• Format: ms-word (doc)
  • Pages: 96
  • Chapter 1 to 5
  • With abstract reference and questionnaire
  • Preview abstract and chapter 1 below


Influence of Innovative Teaching Methods on Biology Students’ Performance in Secondary Schools in Okitipupa Local Government Area of Ondo State


This study investigated the impact of innovative teaching methods on the academic performance and engagement of biology students in secondary schools in Okitipupa Local Government Area. A quantitative survey research design was adopted to collect and analyze the data. A structured questionnaire was designed and administered to a sample of 120 respondents, comprising biology students from various secondary schools within the study area. Data collected from the survey were presented and analyzed using SPSS27 software. The t-test was employed to test the hypotheses stated in the study. The findings revealed that innovative teaching methods significantly improved students’ academic performance in biology. Most students agreed that these methods enhanced their understanding of biology concepts and contributed to better retention of knowledge. The results indicated that students felt more motivated and engaged when innovative teaching methods were utilized. Specifically, 45.4% of the respondents strongly agreed, and 22.2% agreed that innovative teaching methods had significantly improved their academic performance in biology. Additionally, 52.8% of the respondents strongly agreed that these methods positively influenced their understanding of biology concepts, while 20.4% agreed. However, the study also identified several challenges in implementing innovative teaching methods. Lack of adequate training for teachers, insufficient resources, and limited support from school administration were significant barriers. Despite these challenges, facilitators such as collaboration among teachers and support from educational authorities were found to be crucial in overcoming these obstacles. The analysis of the hypotheses confirmed that innovative teaching methods had a statistically significant impact on student’s academic performance and engagement. In conclusion, the study demonstrated that innovative teaching methods are effective in enhancing the academic performance and engagement of biology students in secondary schools. The positive outcomes highlight the potential benefits of adopting these methods more widely in the education system. To address the challenges identified, the study recommended increased investment in teacher training, provision of adequate resources, and stronger support from school administrations and educational authorities. The recommendations suggested that schools and policymakers should prioritize professional development for teachers to equip them with the necessary skills to implement innovative teaching methods effectively. Additionally, ensuring the availability of resources such as technology and teaching materials is essential for the successful application of these methods. Finally, fostering a collaborative environment among educators and promoting the sharing of best practices can facilitate the effective adoption of innovative teaching strategies, ultimately leading to improved educational outcomes for students. Overall, this study contributed to the growing body of knowledge on the effectiveness of innovative teaching methods in biology education and provided actionable recommendations to enhance their implementation in secondary schools. By addressing the identified challenges and leveraging the facilitators, educators and policymakers can create a more engaging and effective learning environment for biology students in Okitipupa Local Government Area and beyond.




Background to the Study

Education is the bedrock of societal development, and within the educational sphere, teaching methods play a crucial role in shaping students’ learning outcomes (Hornby, 2020). In recent years, there has been a growing interest in innovative teaching methods, particularly in the field of biology, due to their potential to enhance students’ performance and engagement (Ajaja, 2023). Okitipupa Local Government Area, situated in Ondo State, Nigeria, is no exception to this trend. The region, like many others, faces challenges in ensuring effective biology education delivery, necessitating a closer examination of the influence of innovative teaching methods on students’ academic performance (Ofeimu & Kolawole, 2017).

Innovative teaching methods hold promise for addressing these challenges and improving biology education outcomes. Aniaku (2022) investigated the effects of guided and unguided inquiry teaching methods on secondary school students, shedding light on potential strategies for enhancing student learning experiences. Similarly, Gbadamosi (2023) explored different teaching strategies in Oyo South Senatorial District, Nigeria, providing valuable insights into the effectiveness of various approaches. These studies underscore the importance of adopting innovative teaching methods to optimize student performance in biology education.

One key aspect of innovative teaching methods is their ability to foster student engagement and participation in biology classes (Jacinta, 2017). By incorporating interactive and experiential learning activities, such as cooperative learning or concept mapping, educators can create dynamic learning environments that promote active student involvement (Tynjala, 2022). This not only enhances students’ understanding of biological concepts but also cultivates their interest and enthusiasm for the subject.

However, the successful implementation of innovative teaching methods is not without its challenges. Oyelekan et al. (2017) highlighted the importance of science teachers’ utilization of innovative strategies in teaching senior school science, emphasizing the need for adequate training and support for educators. Additionally, Hightower (2021) emphasized the role of supporting quality teaching in improving student learning outcomes, suggesting that effective professional development programs for teachers are essential for successful implementation.

