• Format: ms-word (doc)
  • Pages: 80
  • Chapter 1 to 5
  • With abstract reference and questionnaire
  • Preview abstract and chapter 1 below


Evaluation of the Reading Ability of Pupils in Upper Primary in Some Selected Primary Schools AMAC FCT Abuja


The study focused on examining the reading abilities of pupils in upper primary schools in AMAC, FCT, and Abuja, employing a quantitative survey research design. A structured questionnaire was meticulously crafted to gather data from a sample of 120 respondents selected from various schools within the study area. The data collection instrument aimed to assess the current reading proficiency levels among pupils, factors influencing these abilities, and strategies for enhancement. SPSS 27 software facilitated both the presentation and analysis of the gathered data, ensuring a comprehensive exploration of the research questions. The hypotheses posited were rigorously tested using t-tests, which allowed for statistical comparison and inference regarding the factors influencing reading abilities and the efficacy of proposed enhancement strategies. The findings revealed significant variations in reading abilities across different grade levels, with socio-economic factors showing a notable impact despite earlier assumptions of negligible influence. Moreover, implementing regular reading comprehension exercises and enhancing access to diverse reading materials emerged as critical strategies for improving pupils’ reading skills in the study area. In conclusion, the study underscores the multifaceted nature of factors influencing reading abilities among upper primary pupils. It highlights the importance of tailored educational strategies and targeted interventions to address existing disparities and enhance overall literacy outcomes. Recommendations include integrating digital learning resources into the curriculum, providing specialized training for educators, and fostering collaborative efforts with parents to create a supportive reading environment at home. These insights contribute significantly to the existing body of knowledge, offering practical implications for educational policymakers, school administrators, and educators striving to enhance reading proficiency among pupils.




Background to the Study

Reading ability is a fundamental skill that profoundly influences academic performance and lifelong learning. In Nigeria, as in many countries globally, the assessment and enhancement of reading abilities among pupils in upper primary grades (Primary 4 to 6) hold critical significance for educational development. Proficient reading not only enhances comprehension and critical thinking but also serves as a gateway to accessing broader knowledge across subjects (Okebukola & Onafowokan, 2023).

Effective reading skills enable students to engage deeply with texts, facilitating a more profound understanding of content across disciplines and contributing to overall academic success. Early and consistent reading instruction is crucial for developing proficient readers, and laying the groundwork for lifelong cognitive development (Gambrell, 2021). Educational policies in Nigeria emphasize the improvement of literacy skills in primary education through various initiatives aimed at enhancing reading competencies among young learners.

The quality of teaching and the availability of resources significantly influence students’ reading abilities. Research underscores the role of effective instructional strategies and professional development programs in boosting reading performance (Okebukola & Owolabi, 2021). Engaging reading materials, interactive storybook sessions, and technology integration create stimulating reading environments that foster motivation and comprehension among upper-primary pupils.

Parental involvement and community support play pivotal roles in nurturing reading proficiency. Studies highlight the impact of supportive home environments on children’s reading habits and attitudes (Okebukola, 2020). Initiatives encouraging parental participation in literacy activities and school engagements enhance students’ reading skills and prepare them for higher education challenges.

Socio-cultural factors influence reading practices and literacy development in Nigeria. Integrating local languages and cultural content into reading programs enhances engagement and comprehension, making reading more relevant to students’ everyday experiences (Guthrie, 2022). Programs that incorporate diverse linguistic and cultural elements can significantly improve reading outcomes among upper-primary pupils.

Statement of Problem

The assessment and improvement of reading abilities among upper primary pupils in Nigeria present several critical gaps that have not yet been adequately addressed by existing research. While studies acknowledge the importance of reading proficiency for academic success and lifelong learning (Okebukola & Onafowokan, 2023), there remains a lack of comprehensive understanding of specific challenges and effective interventions tailored to the Nigerian context.

One significant gap is the limited focus on culturally relevant reading materials and instructional approaches that resonate with the linguistic and cultural diversity of Nigerian students (Guthrie, 2022). Although some initiatives integrate local languages into reading programs, there is a need for a more in-depth exploration of how these efforts impact reading outcomes and engagement among pupils.

Furthermore, the role of digital technology in enhancing reading skills has not been extensively studied in the Nigerian primary education context (Evans, 2021). While there is growing global literature on the benefits of digital resources for literacy development, their applicability and effectiveness within Nigerian schools remain underexplored.

Another critical gap pertains to the variability in reading abilities among pupils and the identification of effective strategies for addressing individual learning needs (Okebukola & Owolabi, 2021). Research often overlooks the diverse socio-economic backgrounds and educational experiences of Nigerian pupils, which can significantly influence their reading proficiency levels.

