• Format: ms-word (doc)
  • Pages: 57
  • Chapter 1 to 5
  • With abstract reference and questionnaire
  • Preview abstract and chapter 1 below


Impact of Guidance Services on Students’ Attitude Towards Schooling Among Secondary School Students


This study was on impact of guidance services on students attitude towards schooling among secondary school students. Three objectives were raised which included:  1. Determine the extent to which guidance services are available and accessible to secondary school students in Nigeria, Investigate how secondary school students perceive the effectiveness and relevance of the guidance services provided in their schools and examine the influence of guidance services on students’ attitudes towards schooling. A total of 77 responses were received and validated from the enrolled participants where all respondents were drawn from selected secondary schools in Ibadan. Hypothesis was tested using Chi-Square statistical tool (SPSS).


Chapter one


Background of the study

Guidance services play a critical role in the educational system, particularly in influencing students’ attitudes towards schooling. These services encompass a range of activities designed to assist students in making informed educational, vocational, and personal decisions. In the context of secondary school students in Nigeria, the impact of guidance services on students’ attitudes towards schooling is a significant area of study due to its implications for educational outcomes and overall student well-being.

Guidance services, which include counseling, career guidance, and academic advising, are essential components of the educational experience. These services help students navigate the complexities of academic life, address personal and social challenges, and make strategic decisions about their future careers (Arowolo, 2013). Effective guidance programs are linked to improved academic performance, better student behavior, and enhanced emotional health (Lapan, Gysbers, & Petroski, 2001).

In Nigeria, the implementation of guidance services in secondary schools is relatively recent, gaining more attention in the last few decades. The Nigerian educational system has historically faced challenges such as overcrowded classrooms, limited resources, and a shortage of qualified counselors (Egbochuku, 2008). Despite these challenges, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of guidance and counseling in fostering students’ academic and personal development (Eyo, Joshua, & Esuong, 2010).

Students’ attitudes towards schooling significantly influence their academic success and overall school experience. Positive attitudes are associated with higher levels of motivation, engagement, and achievement, while negative attitudes can lead to absenteeism, low academic performance, and school dropout (Fredricks, Blumenfeld, & Paris, 2004). In Nigeria, factors such as socioeconomic status, parental involvement, and school environment contribute to shaping students’ attitudes towards schooling (Ajayi & Ekundayo, 2011).

Guidance services can positively impact students’ attitudes towards schooling by providing them with the necessary support and resources to overcome academic and personal challenges. Counselors play a pivotal role in helping students set realistic academic goals, develop effective study habits, and manage stress (Omotosho, 2010). Additionally, career guidance helps students understand the relevance of their education to their future aspirations, thereby increasing their motivation and engagement in school activities (Salami, 2008).

Research has shown that students who receive regular guidance and counseling services tend to have a more positive attitude towards schooling. For instance, a study by Chireshe (2006) found that secondary school students who participated in guidance programs demonstrated higher levels of academic achievement and a more positive outlook on their education. Similarly, Akos and Galassi (2004) reported that guidance services contributed to improved student behavior and reduced disciplinary issues.

The impact of guidance services on students’ attitudes towards schooling is a critical area of research, particularly in the Nigerian context where educational challenges are prevalent. Understanding how these services influence students can help educators and policymakers design more effective programs that support students’ academic and personal development. Given the positive outcomes associated with guidance services, it is essential to continue exploring their role in shaping students’ attitudes and overall educational experiences.

Statement of the problem

Despite the recognized importance of guidance services in enhancing students’ academic and personal development, many secondary schools in Nigeria still face significant challenges in implementing effective guidance programs. These challenges include inadequate funding, a shortage of qualified counselors, and limited awareness among students and parents about the benefits of guidance services. Consequently, many students in Nigerian secondary schools exhibit negative attitudes towards schooling, which can lead to poor academic performance, increased absenteeism, and higher dropout rates.

In the Nigerian educational context, where students often contend with various socio-economic and personal challenges, the role of guidance services becomes even more critical. However, there is a dearth of empirical research specifically investigating how these services influence students’ attitudes towards schooling. Without a clear understanding of this relationship, efforts to improve educational outcomes and support students’ holistic development may be hindered.

Objective of the study

The objective of this study is to examine the impact of guidance services on students’ attitudes towards schooling among secondary school students in Nigeria. To achieve this overarching goal, the study aims to accomplish the following specific objectives:

  1. Determine the extent to which guidance services are available and accessible to secondary school students in Nigeria.
  2. Investigate how secondary school students perceive the effectiveness and relevance of the guidance services provided in their schools.
  3. Examine the influence of guidance services on students’ attitudes towards schooling

Research Hypotheses

H1: there is no extent to which guidance services are available and accessible to secondary school students in Nigeria

H2: there is no influence of guidance services on students’ attitudes towards schooling

Significance of the study

The significance of this study lies in its potential to contribute to the enhancement of educational practices and policies related to guidance services in Nigerian secondary schools. The findings of this study can inform policymakers and educational administrators about the current state of guidance services in secondary schools. By highlighting the availability, accessibility, and effectiveness of these services, the study can guide the development of policies aimed at improving guidance programs, ensuring that they are adequately funded, staffed, and integrated into the school system. Understanding the impact of guidance services on students’ attitudes towards schooling is crucial for fostering a positive educational environment. The study’s insights can help educators and counselors develop targeted interventions that address students’ academic, personal, and social needs, thereby enhancing their motivation, engagement, and overall school experience. By identifying the barriers to effective implementation of guidance services, the study provides a foundation for addressing these challenges. This can lead to the development of strategies to overcome obstacles such as insufficient resources, lack of trained counselors, and limited awareness among students and parents about the benefits of guidance services. Guidance services play a critical role in supporting students’ emotional and psychological well-being. The study’s findings can highlight the importance of these services in helping students manage stress, build resilience, and develop positive attitudes towards schooling, contributing to their overall mental health and well-being.

Scope of the study

The scope of the study covers Impact of Guidance Services on Students’ Attitude Towards Schooling Among Secondary School Students. The study will be limited to selected secondary schools in Ibadan, Oyo state

Limitation of the study

While this study aims to provide valuable insights into the impact of guidance services on students’ attitudes towards schooling among secondary school students in Nigeria, it is important to acknowledge several limitations that may affect the generalizability and interpretation of the findings:

  1. Sample Size and Selection:

The study’s findings may be constrained by the sample size and selection criteria. If the sample is not sufficiently large or diverse, the results may not be generalizable to the broader population of secondary school students in Nigeria. Additionally, potential biases in sample selection could impact the study’s conclusions.

  1. Temporal Constraints:

The study’s timeframe may limit its ability to capture long-term effects of guidance services on students’ attitudes towards schooling. Attitudinal changes can take time to manifest, and a cross-sectional study design might not fully capture these dynamics.

  1. Resource Constraints:

Limited financial and logistical resources can restrict the scope and depth of the study. Constraints in funding, access to schools, and availability of research personnel might affect the comprehensiveness of data collection and analysis

Definition of terms

Guidance Services:

A range of activities and support systems provided within schools to assist students in their educational, vocational, and personal development. This includes counseling, career guidance, academic advising, and personal-social support.

 Attitude Towards Schooling:

The overall perception, feelings, and disposition that students have towards their educational experience. This encompasses their motivation, engagement, enjoyment, and value placed on schooling.

 Secondary School:

An educational institution that provides secondary education, typically for students aged 12 to 18 years, following primary education and preceding tertiary or higher education.


A trained professional within the educational system who provides guidance and support to students in areas such as academic performance, career planning, personal development, and social interactions.



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