• Format: ms-word (doc)
  • Pages: 50
  • Chapter 1 to 5
  • With abstract reference and Appendix
  • Preview abstract and chapter 1 below


Position of Believer in Spiritual Warfare


This study was on Position of believer in Spiritual warfare. Three objectives were raised which included: To conduct an in-depth analysis of key biblical passages related to spiritual warfare, to explore and reconcile various theological interpretations of spiritual warfare and to examine the historical development of the concept of spiritual warfare. A total of 77 responses were received and validated from the enrolled participants where all respondents were drawn from Apostolic church in Uyo. Hypothesis was tested using Chi-Square statistical tool (SPSS).


Chapter one


Background of the study

The spiritual warfare, which frames the cosmic battle between good and evil, is rooted deeply in Christian theology and biblical scripture. This study will delve into the foundational aspects of spiritual warfare, particularly focusing on the believer’s position within this struggle.

The notion of spiritual warfare is extensively addressed in the New Testament, where it is depicted as a struggle not against “flesh and blood,” but against spiritual forces of evil (Ephesians 6:12, NIV). The Apostle Paul’s letters frequently emphasize the necessity for believers to be vigilant and equipped with spiritual armor to stand firm against these forces. This armor includes the belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, gospel of peace, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:13-17, NIV). These elements symbolize virtues and tools essential for spiritual resilience and combat.

Theologically, spiritual warfare underscores the believer’s dual existence in both the physical and spiritual realms. It reflects the ongoing battle between the kingdom of God and the forces of darkness. According to Boyd (2017), the warfare worldview acknowledges that the world is a battleground where the forces of good and evil are constantly at odds, influencing both human affairs and the broader creation. This perspective aligns with the early church’s understanding of cosmic struggle, where Christ’s victory through the cross and resurrection is central, yet the conflict persists until the final eschatological fulfillment.

Historically, the early church fathers, such as Augustine, framed spiritual warfare within the context of Christian morality and virtue. Augustine’s writings, particularly in “The City of God,” articulate the believer’s role in resisting the devil through faith and moral integrity. The medieval period further developed these ideas, with an increased focus on exorcisms and the tangible manifestations of spiritual conflict, reflecting a more literal interpretation of demonic activities.

In contemporary Christianity, spiritual warfare remains a significant theme, particularly within charismatic and evangelical circles. Modern scholars such as Wink (2016) have explored the systemic and societal dimensions of spiritual warfare, proposing that it also involves confronting unjust structures and ideologies. This expands the understanding of spiritual warfare beyond personal piety to include social justice and ethical responsibility.

The believer’s position in spiritual warfare is primarily one of active engagement and reliance on divine power. Ephesians 6:10-18 highlights the necessity for believers to be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. This implies a dependency on God’s strength rather than human ability. The believer is also called to maintain a posture of prayer and vigilance, underscoring the importance of spiritual disciplines in maintaining readiness and resilience against spiritual adversaries.

The position of the believer in spiritual warfare reveals a rich tapestry of biblical, theological, historical, and contemporary insights. It highlights the enduring relevance of spiritual warfare in Christian thought and practice, emphasizing the believer’s role as both a defender of faith and an active participant in the cosmic battle between good and evil. This foundational understanding equips believers to navigate the spiritual dimensions of their faith with greater awareness and intentionality.

Statement of the problem

The concept of spiritual warfare, encompassing the believer’s active engagement against spiritual forces of evil, remains a complex and often misunderstood aspect of Christian theology. Despite its significant presence in biblical scripture and its pivotal role in the life of a believer, there exists a lack of clarity and consensus on how Christians should practically understand and engage in spiritual warfare. This ambiguity is compounded by varying theological interpretations, historical developments, and contemporary perspectives within the global Christian community.

There is a need for a clear, cohesive interpretation of key biblical passages related to spiritual warfare (e.g., Ephesians 6:10-18) that transcends denominational differences and provides practical guidance for believers.

Different theological frameworks offer varying explanations of spiritual warfare, from literal interpretations of demonic influences to more symbolic understandings related to moral and ethical struggles. This divergence creates confusion and inconsistency in teaching and practice.

Historical interpretations and cultural contexts have significantly shaped the understanding and practice of spiritual warfare. However, these interpretations may not always align with contemporary challenges faced by believers, necessitating a re-evaluation of traditional views in light of current spiritual and societal dynamics.

Many believers struggle with how to effectively engage in spiritual warfare in their daily lives. There is a need for practical, accessible strategies that integrate prayer, scriptural knowledge, and spiritual disciplines in combating spiritual adversity.