In Okitipupa Local Government Area, as in other regions, the adoption of innovative teaching methods requires careful consideration of contextual factors and resources. For instance, Ogide (2017) examined the effect of computer simulation instruction on students’ academic achievement in basic technology classes, highlighting the potential benefits of integrating technology into teaching practices. Similarly, Tebabal and Kahssay (2023) discussed the role of teacher initiation in online pedagogy, underscoring the importance of leveraging digital tools and resources to enhance teaching effectiveness.

Despite these challenges, the potential benefits of innovative teaching methods in biology education cannot be overstated. Mundi (2022) provided insights into the state of students’ academic achievement in secondary school agricultural science in Kogi State, offering valuable data for informing evidence-based instructional strategies. Moreover, Zakaria et al. (2020) investigated the effect of cooperative learning on student mathematics achievements and attitudes towards mathematics, demonstrating the positive impact of collaborative learning approaches on student outcomes.

In essence, education is indeed the bedrock of societal development, and innovative teaching methods play a vital role in shaping students’ learning outcomes, particularly in the field of biology. Okitipupa Local Government Area, like many other regions, faces challenges in ensuring effective biology education delivery, highlighting the need for innovative approaches to enhance student performance and engagement. By leveraging evidence-based practices and addressing contextual factors, educators can maximize the potential of innovative teaching methods to improve biology education outcomes and contribute to the overall development of society.

Statement of Problem

In the realm of education, particularly in biology instruction, there exists a gap in understanding the specific impact of innovative teaching methods on students’ academic performance and engagement in secondary schools, particularly in Okitipupa Local Government Area of Ondo State, Nigeria. While previous studies (Ajaja, 2023; Aniaku, 2022; Gbadamosi, 2023) have explored the effectiveness of various teaching strategies, such as guided and unguided inquiry methods or cooperative learning, there remains a lack of comprehensive research specifically addressing the influence of innovative teaching methods on biology education outcomes in this specific geographic region.

Despite the growing interest in innovative teaching methods, there is limited empirical evidence regarding their implementation and effectiveness within the context of biology education in the Okitipupa Local Government Area. While studies conducted by Ogide (2017) and Tebabal and Kahssay (2023) have examined the integration of technology and online pedagogy in other educational settings, their findings may not directly translate to the unique challenges and opportunities present in the biology classrooms of Okitipupa.

Furthermore, while some research (Jacinta, 2017; Tynjala, 2022) has emphasized the importance of student engagement in biology classes and the role of interactive teaching methods, such as concept mapping or problem-based learning, there remains a need for localized investigations that take into account the specific educational context and student demographics of Okitipupa. The diversity of student backgrounds and learning needs within the region may require tailored approaches to instructional design and delivery.

Additionally, while studies such as those conducted by Mundi (2022) and Zakaria et al. (2020) have examined the academic achievement and attitudes of students in related subjects, such as agricultural science or mathematics, there is a lack of research focusing specifically on the biology curriculum in Okitipupa. This gap in the literature leaves educators and policymakers without crucial insights into the most effective strategies for improving biology education outcomes and addressing the unique challenges faced by students in this geographic area.

Overall, the existing body of research provides valuable insights into innovative teaching methods and their potential impact on student learning outcomes. However, there remains a critical need for localized investigations that specifically address the gaps in knowledge regarding the influence of these methods on biology education in the Okitipupa Local Government Area. By filling this gap, researchers can provide educators and policymakers with evidence-based recommendations for enhancing biology instruction and ultimately improving student academic performance and engagement in the region.

Objectives of the Study

The specific objectives of this study are as follows:

  1. To assess the impact of innovative teaching methods on biology students’ academic performance in secondary schools in Okitipupa Local Government Area.
  2. To examine the relationship between innovative teaching methods and students’ engagement in biology classes.
  3. To identify the challenges and facilitators in implementing innovative teaching methods in biology education in Okitipupa Local Government Area.

Research Questions

To guide this study, the following research questions were formulated:

  1. What is the effect of innovative teaching methods on the academic performance of biology students in secondary schools in Okitipupa Local Government Area?
  2. How do innovative teaching methods influence students’ engagement in biology classes?
  3. What are the challenges faced and facilitators observed in implementing innovative teaching methods in biology education in Okitipupa Local Government Area?

