• Format: ms-word (doc)
  • Pages: 96
  • Chapter 1 to 5
  • With abstract reference and questionnaire
  • Preview abstract and chapter 1 below


Party Primaries and the Delegate System: the Impact of Political Corruption on Sustainable Democracy in Nigeria’s Fourth Republic


This study adopted a quantitative and descriptive survey research design, utilizing a questionnaire to obtain data from 72 respondents. The study aimed to investigate the extent and nature of political corruption in Nigeria’s party primaries and delegate system and its impact on sustainable democracy. The research was guided by the following objectives: to analyze the extent and nature of political corruption in Nigeria’s party primaries and delegate system, to examine the effects of political corruption on the credibility and legitimacy of party primaries and the delegate system, and to propose strategies and reforms to mitigate the impact of political corruption on Nigeria’s party primaries and delegate system and enhance sustainable democracy. The findings revealed that political corruption was rampant in Nigeria’s party primaries and delegate system, with vote buying, favouritism, and nepotism being the most prevalent forms of corruption. These corrupt practices had eroded the credibility and legitimacy of party primaries and the delegate system, thereby undermining sustainable democracy in Nigeria. Based on the results, the study recommended several strategies and reforms to mitigate the impact of political corruption. These recommendations included introducing strict campaign finance laws, strengthening the independence of the electoral commission, enhancing transparency and accountability in the delegate system, and increasing civic education and engagement. By addressing the issue of political corruption in Nigeria’s party primaries and delegate system, this study made a valuable contribution to the body of knowledge on sustainable democracy. The insights provided by this research can inform policymakers, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders in their efforts to promote a more transparent, accountable, and democratic political process in Nigeria.




Background of the Study

Political parties play a vital role in shaping democratic processes and institutions in many countries around the world (Levitsky & Ziblatt, 2018). They serve as intermediaries between citizens and the government, providing a platform for political participation, representation, and policy formation. In Nigeria, the Fourth Republic, which began in 1999, marked a significant milestone in the country’s democratic journey after years of military rule (Uzoechi, 2021). However, Nigeria’s democratic progress has been marred by the pervasive issue of political corruption, which has had a profound impact on the sustainability of democracy in the country (Okafor, 2022).

Nigeria, Africa’s most populous nation and one of the continent’s largest economies has faced persistent challenges in combating political corruption (Kunle, 2021). This issue has permeated various aspects of governance, including the political party system. Party primaries and the delegate system have become critical mechanisms for selecting candidates for political positions in Nigeria’s Fourth Republic (Agbonifo, 2023). During party primaries, party members participate in the selection process by voting or electing delegates who represent their interests in candidate selection. These delegates, in turn, participate in the decision-making process and play a crucial role in determining the party’s candidates for elections (Egbewole & Ashaolu, 2021).

However, the delegate system and party primaries in Nigeria have been plagued by political corruption (Omotola, 2022). The pervasiveness of corruption in these processes raises serious concerns about the fairness, transparency, and inclusiveness of Nigeria’s democratic system. Political corruption in the context of party primaries can take various forms, including bribery, embezzlement, nepotism, and electoral fraud (Obayelu & Adeleke, 2022). These corrupt practices undermine the integrity of the democratic process, distort the will of the people, and erode public trust in the political system (Olayemi & Ajibade, 2021).

The impact of political corruption on sustainable democracy in Nigeria is multifaceted. Firstly, it undermines the principles of fair competition and equal opportunity within political parties (Aiyede & Olaniyan, 2023). When corruption infiltrates party primaries, candidates who engage in corrupt practices, such as buying votes or bribing party officials, gain an unfair advantage over their competitors. This compromises the integrity of the selection process and marginalizes candidates who may be more competent and representative of the people’s interests (Musa, 2022).

