• Format: ms-word (doc)
  • Pages: 73
  • Chapter 1 to 5
  • With abstract reference and questionnaire
  • Preview abstract and chapter 1 below


Religion and Politics in Nigeria Fourth Republics Case Study of the 2023 General Election


This study was on Religion and politics in Nigeria fourth republic; a case study of the 2023 general election. Three objectives were raised which included:  To Analyze the Influence of Religious Affiliations on Political Decision-Making, to evaluate the influence of religious factors on voting patterns, candidate selection, and campaign strategies during the 2023 general election and to identify and analyze instances of religious-based conflicts or tensions that may have arisen during the 2023 general election. A total of 77 responses were received and validated from the enrolled participants where all respondents were drawn from selected residents in Uyo, Akwa Ibom state. Hypothesis was tested using Chi-Square statistical tool (SPSS).


Chapter one


Background of the study

In the Fourth Republic of Nigeria, the intricate relationship between religion and politics has played a pivotal role in shaping the country’s democratic landscape. This paper delves into the multifaceted dynamics of this relationship, with a specific focus on the 2023 general election. By examining the interplay between religious affiliations, political discourse, and electoral outcomes, we aim to unravel the complex tapestry that defines Nigeria’s political landscape. (Aluko, 2017)

To understand the current dynamics, a historical perspective is essential. Nigeria, with its diverse religious composition of Islam and Christianity, has experienced historical interactions between religious institutions and political structures. Past events, such as the struggle for independence and subsequent political transitions, have influenced the way religion and politics intertwine in the Fourth Republic. s (Aluko, 2017; Ekpo, 2023).

An exploration of the constitutional framework provides insight into the principles of secularism that underpin Nigeria’s political system. How has the secular foundation influenced policies, governance, and political decision-making in a nation characterized by religious diversity? (McKinnon, 2021).

An analysis of the ways in which religion influences political participation is crucial. Examining voting patterns, political affiliations, and the role of religious leaders in endorsing candidates sheds light on the intricate relationship between the religious and political spheres. (Adeoye, 2018; Umeanolue, 2020).

The 2023 general election serves as a focal point for this study. A detailed examination of the election, including the candidates, campaign strategies, and key issues, will illuminate how religion was leveraged or navigated in the pursuit of political power. Did religious affiliations influence voter behavior, and how did candidates address religious concerns in their campaigns?

An exploration of the political rhetoric employed during the 2023 election campaign is essential. How did religious rhetoric factor into candidates’ messaging, and to what extent did it resonate with the electorate? Additionally, an analysis of religious institutions’ role in voter mobilization will provide insights into the power dynamics between religion and politics. s (Umeanolue, 2020)

Identifying challenges arising from the intersection of religion and politics is imperative. Potential tensions, conflicts, or instances of religious bias in the electoral process should be critically assessed. Simultaneously, opportunities for fostering religious harmony and inclusivity within the political arena should be explored.

This study offers a comprehensive analysis of the intricate relationship between religion and politics in Nigeria’s Fourth Republic. By using the 2023 general election as a case study, we gain valuable insights into the evolving dynamics that shape the nation’s democratic process. As Nigeria continues its democratic journey, understanding the interplay between religion and politics becomes crucial for building a cohesive and inclusive political system.

Statement of the problem

The intersection of religion and politics in Nigeria, particularly within the context of the Fourth Republic, presents a multifaceted set of challenges and complexities. As the nation navigates its democratic journey, the 2023 general election emerges as a critical focal point for examining the intricate dynamics between religious affiliations and political processes.

The problem of religious bias in political decision-making poses a significant challenge to the democratic ideals of Nigeria’s Fourth Republic. Understanding the extent to which religious considerations influence policy decisions and governance is crucial for ensuring fair and inclusive political representation.

The 2023 general election serves as a lens through which we can scrutinize the role of religious affiliations in shaping electoral outcomes. Unraveling the influence of religious factors on voting patterns, candidate selection, and campaign strategies is essential for assessing the democratic health of the nation.

The delicate balance between religious diversity and political stability raises concerns about the potential for sectarian tensions. Exploring instances of religious-based conflicts or tensions during the election period is vital for identifying areas where interventions may be necessary to preserve social harmony.

The use of religious rhetoric in political discourse can be a double-edged sword. While it may serve as a means of connecting with voters, there is a risk of manipulation and exploitation. Understanding how religious narratives are crafted and employed in political campaigns is crucial for evaluating the ethical implications of such strategies.

The question of inclusivity in the political sphere remains a critical concern. Examining whether certain religious groups or affiliations are disproportionately represented or marginalized in the political landscape sheds light on the challenges of achieving a truly representative democracy.

Amidst the challenges, there may be opportunities for fostering interfaith collaboration in the political realm. Identifying potential areas where religious groups can work together to promote shared values and national unity is essential for building a more cohesive and inclusive political environment.