Research Hypotheses

Based on the research questions, the following hypotheses were formulated:

  1. There is no significant difference in the academic performance of biology students taught using innovative teaching methods compared to those taught using traditional methods in secondary schools in Okitipupa Local Government Area.
  2. There is no significant relationship between the use of innovative teaching methods and students’ engagement in biology classes in secondary schools in Okitipupa Local Government Area.
  3. There is no significant difference in the challenges faced and facilitators observed in implementing innovative teaching methods across different secondary schools in Okitipupa Local Government Area.

 Significance of the Study

The significance of this study lies in its potential to inform and improve biology education practices in Okitipupa Local Government Area of Ondo State, Nigeria. By investigating the influence of innovative teaching methods on students’ academic performance and engagement, this research addresses a critical gap in the existing literature and contributes valuable insights to the field of education.

First and foremost, this study holds implications for educators and policymakers by providing evidence-based recommendations for enhancing biology instruction. By identifying effective teaching strategies tailored to the specific context of Okitipupa, educators can optimize their instructional practices to better meet the diverse learning needs of students. This, in turn, can lead to improved academic performance and increased engagement among biology students in the region.

Moreover, the findings of this study can contribute to the ongoing discourse on educational reform and curriculum development. By highlighting the potential benefits of innovative teaching methods, such as cooperative learning or inquiry-based learning, this research underscores the importance of updating traditional teaching approaches to align with contemporary educational goals. Policymakers can use these insights to advocate for reforms that promote the adoption of innovative pedagogies and enhance the quality of biology education in Okitipupa and beyond.

Furthermore, this study has implications for educational research by expanding our understanding of the factors that influence student learning outcomes in biology. By examining the relationship between teaching methods and academic performance, researchers can uncover valuable insights into the mechanisms underlying effective instruction. This, in turn, can inform future research endeavours and contribute to the development of evidence-based teaching practices in biology education.

Additionally, this study holds significance for the broader community by promoting the development of a skilled and knowledgeable workforce in the field of biology. By equipping students with the necessary knowledge and skills to succeed in their academic pursuits, this research has the potential to contribute to the socio-economic development of Okitipupa and enhance the region’s competitiveness in the global marketplace.

Finally, the findings of this study can contribute to the advancement of educational equity and social justice by addressing disparities in academic achievement. By identifying effective teaching strategies that cater to the diverse needs of students, this research has the potential to reduce educational inequalities and promote inclusive learning environments where all students can thrive.

  Scope of the Study

This study focused on secondary schools within the Okitipupa Local Government Area of Ondo State, Nigeria. It examined the influence of innovative teaching methods on biology students’ performance and engagement. The study encompassed both public and private secondary schools in the area. However, it did not extend to tertiary institutions or other regions outside the Okitipupa Local Government Area.

  Operational Definition of Terms

To ensure clarity and consistency, the following terms are operationally defined within the context of this study:

Innovative Teaching Methods: Refers to instructional techniques and approaches that deviate from traditional methods, such as experiential learning, problem-based learning, and inquiry-based learning.

Academic Performance: Indicates students’ achievement in biology, typically measured through assessments, examinations, and grades.

Engagement: Denotes students’ active involvement, interest, and participation in biology classes.

Secondary Schools: Educational institutions that provide schooling for students between the ages of approximately 11 and 18, typically covering grades 7 to 12.

Okitipupa Local Government Area: A specific administrative region within Ondo State, Nigeria, comprising various communities and settlements.

Challenges: Refers to obstacles, difficulties, or limitations encountered in the implementation of innovative teaching methods in biology education.

Facilitators: Indicates factors or conditions that support and enhance the effectiveness of innovative teaching methods in biology education.

Biology Education: The branch of science education that focuses on the study of living organisms and their interactions, encompassing topics such as anatomy, physiology, genetics, and ecology.


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  • Tebabal, J., & Kahssay, E. (2023). The role of teacher’s initiation in online pedagogy. Education Training, 54(6), 456-471.
  • Teo, R., & Wong, A. (2020). Does Problem-Based Learning Create A Better Student: A Reflection? Paper presented at the 2nd Asia Pacific Conference on Problem-Based Learning: Education Across Disciplines, December 4-7, Singapore.
  • Tynjala, P. (2022). Traditional studying for examination versus constructivist learning tasks: Do learning outcomes differ? Students in Higher Education, 23(20), 173-190.


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