• Format: ms-word (doc)
  • Pages: 76
  • Chapter 1 to 5
  • With abstract reference and questionnaire
  • Preview abstract and chapter 1 below


ICT and Youth Empowerment in Abakaliki L.G.A, Ebonyi State


This study investigated the relationship between Information and Communication Technology (ICT) adoption and youth empowerment in Abakaliki L.G.A, Ebonyi State, Nigeria. A quantitative survey research design was adopted, employing a structured questionnaire to collect data from a sample of 120 respondents. The questionnaire was designed to assess various aspects of ICT adoption, usage patterns, and its impact on youth empowerment. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS27, and statistical techniques such as t-tests were utilized to test the hypotheses formulated in the study. The findings of the study revealed significant relationships between ICT adoption and youth empowerment in Abakaliki L.G.A. Specifically, the results of the t-tests indicated that there was a significant positive relationship between ICT adoption and youth empowerment, as evidenced by the high mean scores obtained in both variables. Furthermore, the study identified several challenges hindering the effective utilization of ICT for youth empowerment, including limited access to reliable internet connectivity, high costs of ICT devices, and inadequate ICT skills training and support services. In conclusion, the study underscored the importance of ICT adoption in promoting youth empowerment and socioeconomic development in Abakaliki L.G.A. It highlighted the need for policymakers, educators, and other stakeholders to prioritize investments in ICT infrastructure, education, and entrepreneurship programs to support the digital empowerment of youth in the region. Based on the findings, several recommendations were proposed, including improving ICT infrastructure, strengthening ICT education, providing affordable ICT devices, promoting entrepreneurship opportunities, expanding ICT training and support services, and fostering collaboration among stakeholders. These recommendations aimed to address the identified challenges and maximize the potential of ICT to empower youth and drive inclusive growth and development in Abakaliki L.G.A.




Background to the Study

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become an indispensable tool in the modern world, revolutionizing various aspects of human life, including education, business, governance, and social interaction (Levy, 2021). In Nigeria, like many other developing countries, the youth population represents a significant demographic segment with immense potential (Sirlin et al., 2021). However, this potential often remains untapped due to various socio-economic challenges. Ebonyi State, particularly in Abakaliki Local Government Area (L.G.A), is no exception to these challenges.

Abakaliki L.G.A, situated in Ebonyi State, faces numerous socio-economic hurdles, including unemployment, inadequate educational facilities, and limited access to information (Muda et al., 2021). In such a context, ICT presents itself as a potent tool for addressing these challenges and empowering the youth. By providing access to information, facilitating communication, and offering opportunities for skill development and entrepreneurship, ICT has the potential to transform the lives of young people in Abakaliki L.G.A.

The impact of information technology on poverty alleviation has been documented in various studies (Mebawondu et al., 2021). In Nigeria, where poverty is prevalent, particularly among the youth population, harnessing the benefits of ICT can lead to significant improvements in livelihoods and economic empowerment (Udaudoh et al., 2019). Through initiatives that promote digital literacy and provide access to ICT infrastructure, young people in Abakaliki L.G.A can acquire the skills and knowledge needed to participate effectively in the digital economy.

Youth empowerment for sustainable development is a key priority for many countries, including Nigeria (Kolade et al., 2020). In Abakaliki L.G.A, where the youth face numerous challenges, including unemployment and lack of opportunities, ICT can play a crucial role in empowering them to become active participants in the development process (Onyam & Chukwu, 2022). By equipping young people with digital skills and promoting innovation and entrepreneurship, ICT interventions can create avenues for economic growth and social progress.

The role of ICT education and training in poverty reduction and economic empowerment has been highlighted in various studies (Rislana, 2018). In the context of Abakaliki L.G.A, investing in ICT infrastructure and capacity-building initiatives can yield significant returns in terms of poverty alleviation and sustainable development (Zhao et al., 2020). By providing young people with access to ICT resources and opportunities for skills development, policymakers can empower them to break the cycle of poverty and build a better future for themselves and their communities.

In essence, ICT has the potential to transform the lives of young people in Abakaliki L.G.A by providing them with access to information, opportunities for skill development, and avenues for entrepreneurship. However, realizing this potential requires concerted efforts from policymakers, educators, and other stakeholders to invest in ICT infrastructure, promote digital literacy, and create an enabling environment for innovation and entrepreneurship. By harnessing the power of ICT, Abakaliki L.G.A can unlock the talents and potential of its youth population and pave the way for sustainable development and inclusive growth (Okocha, 2022).

Statement of Problem

The existing literature on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and youth empowerment in Nigeria provides valuable insights into the potential benefits of ICT interventions. However, there remains a notable gap in research focusing specifically on Abakaliki L.G.A, Ebonyi State. While broader studies have highlighted the transformative potential of ICT in various contexts, they often lack a localized perspective, failing to address the unique socio-economic challenges faced by youth in Abakaliki L.G.A (Levy, 2021).

