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  • Pages: 47
  • Chapter 1 to 5
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Research Proposal on Evaluating the Strength of Concrete in Coastal Environment (Case Study Delta State)

Chapter One

Background to the Study

Concrete is one of the most widely used construction materials globally due to its durability and versatility (Goglio et al., 2020; Sandanayake et al., 2018). Its ability to withstand various environmental conditions has made it a cornerstone of modern construction. However, its performance can be significantly affected by the environment in which it is placed, particularly in coastal regions (Colangelo et al., 2020). Coastal environments are characterized by high humidity, saline water exposure, and aggressive environmental conditions (Goglio et al., 2020). These unique challenges pose a significant threat to the long-term durability and sustainability of concrete structures.

In the context of Nigeria, Delta State, located in the southern part of the country, is particularly vulnerable to these challenges due to its extensive coastline along the Gulf of Guinea (Goglio et al., 2020). The construction industry in Delta State has experienced substantial growth in recent years, with extensive development of infrastructure, residential buildings, and industrial facilities (GlobalABC, 2019). Many of these structures are situated in coastal areas, amplifying concerns about the long-term performance of concrete in this environment (Sandanayake et al., 2018).

The degradation of concrete in coastal regions can have severe consequences (Goglio et al., 2020). Structural failures resulting from concrete deterioration not only lead to increased maintenance costs but also pose safety risks to inhabitants (Sandanayake et al., 2018). The corrosive nature of coastal environments can compromise the structural integrity of buildings and infrastructure, endangering lives and property (GlobalABC, 2019). Therefore, it is imperative to evaluate the strength and durability of concrete used in these coastal areas to ensure the sustainability of structures and the safety of their occupants (Colangelo et al., 2020).

Several factors contribute to the deterioration of concrete in coastal environments, necessitating a comprehensive study of these influences (Goglio et al., 2020). One significant factor is the presence of chloride ions from seawater, which can penetrate the concrete matrix and lead to the corrosion of steel reinforcement, weakening the structure over time (Sandanayake et al., 2018). Additionally, the high humidity levels in coastal regions can accelerate the deterioration of concrete by promoting the leaching of essential minerals and reducing the material’s strength (Colangelo et al., 2020). Furthermore, exposure to aggressive chemicals, such as those present in seawater, can exacerbate the degradation process, making it crucial to understand their impact on concrete (Goglio et al., 2020).

To address these challenges, it is essential to undertake a thorough evaluation of the strength and durability of concrete in Delta State’s coastal areas (Sandanayake et al., 2018). This research aims to provide insights into how environmental factors, including high humidity, saline water exposure, and aggressive chemicals, affect concrete performance in the region (Goglio et al., 2020). By conducting extensive laboratory experiments and collecting field data, this study will contribute valuable knowledge to the construction industry, enabling engineers, contractors, and policymakers to make informed decisions about construction practices and materials selection (Colangelo et al., 2020).

Consequently, concrete, while renowned for its durability and versatility, faces significant challenges when placed in coastal environments. Delta State, Nigeria, with its extensive coastline along the Gulf of Guinea, is no exception to these challenges. The booming construction industry in the region, coupled with the potential risks associated with concrete degradation, underscores the urgency of evaluating the strength and durability of concrete used in coastal areas. This research will provide essential insights into the impact of environmental factors on concrete performance, ultimately contributing to the sustainable development of infrastructure and the safety of inhabitants in Delta State’s coastal regions.

Statement of Problem

Concrete is a fundamental construction material globally, lauded for its durability and versatility (Goglio et al., 2020). However, in coastal environments, characterized by high humidity, saline water exposure, and aggressive conditions, concrete structures face a formidable challenge (Sandanayake et al., 2018). In Delta State, Nigeria, with its extensive Gulf of Guinea coastline, this challenge is particularly pronounced (Goglio et al., 2020).