Secondly, political corruption in party primaries erodes the legitimacy and credibility of the democratic system (Asuelime, 2021). When voters perceive that party primaries are marred by corruption, their confidence in the electoral process diminishes. They become disillusioned and sceptical of the outcomes, which can lead to apathy, voter suppression, or even political instability (Igwe, 2023). Furthermore, when corrupt candidates emerge as party nominees, the public’s faith in the political system is further eroded, making it difficult to sustain a vibrant and participatory democracy (Ojo & Adewale, 2022).

The consequences of political corruption in party primaries and the delegate system extend beyond the immediate electoral process. It undermines the overall governance framework and hampers the delivery of public services (Egharevba & Edo, 2021). Corrupt candidates who secure political positions through unfair means are more likely to engage in corrupt practices while in office, diverting public resources for personal gain rather than addressing the needs and aspirations of the citizens (Daramola & Uwazie, 2022).

Addressing the issue of political corruption in party primaries and the delegate system is crucial for the sustainable development of democracy in Nigeria’s Fourth Republic. It requires a comprehensive understanding of the nature, extent, and impact of corruption in these processes. Recent literature, reports, and studies on political corruption and democratic governance in Nigeria provide valuable insights into the challenges and potential solutions to addressing this issue.

Scholars and researchers have emphasized the importance of transparency and accountability in mitigating political corruption and promoting sustainable democracy. A study by Ojo and Adewale (2022) highlights the need for effective monitoring and enforcement mechanisms to ensure the integrity of party primaries. They argue that robust oversight, coupled with strict penalties for corrupt practices, can serve as deterrents and enhance the credibility of the selection process.

Furthermore, electoral reforms have been proposed as a means to combat political corruption in Nigeria’s party primaries. Adeleke and Ogunbode (2023) emphasize the significance of instituting reforms that enhance the internal democratic processes of political parties. They suggest the adoption of more transparent and participatory approaches, such as direct primaries, to minimize the opportunities for corruption and ensure a level playing field for all candidates.

Civil society organizations (CSOs) also play a crucial role in combating political corruption and promoting sustainable democracy. These organizations can mobilize public support, raise awareness, and advocate for reforms in Nigeria’s political system. A study by Igwe (2023) highlights the importance of CSOs in promoting transparency, accountability, and citizen engagement. By utilizing research findings on the impact of political corruption, CSOs can effectively advocate for anti-corruption measures and contribute to the overall democratization process.

International organizations and the international community have recognized the significance of addressing political corruption in Nigeria’s democracy. They provide support, technical assistance, and capacity-building initiatives to strengthen democratic institutions and promote good governance. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has been actively engaged in supporting Nigeria’s efforts to combat political corruption through various programs and initiatives (UNDP, 2021).

Political corruption encompasses a range of illicit activities, including bribery, embezzlement, nepotism, and electoral fraud (Transparency International, 2021). These corrupt practices undermine the integrity of political processes and institutions, erode public trust, and hinder the development of a sustainable democracy (Khan, 2022). Therefore, understanding the impact of political corruption on Nigeria’s party primaries and delegate system is crucial for assessing the overall health of the country’s democratic system.

Political corruption in Nigeria’s party primaries and delegate system has far-reaching consequences. A study by Obayelu and Adeleke (2022) found that corruption in party primaries creates an uneven playing field, as candidates who engage in bribery or embezzlement gain unfair advantages over their competitors. This compromises the fairness and inclusiveness of the candidate selection process and marginalizes qualified candidates who may better represent the people’s interests.

Moreover, political corruption erodes public trust and confidence in the democratic system. When voters perceive party primaries as corrupt, their faith in the electoral process diminishes, leading to apathy and decreased voter turnout (Olayemi & Ajibade, 2021). A lack of trust in the integrity of the candidate selection process can also contribute to political instability and undermine the legitimacy of elected officials (Igwe, 2023).

