUED) in Nigeria. A quantitative survey research design was adopted, and a structured questionnaire was developed to collect data from a sample of 120 respondents. The questionnaire covered aspects related to the employment rate, job roles, job satisfaction, and career advancement of LIS graduates within one year of graduation. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS version 27, and statistical tools such as t-tests were employed to test the hypotheses formulated in the study. The findings of the study revealed several important insights into the employment trends and career pathways of LIS graduates from TASUED. It was observed that a significant number of graduates found employment within a year of graduation, with a majority being employed in academic libraries and government agencies. Moreover, the study highlighted the importance of factors such as job satisfaction, supportive work environments, and opportunities for professional growth in influencing the career trajectories of LIS graduates. Based on the analysis and findings, it was concluded that while TASUED’s LIS graduates demonstrate a favourable employment rate and are well-prepared for job market demands, there are areas for improvement. Recommendations stemming from the study include enhancing career development programs, fostering stronger industry-academic partnerships, and emphasizing continuous learning and skill development to meet evolving industry demands. In conclusion, this study sheds light on the employment dynamics and career prospects of LIS graduates from TASUED, providing valuable insights for academic institutions, policymakers, and stakeholders in the library and information science sector to enhance employability and promote sustainable career growth among graduates. 




Background to the Study

In Nigeria, the field of Library and Information Science (LIS) has gained prominence due to the increasing demand for information management in various sectors (Okpe, 2022). Graduates from LIS programs are expected to contribute significantly to information organization, retrieval, and dissemination (Muchinsky & Culbertson, 2023). However, there is limited research on the actual job prospects and career pathways available to these graduates, particularly in specific institutions like Tai Solarin University of Education (TASUED) in Ijagun, Ogun State (Saka & Haruna, 2023).

One of the significant challenges facing LIS graduates in Nigeria is the lack of comprehensive studies on their job performance and career progression (Parker, 2022). This gap in research hinders both prospective students’ understanding of the field’s potential and policymakers’ ability to align educational curricula with industry demands (Utor, 2023). Without proper data and analysis, it becomes challenging to address the specific needs and challenges faced by LIS graduates in their professional journeys (Popoola, 2019).

To address these gaps, it is essential to conduct rigorous research focusing on the job prospects and career trajectories of LIS graduates in Nigeria, particularly within institutions like TASUED (Oyewole & Popoola, 2023). Such research can provide valuable insights into the factors influencing job satisfaction, career advancement, and overall performance of LIS professionals in the country (Saka & Salman, 2022). By understanding these dynamics, educational institutions and policymakers can better tailor their programs and policies to meet the evolving needs of the LIS workforce.

Furthermore, exploring the influence of leadership styles and organizational factors on the job performance of LIS professionals can offer additional insights (Muchinsky & Culbertson, 2023). Studies like the one conducted by Akor (2022) on autocratic leadership styles can shed light on how management practices impact the professional growth and productivity of librarians and information specialists in Nigeria. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for creating conducive work environments that promote innovation, collaboration, and job satisfaction among LIS professionals (Okpe, 2022).

In essence, while the field of Library and Information Science is gaining prominence in Nigeria, there is a pressing need for in-depth research on the job prospects, career pathways, and factors influencing job performance among LIS graduates, especially in institutions like TASUED. By addressing these research gaps and leveraging insights from existing studies, stakeholders can enhance the educational and professional landscape for LIS professionals, contributing to the overall development of the information management sector in the country.

Statement of Problem

The field of Library and Information Science (LIS) in Nigeria faces several critical gaps and challenges that need to be addressed through focused research and intervention. Firstly, there is a notable lack of comprehensive studies that specifically analyze the job prospects and career pathways available to LIS graduates in the country (Saka & Haruna, 2023). While LIS programs aim to equip graduates with the necessary skills for information management, there is limited empirical data on the actual employment rates, job roles, and sectors where these graduates find employment (Okpe, 2022). This knowledge gap hampers the ability of educational institutions and policymakers to align curricula with industry demands and provide targeted career guidance to students (Utor, 2023).

Additionally, there is a dearth of research that delves into the factors influencing job satisfaction, career advancement, and overall job performance among LIS professionals in Nigeria (Popoola, 2019). Understanding the psycho-social factors, organizational dynamics, and leadership styles that impact the professional growth and productivity of librarians and information specialists is crucial (Parker, 2022). Existing studies, such as those on leadership styles and their effects on job performance, provide a starting point but fall short of providing a holistic view of the challenges faced by LIS professionals in the Nigerian context (Akor, 2022).

Furthermore, the rapid evolution of information technologies and digital platforms necessitates continuous skill development and adaptation within the LIS sector (Saka & Salman, 2022). However, there is limited research on the effectiveness of skill development programs, the role of mentoring in professional growth, and the impact of technological advancements on job roles and responsibilities within libraries and information organizations (Muchinsky & Culbertson, 2023). These gaps highlight the need for targeted research initiatives that not only identify the challenges but also propose practical solutions and strategies to enhance the job prospects, career satisfaction, and overall performance of LIS professionals in Nigeria.

 Objectives of the Study

The specific objectives of this study include to:

  1. To assess the employment rate of LIS graduates from TASUED within one year of graduation.
  2. To identify the job roles and sectors where LIS graduates from TASUED are employed.
  3. To explore the factors influencing job satisfaction and career advancement among LIS graduates from TASUED.