Objective of the study

  1. To Analyze the Influence of Religious Affiliations on Political Decision-Making
  2. To evaluate the influence of religious factors on voting patterns, candidate selection, and campaign strategies during the 2023 general election.
  3. To identify and analyze instances of religious-based conflicts or tensions that may have arisen during the 2023 general election

Research Hypotheses

The following research hypotheses are formulated;

H1: There is no Influence of Religious Affiliations on Political Decision-Making

H2: There is no influence of religious factors on voting patterns, candidate selection, and campaign strategies during the 2023 general election

Significance of the study

The study’s findings will provide policymakers with valuable insights into the impact of religious dynamics on policy formulation and governance in Nigeria. This understanding can guide the development of policies that are more inclusive and reflective of the diverse religious landscape.

Understanding how religious affiliations shape electoral outcomes is crucial for improving the transparency and fairness of future elections. The study’s insights can inform electoral reforms that promote equal representation and reduce the potential for religious bias in the electoral process.

By identifying potential sources of sectarian tensions during the 2023 general election, the study contributes to efforts aimed at fostering social harmony. Recommendations based on these insights can guide initiatives to address underlying issues and promote peaceful coexistence.

Analysis of the use and impact of religious rhetoric in political discourse offers guidance for political actors and communication strategists. Understanding the nuances of religious messaging can contribute to more responsible and ethical communication during campaigns. The evaluation of the representation of different religious groups in the political landscape is significant for promoting inclusive governance. The study can advocate for policies that address disparities in political representation and ensure a more equitable distribution of power. Identifying opportunities for interfaith collaboration in politics contributes to fostering unity and understanding among religious groups. This aspect of the study has the potential to encourage collaborative efforts that transcend religious divides for the betterment of Nigerian society. As Nigeria continues its democratic journey, insights from this study can contribute to the strengthening of democratic institutions. By addressing challenges related to the intersection of religion and politics, the study supports the development of a more robust and resilient democratic system.

Scope of the study

The scope of the study covers Religion and politics in Nigeria fourth republic; a case study of the 2023 general election. The study will be limited to Uyo local government of Akwa Ibom state

Limitation  of the study

  1. Sampling Constraints:

The study may face limitations in terms of the representativeness of its sample, potentially leading to biases in the findings. Constraints such as access to certain communities or groups may affect the study’s ability to provide a holistic view of religious and political interactions.

  1. Subjectivity in Data Interpretation:

Interpretation of data related to religious rhetoric and voter behavior may be subjective, as individual perceptions of religious influence can vary. Different stakeholders may have diverse perspectives on the significance of religious factors in political processes.

  1. Dynamic Nature of Religious Identity:

Religious identity is dynamic and can evolve over time. The study may not capture shifts or changes in religious affiliations or perceptions during the electoral period and beyond, limiting the study’s ability to provide a comprehensive analysis of evolving religious dynamics.

  1. Resource Constraints:

Constraints in terms of time, funding, and research resources may limit the scope and depth of the study. These limitations may impact the thoroughness of data collection and analysis.

Definition of terms

  1. Religion:

A set of beliefs, practices, and values centered around the worship of a higher power or powers, often involving rituals, moral codes, and a sense of community. In the context of this study, religion refers to the diverse belief systems present in Nigeria, including Islam and Christianity.

  1. Politics:

The activities, actions, and policies used to gain and hold power in a government or to influence the government. In the context of this study, politics encompasses the processes, behaviors, and institutions related to governance and decision-making in Nigeria’s Fourth Republic.

  1. Fourth Republic:

Refers to the current democratic era in Nigeria, which began in 1999 following the end of military rule. The Fourth Republic is characterized by a multi-party political system and regular elections, marking a period of democratic governance in the country.

  1. Interfaith Collaboration:

Collaboration and cooperation between individuals or groups from different religious traditions, working together for common goals or shared values. In the context of this study, interfaith collaboration refers to collaborative efforts between individuals or institutions representing diverse religious backgrounds in the political sphere.

  1. Electoral Outcomes:

The results and consequences of an election, including the distribution of votes, candidate successes, and the composition of elected officials. In the context of this study, electoral outcomes specifically refer to the results and impacts of the 2023 general election in Nigeria.

  1. Political Rhetoric:

The use of language and communication strategies by political actors to influence public opinion, shape perceptions, and garner support. In the context of this study, political rhetoric includes the religiously themed language used in political discourse during the 2023 general election.



  • McKinnon, A. (2021). “Christians, Muslims and Traditional Worshippers in Nigeria: Estimating the Relative Proportions from Eleven Nationally Representative Social Surveys”. Review of Religious Research. 63 (2): 303–315.
  •  Merriam-Webster (2019). Religion – Definition of Religion. Merriam-Webster. Retrieved from https://www.merriamwebster.com/dictionary/religion#:~:text=1%20%3A%20the%20belief%20in%20and,from %20Merriam%2DWebster%20on%20religion
  •  Mubaraq, A. (2009). Religion and Politics: Integration, Separation and Conflict. Dossier: Violence and Peace challenges of religions.
  •  Ogbu, O. (2014). Is Nigeria a secular state? Law, Human Rights and Religion in context. The Transactional Human Rights Review. Vol (2014): 135-178 https://digitalcommons.osgoode.yorku.ca/ths/vol 1/iss 1/4
  • Okibe, B. (2022). Southern Voices: Ethnicity, Religion and Polarization in Nigeria. Africa Up Close: a blog of the Africa Programme at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.


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