Furthermore, the consequences of political corruption extend beyond the immediate electoral process. Corrupt candidates who secure political positions through unfair means are more likely to engage in corrupt practices while in office, diverting public resources for personal gain rather than addressing the needs of the citizens (Egharevba & Edo, 2021). This undermines the overall governance framework and hampers the delivery of public services, hindering sustainable development (Daramola & Uwazie, 2022).

Addressing political corruption in Nigeria’s party primaries and delegate system requires robust measures. Aiyede and Olaniyan (2023) argue that promoting transparency, accountability, and internal party reforms are crucial steps in combating corruption. This includes enhancing oversight mechanisms, imposing strict penalties for corrupt practices, and promoting citizen engagement in the candidate selection process.

Statement of Problem

Nigeria’s Fourth Republic has witnessed numerous cases of political corruption that have significantly influenced the outcomes of party primaries and the delegate system (Okafor, 2022). The pervasive nature of corruption in these processes raises serious concerns about the fairness, transparency, and inclusiveness of Nigeria’s democratic system. Therefore, this study aims to examine the impact of political corruption on sustainable democracy in Nigeria, with a specific focus on the party primaries and delegate system.

Political corruption in Nigeria’s party primaries and delegate system has far-reaching consequences for the democratic process (Obayelu & Adeleke, 2022). It undermines the principles of fair competition and equal opportunity within political parties, compromising the integrity of the selection process and marginalizing candidates who may be more competent and representative of the people’s interests (Musa, 2022).

Furthermore, political corruption erodes the legitimacy and credibility of the democratic system (Asuelime, 2021). When voters perceive that party primaries are marred by corruption, their confidence in the electoral process diminishes, leading to apathy and decreased voter turnout (Olayemi & Ajibade, 2021). The consequences of political corruption extend beyond the immediate electoral process, as corrupt candidates are more likely to engage in further corrupt practices while in office, hindering the delivery of public services and impeding sustainable development (Egharevba & Edo, 2021). By examining the impact of political corruption on Nigeria’s party primaries and delegate system, this study aims to contribute to the existing body of knowledge on the topic and provide insights into potential strategies and reforms to mitigate the negative effects of corruption on sustainable democracy in Nigeria.

Objectives of the Study

The primary objective of this study is to assess the impact of political corruption on sustainable democracy in Nigeria’s Fourth Republic, with a specific focus on party primaries and the delegate system. The specific objectives are as follows:

  1. To analyze the extent and nature of political corruption in Nigeria’s party primaries and delegate system.
  2. To examine the effects of political corruption on the credibility and legitimacy of party primaries and the delegate system.
  3. To propose strategies and reforms to mitigate the impact of political corruption on Nigeria’s party primaries and delegate system and enhance sustainable democracy.

Research Questions

To achieve the aforementioned objectives, this study will address the following research questions:

  1. What are the major forms of political corruption observed in Nigeria’s party primaries and delegate system?
  2. How does political corruption affect the credibility and legitimacy of party primaries and the delegate system in Nigeria?
  3. What measures can be implemented to mitigate the impact of political corruption on Nigeria’s party primaries and delegate system and promote sustainable democracy?

Significance of the Study

This study holds significant implications for academia, policymakers, civil society organizations, and the general public. By examining the impact of political corruption on party primaries and the delegate system, the findings of this research will contribute to a deeper understanding of the challenges facing Nigeria’s democratic system. The study will also provide insights into the specific areas where corruption is most prevalent and the consequences it has on the democratic process.

Policymakers can benefit from this study by gaining a comprehensive understanding of the detrimental effects of political corruption on sustainable democracy. The research findings can inform the design and implementation of policies and reforms that target corruption in party primaries and the delegate system, thereby enhancing the integrity of the democratic process.

Civil society organizations can utilize the findings to advocate for reforms and promote transparency and accountability in Nigeria’s political system. By raising awareness about the impact of political corruption, these organizations can mobilize public support for anti-corruption measures and contribute to the overall democratization efforts.