There is often a lack of comprehensive education and training on spiritual warfare within many Christian communities. This gap leaves believers inadequately prepared to understand and address spiritual conflicts, potentially leading to spiritual discouragement and vulnerability.

Objective of the study

  1. To conduct an in-depth analysis of key biblical passages related to spiritual warfare.
  2. To explore and reconcile various theological interpretations of spiritual warfare.
  3. To examine the historical development of the concept of spiritual warfare

Research Hypotheses

H1: there is no historical development of the concept of spiritual warfare

H2: there are various theological interpretations of spiritual warfare.

Significance of the study

This study on the position of the believer in spiritual warfare holds significant value for several reasons, impacting individual believers, the broader Christian community, and theological scholarship.

By providing a clear and comprehensive understanding of spiritual warfare, this study empowers believers to recognize and effectively engage in spiritual battles. This knowledge equips them to stand firm in their faith, fostering spiritual resilience and confidence.

The study aims to harmonize various theological perspectives on spiritual warfare, offering a coherent and unified framework. This clarity helps reduce confusion and conflicting teachings within the Christian community, promoting a more unified and informed approach to spiritual matters.

Developing practical strategies for spiritual warfare grounded in biblical and theological insights ensures that believers can apply these principles in their daily lives. This practical focus makes the study highly relevant and beneficial for personal spiritual growth and community discipleship.

The creation of educational resources and training programs based on the study’s findings addresses a significant gap in many Christian communities. These resources enhance the spiritual education and preparedness of believers, making them more adept at handling spiritual challenges.

By examining the historical development of spiritual warfare concepts, the study provides valuable insights into how past interpretations and practices can inform contemporary understanding. This historical perspective enriches the study, offering a deeper and more nuanced view of spiritual warfare.

The study’s focus on contemporary challenges ensures that its findings are relevant to today’s believers. By addressing modern spiritual and societal issues, the study offers timely guidance and support for navigating current spiritual landscapes.

This study contributes to the broader field of theological scholarship by addressing a complex and often misunderstood area of Christian doctrine. It opens up avenues for further research and discussion, advancing the academic study of spiritual warfare.

By striving for a unified understanding of spiritual warfare, the study fosters greater unity within the Christian community. This unity is essential for collective spiritual strength and effectiveness in addressing spiritual and societal challenges.

Scope of the study

The scope of the study covers Position of believer in Spiritual warfare. The study will be limited to members of Apostolic church , Uyo

Limitation of the study

While this study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the believer’s position in spiritual warfare, several limitations must be acknowledged:

  1. Scope of Biblical Texts: The study primarily focuses on key biblical passages such as Ephesians 6:10-18. While these are central to the topic, the Bible contains many references to spiritual warfare across various books. The study may not exhaustively cover all relevant scriptures, which could limit the breadth of its biblical analysis.
  2. Theological Diversity: Christianity encompasses a wide range of theological traditions and interpretations. Despite efforts to harmonize these perspectives, the study may not fully capture the nuances of all theological viewpoints, potentially leaving out some denominational specificities or interpretations.
  3. Practical Application Challenges: While the study aims to offer practical strategies for spiritual warfare, the application of these strategies can vary widely among individuals based on their personal experiences, spiritual maturity, and cultural contexts. This variability may affect the generalizability and effectiveness of the proposed strategies.

Definition of terms

Spiritual Warfare: The ongoing battle between the forces of good (God, angels, and believers) and evil (Satan, demons, and other evil spiritual forces). It involves both personal and communal aspects, encompassing struggles against sin, temptation, and spiritual oppression.

Believer: A person who has faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and adheres to Christian teachings and practices. In the context of this study, a believer is someone actively engaged in spiritual warfare through their faith and spiritual disciplines.

Ephesians 6:10-18: A passage in the New Testament of the Bible, written by the Apostle Paul, which outlines the “armor of God.” It is a foundational text for understanding the believer’s equipment and strategies for spiritual warfare.

Armor of God: A metaphorical representation of the spiritual tools and virtues that believers must “put on” to stand against the schemes of the devil. It includes the belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, gospel of peace, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit.

Theological Perspectives: Various interpretations and teachings within Christian theology that explain the nature and dynamics of spiritual warfare. These perspectives may vary significantly across different denominations and traditions.


  • Boyd, Gregory A. God at War: The Bible & Spiritual Conflict. InterVarsity Press, 1997.
  • Wink, Walter. Unmasking the Powers: The Invisible Forces That Determine Human Existence. Fortress Press, 1986.
  • The Holy Bible, New International Version. Biblica, 2011.


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