• Format: ms-word (doc)
  • Pages: 79
  • Chapter 1 to 5
  • With abstract reference and questionnaire
  • Preview abstract and chapter 1 below


Factors Affecting the Utilization of Primary Healthcare in Kaduna (Case Study Sabo Ugwan Sunday Chikun Local Government Area Kaduna)


This study investigated the factors influencing the utilization of primary healthcare services in Sabo Ugwan Sunday, Chikun Local Government Area, Kaduna. A quantitative survey research design was adopted to achieve this objective. A structured questionnaire was designed and distributed to a sample of 120 respondents from the study area. The collected data were presented and analyzed using SPSS27 software. Hypotheses were tested using a one-sample t-test to determine the significance of various factors affecting healthcare utilization. The analysis revealed several key findings. Firstly, socioeconomic status significantly affects the utilization of primary healthcare services. Respondents indicated that income levels, education, and employment status were critical determinants of their ability to access healthcare. The results of the t-test showed that the mean difference was significant, suggesting that socioeconomic factors play a crucial role in healthcare utilization in the study area. Secondly, geographical accessibility was found to have a significant relationship with healthcare utilization. Many respondents reported that the distance to healthcare facilities and the availability of public transportation were major barriers to accessing healthcare services. The t-test results confirmed a significant mean difference, indicating that geographical factors are critical in determining healthcare utilization patterns. Thirdly, the perceived quality of healthcare services was positively correlated with utilization patterns among residents. Respondents who perceived the quality of care to be high were more likely to utilize primary healthcare services. Factors such as the availability of medical equipment, cleanliness, and the responsiveness of healthcare staff were highlighted as important quality indicators. The t-test results supported this finding, showing a significant mean difference and emphasizing the importance of perceived service quality. In conclusion, the study highlighted the significant impact of socioeconomic status, geographical accessibility, and perceived quality of healthcare services on the utilization of primary healthcare in Sabo Ugwan Sunday. These findings suggest that targeted interventions are necessary to address these barriers and improve healthcare access in the study area. Based on these findings, several recommendations were made. Firstly, there is a need to enhance infrastructure and accessibility by investing in road improvements and public transportation options to facilitate easier access to healthcare facilities. Secondly, strengthening primary healthcare facilities by upgrading medical equipment and maintaining high hygiene standards is essential. Thirdly, promoting community awareness through public health campaigns can educate residents about the importance of utilizing primary healthcare services. Fourthly, improving service quality by training healthcare staff to be more responsive and empathetic can enhance patient satisfaction. Fifthly, addressing socioeconomic disparities through financial assistance programs and subsidies can make healthcare services more affordable. Lastly, expanding health insurance coverage and promoting enrollment can ensure that more residents have access to affordable and comprehensive healthcare services.




 Background to the Study

In recent years, the utilization of primary healthcare services in Kaduna, particularly within the Sabo Ugwan Sunday area of Chikun Local Government, has become a topic of interest. Primary healthcare plays a vital role in ensuring the well-being of communities by providing essential healthcare services close to where people live and work (Kurfi, 2023). Despite efforts by the government and other stakeholders to improve primary healthcare services, there are still challenges hindering optimal utilization. Understanding the factors influencing the utilization of primary healthcare services is crucial for addressing these challenges effectively.

One of the primary concerns regarding the utilization of primary healthcare services in Sabo Ugwan Sunday is the accessibility of these facilities, especially in rural areas. Ahmad et al. (2019) highlighted the factors influencing the utilization of public primary healthcare facilities in similar settings, emphasizing the importance of geographical accessibility. Factors such as distance, transportation infrastructure, and travel time to healthcare facilities can significantly impact utilization rates, particularly in remote areas like Sabo Ugwan Sunday.

Moreover, socioeconomic factors also play a significant role in determining the utilization of primary healthcare services. Adebayo and Asuzu (2021) explored the utilization of a community-based health facility in a low-income urban community, pointing out the influence of socioeconomic status on healthcare-seeking behaviour. Similar findings may apply to Sabo Ugwan Sunday, where residents’ income levels, education levels, and employment status can affect their ability to access and utilize primary healthcare services effectively.

Furthermore, the quality of primary healthcare services provided in Sabo Ugwan Sunday is crucial in influencing utilization patterns among residents. Gage et al. (2018) investigated whether quality influences the utilization of primary healthcare services, providing evidence from Haiti. Their study emphasized the importance of service quality in attracting and retaining patients, highlighting the need for continuous quality improvement efforts in primary healthcare facilities. Ensuring that services are effective, safe, and patient-centred can enhance trust in the healthcare system and encourage utilization.