Furthermore, the general public will benefit from this study as it sheds light on the negative consequences of political corruption on their democratic rights and aspirations. By understanding how corruption undermines the fairness and legitimacy of party primaries and the delegate system, citizens can become more informed and actively engage in holding their leaders accountable. Additionally, by supporting anti-corruption initiatives and demanding transparency, the public can contribute to the establishment of a more sustainable and robust democracy in Nigeria.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study focused specifically on the impact of political corruption on party primaries and the delegate system in Nigeria’s Fourth Republic. It examined corruption within political parties, including bribery, embezzlement, nepotism, and electoral fraud. The research analyzed the nature, extent, and consequences of corruption in these processes, as well as proposed strategies and reforms to mitigate its impact.

However, it was important to acknowledge the limitations of this study. Firstly, respondents’ unwillingness to participate posed a challenge in gathering comprehensive data on the extent and manifestations of political corruption in party primaries and the delegate system. Efforts were made to ensure confidentiality and create an environment conducive to open and honest responses.

Secondly, the unavailability of relevant literature on certain aspects of political corruption limited the depth of analysis. Despite this, the study made use of existing literature, reports, and data to provide valuable insights into the topic. Where there were gaps, the research drew on the most recent and reliable sources available to offer a comprehensive understanding of the subject.

Lastly, the limited time required for the completion of the thesis restricted the scope of the study. Given the vastness and complexity of the topic, it was not feasible to cover every aspect of political corruption within party primaries and the delegate system. Therefore, the study prioritized key forms of corruption and their direct impact on sustainable democracy to provide a focused analysis within the available timeframe.

Operational Definition of Terms

To ensure clarity and consistency, the following key terms used in this study are defined operationally:

Political corruption: Refers to the misuse of political power or position for personal gain, including bribery, embezzlement, nepotism, and electoral fraud (Rose-Ackerman, 2020).

Party primaries: The internal selection process within political parties to choose candidates for general elections (Nwokolo, 2021).

Delegate system: A mechanism through which representatives are chosen by party members to participate in decision-making processes, including candidate selection (Ahmed & Tunde, 2022).

Sustainable democracy: A form of governance characterized by accountable and transparent institutions, free and fair elections, protection of human rights, and active citizen participation (Adejumo, 2021).


Organization of the Study

This study is organized into five chapters. Chapter One provides an introduction to the research topic, presenting the background, statement of the problem, objectives, research questions, hypotheses, significance, scope, limitations, and operational definitions of terms.

Chapter Two presents a comprehensive review of the relevant literature on political corruption, party primaries, the delegate system, and sustainable democracy. This chapter critically examines existing theories, conceptual frameworks, and empirical studies that inform the understanding of the research topic.

Chapter Three outlines the research methodology employed in this study. It describes the research design, data collection methods, data analysis techniques, and ethical considerations. The chapter also discusses the selection of the sample and the rationale behind the chosen approach.

Chapter Four presents the findings of the study based on the data analysis. It discusses the extent and nature of political corruption in Nigeria’s party primaries and the delegate system, as well as its impact on the credibility and legitimacy of the processes. This chapter also presents evidence-based recommendations and strategies to mitigate the impact of corruption and enhance sustainable democracy.

Chapter Five concludes the study by summarizing the main findings, discussing their implications, and offering recommendations for future research and policy interventions. The chapter emphasizes the importance of addressing political corruption to ensure the sustainability of democracy in Nigeria’s Fourth Republic.



Handbook of Research Ethics (pp. 120-135). New York: Routledge.

Jones, P. (2022). Respecting participants’ rights and dignity in research. Journal of Applied Ethics, 17(2), 45-58.

Miller, K. (2023). Informed consent and participant understanding in research. Journal of Ethical Research, 20(3), 112-126.

Smith, N. (2023). Ensuring honesty, accuracy, and transparency in reporting research findings. Journal of Applied Ethics, 18(3), 76-89.

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