Moreover, while parental involvement is recognized as crucial for fostering reading habits (Okebukola, 2020), there is a lack of research on how specific parental engagement practices impact reading outcomes in Nigerian primary schools.

Addressing these gaps is essential for developing tailored interventions that effectively enhance reading abilities among upper primary pupils in Nigeria. By filling these gaps, researchers can provide educators and policymakers with evidence-based insights to improve literacy outcomes and support the educational development of Nigerian students.

Objectives of the Study

The specific objectives of this study were:

  1. To assess the current reading abilities of pupils in upper primary schools in AMAC, FCT, and Abuja.
  2. To identify the factors influencing reading ability among pupils in these schools.
  3. To recommend strategies for improving reading skills among upper primary pupils based on the findings.

Research Questions

This study aimed to answer the following research questions:

  1. What is the current level of reading ability among pupils in upper primary schools in AMAC, FCT, and Abuja?
  2. What factors contribute to the reading abilities of pupils in these schools?
  3. What strategies can be implemented to enhance reading skills among upper primary pupils in the study area?

Research Hypotheses

Based on the research questions, the following hypotheses were formulated:

  1. There is no significant difference in reading abilities among pupils across different upper primary schools in AMAC, FCT, and Abuja. H₁: There is a significant difference in reading abilities among pupils across different upper primary schools in AMAC, FCT, and Abuja.
  2. Socio-economic background does not significantly influence the reading abilities of pupils in upper primary schools in AMAC, FCT, and Abuja. H₁: Socio-economic background significantly influences the reading abilities of pupils in upper primary schools in AMAC, FCT, Abuja.

Significance of the Study

The significance of studying reading abilities among upper primary pupils in Nigeria extends beyond academic achievement to broader societal and educational implications. Understanding and improving reading proficiency in this demographic is crucial for several reasons.

Firstly, enhanced reading abilities are foundational for academic success across all subjects. Proficient readers not only comprehend text better but also develop critical thinking skills that are essential for navigating complex information in various disciplines. By focusing on upper primary pupils, this study addresses a critical developmental stage where students transition from basic literacy to more advanced comprehension skills, setting the stage for future educational attainment.

Secondly, improving reading proficiency among upper primary pupils contributes to lifelong learning and socio-economic development. Reading is a fundamental skill necessary for accessing information, acquiring new knowledge, and participating actively in societal processes. By equipping pupils with strong reading skills early on, this study aims to empower them to become informed and engaged citizens capable of contributing positively to their communities and the nation at large.

Additionally, the study’s findings have practical implications for educational policy and practice in Nigeria. By identifying effective instructional strategies, culturally relevant materials, and interventions tailored to the Nigerian context, educators and policymakers can make informed decisions to enhance teaching methods and curriculum development. This approach not only improves reading outcomes but also supports the overall quality of education in Nigerian primary schools.

Furthermore, the research contributes to the global discourse on literacy and educational equity. Nigeria, like many countries, faces challenges related to educational access and quality. By conducting rigorous research on reading abilities among upper primary pupils, this study provides insights that can inform international best practices and strategies for promoting literacy in diverse socio-cultural contexts.

Moreover, understanding the factors influencing reading proficiency among Nigerian pupils can help address disparities in educational outcomes. By examining how socio-economic factors, parental involvement, and digital resources impact reading skills, the study seeks to identify barriers to literacy development and propose targeted interventions to support disadvantaged students.

Ultimately, the significance of this study lies in its potential to foster a culture of reading and improve educational outcomes for Nigerian upper primary pupils. By filling gaps in current research and offering practical recommendations, the study aims to contribute positively to educational policy, practice, and ultimately, the academic and socio-economic well-being of Nigerian children and youth.

Scope of the Study

This study focused on upper primary pupils (Primary 4 to 6) in selected primary schools within the AMAC area of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. The research included an assessment of reading abilities, identification of influencing factors, and recommendations for improvement strategies.

Operational Definition of Terms

To ensure clarity and consistency, the following terms are operationally defined for this study:

  1. Reading Ability: The proficiency level of pupils in understanding and interpreting written text.
  2. Upper Primary Schools: Educational institutions catering to pupils in grades Primary 4 to 6.
  3. AMAC: Abuja Municipal Area Council, a local government area in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja.
  4. Factors Influencing Reading Abilities: Variables such as teaching methodologies, resources, and socio-economic backgrounds affect pupils’ reading skills.
  5. Literacy Levels: The overall competence of pupils in reading and comprehending texts appropriate for their grade level.
  6. Educational Policies: Guidelines and regulations set by educational authorities to enhance learning outcomes and literacy rates.
  7. Intervention Strategies: Action plans designed to improve reading abilities through targeted educational initiatives.
  8. Learning Outcomes: The measurable results of educational efforts, specifically related to reading proficiency and academic achievement.


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