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  • Chapters 1 to 5
  • With Abstract and References
  • Preview Chapter 5 Below


Factors Influencing Craftsmen’s Productivity on Building Construction Site in Oredo Local Govt. Area.


Productivity of craft men is one measure of the efficiency with which the human labor is assessed. Any variations in Productivity of craft men will affect the construction site. A decline in productivity causes an increase in the time necessary to complete the project and the total cost of the project. The main objective of this study was to assess the influence of design and specification related factors, technological related factors, labor related factors, and organizational related factors on Productivity of craft men in construction sites in Oredo Local Government Area as a case study. The research was primarily based on primary data collected through a structured questionnaire. To this respect, a total of 114 questionnaires were distributed to purposively selected craft men in Oredo Local Government Area, which constituted response rate of (77) or 68% and this was adequate for statistical generalization of the study findings. Major labor related factor that affects Productivity of craft men at projects is incompetence of labors at projects. Major organizational related factors that affect Productivity of craft men at projects were cash flow and financial difficulties, poor resources management, absence of working plan, lack of craft men motivation, and poor communication in the enterprise. The researcher further employed a multiple linear regression model to analyze the relationship between factors influencing Productivity of craft men and level of Productivity of craft men in construction sites. The regression result reveals technological and organizational related factors are positively and significantly influence the Productivity of craft men. On other hand, labor and design and specification related factors were found positive but not significant factor influencing the productivity of labor. The results of the study may suggest that the enterprise need to give more emphasis on technological and organizational related factors to enhance Productivity of craft men in construction sites.



 5.1.    Summary of Major Findings

The study was based on the factors influencing Productivity of craft men in building construction sites in Oredo Local Government Area. It sought to investigate whether organizational, technology, labor, and design and specification factors influence Productivity of craft men in building construction sites. Based on the objectives of the research stated, the following summaries were made in relation to the findings:

  • Delay in Preparation and delivery of drawings by consultant was ranked first by respondents with mean= 3.25 and SD = 1.17 that affect Productivity of craft men in construction site. Incomplete and inaccurate drawings was considered by respondents as the second most important (mean = 3.23 and SD =1.21) factor that affect Productivity of craft men. Incomplete and inaccurate design makes craft men idle and this result in craft men to be without work for some time. Design change was ranked as the third most important design and specification related factor (mean = 3.13 and SD = 1.29) that affect Productivity of craft men in construction sites.
  • Lack of construction equipment and tools was ranked first by respondents with mean = 4.05 and SD = 0.93.The lack of an effective and efficient construction equipment and tools affect the overall performance of the Lack of technological advancements for machineries was ranked as second technology related factor influencing Productivity of craft men with mean 3.72 and SD= 1.14.
  • Incompetence of labors at projects was ranked first by respondents with mean= 57 and SD =097. Most of respondents tend to agree that incompetency of labor affect Productivity of craft men in projects.
  • Cash flow and financial difficulties faced by the enterprise was ranked first by respondents with mean= 4.64 and SD =0.80 to affect Productivity of craft men in building construction sites as it affects the project budget. Poor resources management in the enterprise was ranked as the second (mean =4.42 and SD= 75) that affect Productivity of craft men in construction sites. Lack of craft men motivation in the enterprise was ranked as the fourth organizational factor (mean =3.66 and SD= 0.84) that affect Productivity of craft men.
  • Finally, the coefficients of the regression for organizational related factors (0.001, p < 05), and technology related factors (0.037, p < 0.05), are positive and significant. This means organization and technology related factors are positively and significantly influence Productivity of craft men.
  • The regression result reveals organizational and technological related factors are positively and significantly influence Productivity of craft men in construction sites.
5.2.    Conclusion

Based on the objectives of the research stated, the following conclusions were made in relation to the findings:

  • Major design and specification related factors that affect Productivity of craft men at projects are delay in preparation and delivery of drawings, incomplete and inaccurate drawings, and design changes at construction sites
  • Major construction technological related factors that affect Productivity of craft men at projects are lack of construction equipment and tools, an absence of technological advancements for machineries, and frequent damage of
  • Major labor related factor that affects Productivity of craft men at projects is incompetence of labors at projects.
  • Major organizational related factors that affect Productivity of craft men at projects were cash flow and financial difficulties, poor resources management, absence of working plan, lack of craft men motivation, and poor communication in the
  • Finally, the regression result reveals organizational and technological related factors are positively and significantly influence Productivity of craft men in construction sites. On other hand, labor and design and specification related factors were found positive but not significant factor influencing Productivity of craft men in construction sites.


5.3.    Recommendations

 Based on the research findings, the following recommendations should be put into practice for the enterprise who aims at performing better in construction sites.

  • The enterprise is recommended to use advance payment properly to avoid the cash flow and financial problems.
  • The enterprise has to prepare updated financial statement, the statement of cash flows and income statements are most important for keeping an eye on how money is moving through the
  • The enterprise has to improve its equipment management system and also need to avoid a carelessness attitude of its workers in handling and improve lack of proper maintenance
  • Nigerian government should enhance and encourage the accessibility of construction materials, either through local availability or direct imports. This would improve competitiveness among equipment supplier and thus it helps DCE to gain price
  • DCE needs to dedicate its effort to manage those factors that significantly impact on its Productivity of craft men.


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