In addition to these factors, community awareness and perceptions of healthcare services can also influence utilization rates. Adam and Awunor (2022) examined perceptions and factors affecting the utilization of health services in a rural community in Southern Nigeria. Their study revealed the significance of community perceptions and beliefs in shaping healthcare-seeking behaviour. Similar dynamics may exist in Sabo Ugwan Sunday, where community attitudes towards healthcare, cultural beliefs, and trust in healthcare providers can impact utilization patterns.

Addressing the challenges hindering optimal utilization of primary healthcare services in Sabo Ugwan Sunday requires a multifaceted approach. Policy interventions aimed at improving geographical accessibility, such as infrastructure development and transportation subsidies, can help overcome barriers related to distance and travel time (Ahmad et al., 2019). Additionally, efforts to enhance socioeconomic status through education and employment opportunities can empower residents to seek and utilize healthcare services effectively (Adebayo & Asuzu, 2021).

Furthermore, investments in improving the quality of primary healthcare services, including training healthcare providers, upgrading facilities, and implementing quality assurance mechanisms, are essential for building trust and confidence among residents (Gage et al., 2018). Community engagement and awareness programs can also play a vital role in promoting healthcare utilization by addressing misconceptions, raising awareness about available services, and fostering trust in the healthcare system (Adam & Awunor, 2022).

In conclusion, understanding the factors influencing the utilization of primary healthcare services in Sabo Ugwan Sunday is essential for developing targeted interventions to improve access and utilization. Addressing challenges related to geographical accessibility, socioeconomic factors, service quality, and community perceptions requires collaborative efforts from government agencies, healthcare providers, and community stakeholders. By addressing these challenges effectively, Sabo Ugwan Sunday can enhance the utilization of primary healthcare services and improve health outcomes for its residents.

 Statement of Problem

The utilization of primary healthcare services in Sabo Ugwan Sunday, Chikun Local Government Area, Kaduna, presents several significant challenges that need to be addressed. Despite the presence of healthcare facilities in the area, there remains a gap in understanding the specific barriers hindering optimal utilization. While existing research, such as that by Ahmad et al. (2019), sheds light on factors influencing healthcare utilization in similar contexts, there is a need for localized studies to identify community-specific challenges.

One of the primary gaps in the literature is the lack of research focusing specifically on Sabo Ugwan Sunday and its unique healthcare utilization patterns. While studies conducted in other regions provide valuable insights, the dynamics of healthcare access and utilization may differ based on local socioeconomic factors, cultural beliefs, and geographic characteristics. Therefore, there is a need for empirical research tailored to the Sabo Ugwan Sunday community to identify context-specific barriers to healthcare utilization.

Additionally, existing research often focuses on individual factors influencing healthcare utilization, such as socioeconomic status or service quality, without considering their interplay within the local context. Adebayo and Asuzu (2021) highlight the influence of socioeconomic factors on healthcare-seeking behaviour, but further investigation is needed to understand how these factors interact with other determinants of healthcare utilization in Sabo Ugwan Sunday.

Moreover, while some studies have explored the accessibility of healthcare facilities in rural areas (Ahmad et al., 2019), there is limited research on the specific challenges faced by residents of Sabo Ugwan Sunday in accessing primary healthcare services. Factors such as transportation infrastructure, distance to facilities, and availability of services may present unique barriers in this community that require targeted interventions.

 Objectives of the Study

This study aimed to achieve the following objectives:

  1. To assess the socioeconomic factors influencing the utilization of primary healthcare services in Sabo Ugwan Sunday, Chikun Local Government Area, Kaduna.
  2. To examine the geographical accessibility of primary healthcare facilities and its impact on utilization in the study area.
  3. To evaluate the quality of primary healthcare services and its association with utilization patterns among residents.

  Research Questions

To address the objectives outlined above, the following research questions were formulated:

  1. What socioeconomic factors influence the utilization of primary healthcare services in Sabo Ugwan Sunday, Chikun Local Government Area, Kaduna?
  2. How does geographical accessibility affect the utilization of primary healthcare facilities in the study area?
  3. What is the perceived quality of primary healthcare services, and how does it impact utilization patterns among residents?

Research Hypotheses

Based on the research questions, the following hypotheses were proposed:

  1. Socioeconomic status does not significantly affect the utilization of primary healthcare services in Sabo Ugwan Sunday, Chikun Local Government Area, Kaduna.
  2. There is no significant relationship between geographical accessibility and the utilization of primary healthcare facilities in the study area.
  3. The perceived quality of primary healthcare services is not positively correlated with utilization patterns among residents.