Despite the recognition of ICT’s importance in addressing poverty and fostering economic empowerment, there is limited empirical evidence on its practical implementation and effectiveness at the local level (Muda et al., 2021). Existing studies tend to offer generalized recommendations without adequately considering the specific needs and dynamics of Abakaliki L.G.A. Consequently, there is a crucial gap in understanding how ICT can be effectively utilized to empower youth in this particular context (Sirlin et al., 2021).

Moreover, while some research has explored the role of ICT in fostering entrepreneurship and skill development among youth, there is a lack of focus on the accessibility and inclusivity of ICT resources in Abakaliki L.G.A (Mebawondu et al., 2021). Marginalized groups within the youth population, such as females and rural dwellers, may face additional barriers to accessing and benefiting from ICT initiatives. Thus, there is a need for research that examines these barriers and identifies strategies to ensure equitable access to ICT opportunities for all youth in the area (Udaudoh et al., 2019).

Furthermore, the existing literature primarily emphasizes the positive impacts of ICT interventions, overlooking potential challenges and unintended consequences (Onyam & Chukwu, 2022). A comprehensive understanding of the barriers and limitations of ICT adoption is essential for designing effective and sustainable interventions. Therefore, there is a need for research that critically evaluates the outcomes of ICT initiatives in Abakaliki L.G.A, highlighting both their successes and shortcomings.

 Objectives of the Study

The specific objectives of this study include:

  1. To assess the level of ICT adoption and usage among youth in Abakaliki L.G.A.
  2. To examine the impact of ICT initiatives on youth empowerment in Abakaliki L.G.A.
  3. To identify the challenges hindering the effective utilization of ICT for youth empowerment in Abakaliki L.G.A.

Behaviour questions

The study aimed to answer the following behaviour questions:

  1. What is the level of ICT adoption and usage among youth in Abakaliki L.G.A?
  2. How do ICT initiatives contribute to youth empowerment in Abakaliki L.G.A?
  3. What are the challenges faced by youth in Abakaliki L.G.A in utilizing ICT for empowerment?

Research Hypotheses

The following hypotheses were formulated for this study:

  1. There is no significant relationship between ICT adoption and youth empowerment in Abakaliki L.G.A.
  2. The challenges hindering ICT utilization do not significantly impact youth empowerment in Abakaliki L.G.A.

Significance of the Study

The significance of this study lies in its potential to contribute valuable insights into the role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in empowering youth in Abakaliki Local Government Area (L.G.A), Ebonyi State, Nigeria. By focusing on this specific geographical context, the study addresses a notable gap in the existing literature, which often lacks localized perspectives on ICT interventions and their impacts on youth empowerment.

Firstly, this study holds significance for policymakers and government agencies tasked with designing and implementing youth development programs in Abakaliki L.G.A. By providing empirical evidence on the effectiveness of ICT interventions in addressing the socio-economic challenges faced by youth, the study can inform the development of targeted policies and initiatives aimed at promoting youth empowerment and sustainable development in the area.

Secondly, the findings of this study can also benefit non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and civil society groups working to support youth empowerment initiatives in Abakaliki L.G.A. By identifying the specific barriers to ICT access and utilization faced by youth in the area, the study can help these organizations tailor their programs and interventions to better meet the needs of the local population.

Furthermore, the study has implications for educators and educational institutions in Abakaliki L.G.A. By highlighting the importance of digital literacy and ICT skills for youth empowerment, the study can inform curriculum development and teaching methodologies aimed at equipping young people with the necessary skills and competencies for success in the digital age.

Moreover, the findings of this study can also benefit private sector organizations and businesses operating in Abakaliki L.G.A. By understanding the potential of ICT to create economic opportunities and foster entrepreneurship among youth, businesses can explore partnerships and collaborations that support youth-led innovation and enterprise development.

Additionally, the study holds significance for researchers and scholars interested in the fields of youth development, ICT, and development studies. By providing new empirical evidence on the impacts of ICT interventions on youth empowerment in a specific geographical context, the study contributes to the broader academic discourse on the role of technology in fostering socio-economic development and inclusive growth.

Scope of the Study

This study focused specifically on youth empowerment through ICT in Abakaliki L.G.A, Ebonyi State, Nigeria. The research covered aspects such as ICT adoption, usage patterns, impact on empowerment, and challenges faced by youth in utilizing ICT resources. The study did not extend to other demographic groups or geographical areas outside the specified scope.

Operational Definition of Terms

ICT (Information and Communication Technology): Refers to technologies that provide access to information through telecommunications and digital computing.

Youth Empowerment: The process of enabling young people to realize their potential, gain control over their lives, and contribute positively to society.

Adoption: The process of accepting and integrating ICT tools and practices into daily activities.

Usage: The extent to which individuals engage with and utilize ICT resources for various purposes.

Impact: The effects or outcomes resulting from the application of ICT initiatives on youth empowerment.

Challenges: Obstacles or barriers that hinder the effective utilization of ICT resources by young people.

Digital Literacy: The ability to access, understand, evaluate, and create information using digital technologies.

Entrepreneurship: The activity of setting up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit.


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