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PENCOM (National Pension Commission)


PenCom was established by the Pension Reform Act of 2004, which marked a shift from the previous defined benefits pension scheme to a contributory pension scheme. The new system aimed to address the challenges of the old pension system, such as inadequate funding, mismanagement, and delayed payment of pension benefits. The primary mandate of PenCom is to regulate and supervise the administration of pension matters in Nigeria. This includes ensuring the effective implementation of the contributory pension scheme, protecting the rights of contributors, and promoting the growth and development of pension funds. (Ikwor,2020)

The core of PenCom’s activities revolves around the Contributory Pension Scheme (CPS). Under this scheme, both employees and employers make contributions towards employees’ pensions, which are managed by Pension Fund Administrators (PFAs) licensed and regulated by PenCom. PenCom is responsible for registering and licensing Pension Fund Administrators (PFAs), Pension Fund Custodians (PFCs), and Closed Pension Fund Administrators (CPFAs). These entities play crucial roles in the management and custody of pension funds. PenCom monitors the activities of PFAs, PFCs, and other stakeholders to ensure compliance with the Pension Reform Act. This involves conducting regular inspections, audits, and investigations to maintain the integrity of the pension system.( Amiens and Abusomwan, 2019)

PenCom provides investment guidelines for the management of pension funds to ensure prudence, safety, and profitability. The guidelines are designed to safeguard the interests of pension contributors and retirees. PenCom oversees the activities of pension operators, including PFAs, PFCs, and other entities involved in the pension industry. The commission works to ensure that these operators adhere to best practices and fulfill their obligations to pension contributors. PenCom is involved in educating the public about the contributory pension scheme, the rights and benefits of contributors, and the importance of retirement planning. This includes disseminating information through various channels to create awareness and understanding among the populace. (Kotun, et al, 2016)


The National Pension Commission (PENCOM) in Nigeria is the regulatory body responsible for overseeing and regulating the pension industry in the country. Established by the Pension Reform Act of 2004 and later amended in 2014, PENCOM plays a crucial role in ensuring the effective administration of pension matters. The functions and responsibilities of PENCOM include:

  1. Regulation and Supervision:
    • PENCOM is tasked with regulating and supervising all aspects of the pension industry in Nigeria. This involves overseeing pension fund administrators (PFAs), pension fund custodians (PFCs), and other stakeholders to ensure compliance with established guidelines and regulations.
  2. Licensing and Registration:
    • The commission is responsible for licensing and registering pension fund administrators, pension fund custodians, and other entities involved in pension management. This ensures that only qualified and approved organizations operate within the pension industry.
  3. Formulation of Policies:
    • PENCOM develops and formulates policies aimed at improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the pension system. These policies cover various aspects, including investment guidelines, risk management, and the overall governance of pension funds.
  4. Monitoring and Enforcement:
    • The commission monitors the activities of pension fund administrators and custodians to ensure compliance with regulations. It has the authority to enforce penalties or take corrective actions against any entity found to be in violation of the pension laws.
  5. Investment Regulation:
    • PENCOM sets guidelines for the investment of pension funds to ensure prudent and responsible investment practices. This includes defining the asset classes in which pension funds can be invested and establishing limits to manage risk.
  6. Educational Programs:
    • PENCOM is involved in educational initiatives to create awareness and understanding of the pension system among the public. This includes conducting seminars, workshops, and other outreach programs to inform stakeholders about their rights, benefits, and responsibilities.
  7. Pension Fund Administration:
    • The commission oversees the proper administration of pension funds, ensuring that contributions are accurately accounted for and that retirees receive their pensions as and when due.
  8. Dispute Resolution:
    • PENCOM facilitates the resolution of disputes within the pension industry. This involves establishing mechanisms to address grievances and ensuring that disputes are resolved in a fair and timely manner.
  9. Data Management:
    • PENCOM is responsible for maintaining accurate and up-to-date records of pension contributors and retirees. This helps in the efficient administration of pension funds and ensures that beneficiaries receive their entitlements.
  • Continuous Market Development:
    • The commission works towards the development and growth of the pension market by fostering innovation, introducing new products, and promoting a competitive and transparent pension industry.


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