 Significance of the Study

Understanding the significance of studying the utilization of primary healthcare services in Sabo Ugwan Sunday, Chikun Local Government Area, Kaduna, is paramount for several reasons. Firstly, this study contributes to the existing body of knowledge by providing localized insights into the factors influencing healthcare utilization in a specific geographical context. While existing research provides valuable insights into healthcare utilization on a broader scale, a focused study on Sabo Ugwan Sunday can uncover unique challenges and opportunities specific to this community. By identifying these factors, policymakers, healthcare providers, and other stakeholders can tailor interventions to address the community’s specific needs effectively.

Secondly, improving the utilization of primary healthcare services in Sabo Ugwan Sunday has the potential to significantly impact health outcomes in the community. Access to timely and appropriate healthcare services is essential for preventing and managing various health conditions, reducing morbidity and mortality rates, and promoting overall well-being. By enhancing access to primary healthcare, particularly for underserved populations, this study can contribute to reducing health disparities and improving health equity in Sabo Ugwan Sunday and similar communities.

Furthermore, addressing the challenges hindering optimal healthcare utilization in Sabo Ugwan Sunday can lead to more efficient resource allocation and healthcare delivery. Limited healthcare utilization due to barriers such as geographical accessibility, socioeconomic factors, and service quality issues can result in underutilization of healthcare resources and inefficient healthcare delivery systems. By identifying and addressing these barriers, this study can help optimize resource allocation, improve service delivery efficiency, and enhance the overall effectiveness of the healthcare system in Sabo Ugwan Sunday.

Additionally, enhancing healthcare utilization in Sabo Ugwan Sunday aligns with broader healthcare policy objectives at the national and state levels. The Nigerian government, through initiatives such as the National Strategic Health Development Plan (NSHDP) and state-level strategic health development plans, aims to improve access to quality healthcare services for all citizens. By generating evidence on the barriers to healthcare utilization in Sabo Ugwan Sunday, this study can inform the development and implementation of policies and programs aimed at achieving these objectives. Furthermore, findings from this study can contribute to monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of existing healthcare policies and identifying areas for improvement.

Moreover, improving healthcare utilization in Sabo Ugwan Sunday can have broader socio-economic benefits for the community and beyond. Access to quality healthcare services is essential for promoting economic productivity, reducing healthcare costs associated with preventable diseases and complications, and fostering social cohesion and community development. By addressing barriers to healthcare utilization, this study can contribute to creating a healthier, more prosperous, and resilient community in Sabo Ugwan Sunday and serve as a model for similar communities facing similar challenges.

 Scope of the Study

This study focused specifically on Sabo Ugwan Sunday, a community within Chikun Local Government Area, Kaduna. The research assessed the utilization of primary healthcare services within this area, considering factors such as socioeconomic status, geographical accessibility, and perceived quality of services. The study did not extend to other geographical areas or healthcare settings outside the primary healthcare context.

Operational Definition of Terms

To ensure clarity and consistency, the following terms are operationally defined within the context of this study:

Utilization of Primary Healthcare Services: The extent to which individuals in Sabo Ugwan Sunday access and use primary healthcare facilities for preventive, promotive, curative, and rehabilitative healthcare services.

Socioeconomic Factors: Refers to variables such as income, education level, employment status, and household size, which may influence access to and utilization of healthcare services.

Geographical Accessibility: The ease of reaching primary healthcare facilities in Sabo Ugwan Sunday, considering factors such as distance, transportation infrastructure, and travel time.

Quality of Primary Healthcare Services: The perceived or objective assessment of the effectiveness, safety, timeliness, patient-centeredness, efficiency, and equity of healthcare services provided at primary healthcare facilities in the study area.

Community Awareness: The level of knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs among residents of Sabo Ugwan Sunday regarding the importance of primary healthcare services and their rights to access them.

Health Outcomes: The impact of primary healthcare utilization on the health status, morbidity, mortality, and overall well-being of individuals and communities in Sabo Ugwan Sunday.

Policymakers: Refers to individuals or groups responsible for formulating and implementing policies related to healthcare delivery and public health interventions in Kaduna State.

Stakeholders: Includes individuals, organizations, or groups with an interest or involvement in primary healthcare provision, such as healthcare providers, community leaders, non-governmental organizations, and funding agencies.


  • Federal Ministry of Health, Nigeria. (2018). National Strategic Health Development Plan II (NSHDP II), 2018-2022. Federal Ministry of Health, Abuja. Available at: https://www.health.gov.ng/doc/NSHDP%20II%20Final.pdf
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  • Gage AD, Leslie HH, Bitton A, Jerome G, Joseph JP, et al. (2018). Does quality influence the utilization of primary health care? Evidence from Haiti. Global Health, 14, 59. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12992-018-0379-0
  • Goddard, W., & Melville, S. (2020). Research methodology: An introduction (2nd ed.). Blackwell Publishing.
  • Gray, D. E. (2018). Doing research in the real world (3rd ed.). Sage.


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