Research Questions

The following research questions were asked:

  1. What is the employment rate of LIS graduates from TASUED within one year of graduation?
  2. In which job roles and sectors are LIS graduates from TASUED predominantly employed?
  3. What factors contribute to job satisfaction and career advancement among LIS graduates from TASUED?

Research Hypotheses

The following hypotheses were tested:

  1. There is no significant relationship between the academic performance of LIS graduates from TASUED and their employment rate within one year of graduation.
  2. There is no significant difference in the job roles and sectors where LIS graduates from TASUED are employed.
  3. There is no significant relationship between job satisfaction and career advancement among LIS graduates from TASUED.

 Significance of the Study

This research aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the job prospects and career paths available to graduates of Library and Information Science (LIS) programs from Tai Solarin University of Education (TASUED), focusing on their employment trends, job roles, sectors of employment, factors influencing job satisfaction, and career progression within one year of graduation. By delving deeply into these aspects, this study seeks to offer valuable insights that can benefit various stakeholders.

Prospective students considering enrolling in LIS programs at TASUED or similar institutions will find this study particularly helpful. By uncovering the actual employment rates and diverse career paths pursued by TASUED’s LIS graduates, this research empowers prospective students to make well-informed decisions about their educational and career goals. Understanding the real-world outcomes and opportunities available post-graduation can guide students in aligning their expectations and aspirations with the realities of the job market, leading to more focused academic pursuits and career planning.

The findings of this study will also be instrumental in informing educational institutions, policymakers, and industry stakeholders about the current state of the LIS job market and the evolving needs of the industry. By highlighting the job roles and sectors where TASUED’s LIS graduates are predominantly employed, as well as the factors influencing their job satisfaction and career advancement, this research can guide the development and refinement of LIS curricula to better align with current market demands. It can also aid policymakers in formulating targeted policies and initiatives aimed at enhancing career development opportunities and fostering a conducive environment for professional growth within the LIS sector.

Furthermore, industry stakeholders such as employers, professional associations, and recruitment agencies stand to benefit significantly from the insights gleaned from this study. By gaining a deeper understanding of the skills, competencies, and experiences valued in the job market, stakeholders can tailor their recruitment strategies, training programs, and professional development initiatives to better meet the industry’s needs. This alignment between the skills possessed by graduates and the skills sought by employers can lead to improved job matching, reduced skill gaps, and enhanced overall productivity within the LIS workforce.

In essence, this study aims to bridge the gap between academia and industry by providing empirical data and insights that can inform decision-making processes at various levels. By shedding light on the job prospects and career paths of LIS graduates from TASUED, this research contributes to the broader goal of enhancing the quality of education, promoting informed career choices, and fostering a symbiotic relationship between educational institutions, policymakers, and industry stakeholders within the dynamic field of Library and Information Science in Nigeria.

Scope of the Study

This research will focus specifically on LIS graduates from Tai Solarin University of Education, Ijagun, Ogun State, Nigeria. Data will be collected through surveys, interviews, and document analysis, focusing on graduates’ employment status, job roles, sectors of employment, factors influencing job satisfaction, and career progression within one year of graduation. The study will not delve into broader employment trends in the LIS field across Nigeria but will concentrate on the localized context of TASUED.

   Operational Definition of Terms

Job Prospects: Refers to the potential employment opportunities and career pathways available to individuals within a specific field or industry, such as Library and Information Science.

Career Pathways: Describes the various routes and progression options available to individuals within their chosen profession or field of work, including opportunities for advancement, specialization, and career development.

Employment Rate: The percentage of individuals within a specific group (in this case, LIS graduates from TASUED) who are employed within a given period, often measured within one year of graduation.

Job Satisfaction: Refers to an individual’s overall contentment and fulfilment with their job and work environment, including factors such as job security, work-life balance, compensation, and opportunities for growth and development.

Skills and Competencies: Refers to the abilities, knowledge, and expertise that individuals acquire through education, training, and practical experience, which are relevant and necessary for performing tasks and responsibilities within a specific job or profession.

Organizational Culture: Describes the shared values, beliefs, norms, and practices that characterize an organization, including its approach to decision-making, communication, teamwork, and employee engagement, which can significantly influence job satisfaction and performance.

Leadership Styles: Refers to how leaders interact with and guide their teams or organizations, including approaches such as autocratic, democratic, transformational, or laissez-faire leadership, which can impact employee motivation, job satisfaction, and organizational outcomes.

Professional Development: Encompasses activities and initiatives aimed at enhancing the knowledge, skills, and capabilities of professionals within their respective fields, including ongoing training, workshops, certifications, mentorship programs, and networking opportunities, which contribute to career advancement and job satisfaction.


  • Popoola, S. O. (2019). Library and information science profession: The new direction in the 21st century in Nigeria. Paper presented at the 8th Annual General Meeting of Nigerian Library Association, Osun State chapter, College of Health Science, Oshogbo, Nigeria.
  • Rolfo, L., Eklund, J., & Jahncke, H. (2018). Perceptions of performance and satisfaction after relocation to an activity-based office. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 35, 167-174.
  • Saka, K. A., & Haruna, I. (2023). Relationship between staff development and performance among personnel in a branch library, University of Maiduguri, Nigeria. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 4(5), 9-17.
  • Saka, K. A., & Salman, A. A. (2022). An assessment of the levels of job motivation and satisfaction as predictors of job performance of library personnel in Nigerian universities. Journal of Balkan Libraries Union, 2(2), 26-33.
  • Utor, J. K. (2023). Funding of colleges of education libraries: Alternative strategies. Nigerian Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science, 2, 21-27


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