The construction industry in Delta State has seen rapid expansion in recent years, leading to substantial infrastructure, residential, and industrial development (GlobalABC, 2019). Many of these structures are situated in coastal areas, where the long-term performance of concrete is a matter of critical concern (Sandanayake et al., 2018). The problem lies in the potential deterioration of concrete in these regions, which can result in structural failures, escalated maintenance costs, and safety hazards to inhabitants (GlobalABC, 2019).

The specific problem can be summarized as follows: The performance of concrete in Delta State’s coastal environment is jeopardized due to the harsh environmental conditions, and there is a lack of comprehensive research and data regarding its degradation and its implications for construction and maintenance. Consequently, there is an urgent need to assess the strength and durability of concrete in these coastal regions to ensure the long-term sustainability of structures and the safety of the people residing in and around them.

Justification of the Study

In Delta State, Nigeria, the extensive coastline along the Gulf of Guinea presents a unique challenge to the construction industry. Concrete, renowned for its durability and versatility, is a foundational construction material globally. However, its performance is significantly influenced by the environmental conditions in which it is placed. Coastal environments are characterized by elevated humidity, saline water exposure, and aggressive elements.

The construction sector in Delta State has experienced rapid growth, with the development of infrastructure, residential buildings, and industrial facilities. Many of these structures are situated in coastal areas, where the long-term viability of concrete is a pressing concern. The problem stems from the potential deterioration of concrete in these regions.

Concrete degradation in coastal areas can result in structural failures, heightened maintenance expenses, and safety risks to occupants. The presence of chloride ions from seawater, combined with high humidity levels, can corrode steel reinforcements and weaken the concrete matrix. Exposure to aggressive chemicals further exacerbates the deterioration process.

The performance of concrete in Delta State’s coastal environment is at risk due to harsh environmental conditions, and a dearth of comprehensive research and data on its degradation impedes construction and maintenance decisions. Thus, there is an urgent need to assess the strength and durability of concrete in these coastal regions and ensure the sustainability of structures and the safety of their inhabitants.

 Aims and Objectives of the Study

The primary aim of this research is to evaluate the strength of concrete in coastal environments in Delta State, Nigeria. To achieve this aim, the following specific objectives will be pursued:

  1. To assess the impact of high humidity levels on the compressive strength of concrete in coastal areas of Delta State.
  2. To investigate the influence of saline water exposure on the durability of concrete structures in the region.
  3. To analyze the effects of aggressive environmental conditions, such as chemical exposure, on the long-term performance of concrete in coastal environments.

 Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study will encompass a comprehensive examination of the coastal regions within Delta State, Nigeria, with a central objective of assessing the strength and durability of concrete utilized in construction projects. To achieve this goal, the research will employ a multi-faceted approach, including laboratory experiments, thorough field data collection, and the critical analysis of existing structures within these coastal areas.

Laboratory experiments will be conducted to simulate and study the various environmental stressors that concrete may encounter in coastal environments. This will allow for a controlled assessment of concrete’s performance under conditions like high humidity, saline water exposure, and exposure to aggressive chemicals. Field data collection will involve extensive surveys and on-site inspections of concrete structures in Delta State’s coastal regions, providing valuable real-world insights into the challenges faced by these constructions.

Despite the comprehensive nature of this research, it is important to acknowledge certain limitations. One potential limitation pertains to the availability and accessibility of certain coastal areas and structures for data collection. Additionally, the scope of the study may be constrained by budgetary and time constraints, potentially limiting the extent of laboratory experiments and field investigations. Nevertheless, these limitations will be considered and addressed to ensure the study’s validity and reliability in evaluating concrete performance in Delta State’s coastal environments.

Several constraints will influence the scope and depth of this research. Firstly, time constraints will impose limitations on the extent of data collection and analysis within the designated timeframe. Secondly, budgetary constraints may restrict the scale and depth of both laboratory experiments and field investigations due to limited funding. Lastly, the availability of historical data on structures in Delta State’s coastal regions may fluctuate, potentially affecting the overall comprehensiveness of the study. These constraints will be carefully considered and managed to ensure the research remains both feasible and valuable in its assessment of concrete’s performance in coastal environments.


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  • Sandanayake, M.; Lokuge, W.; Zhang, G.; Setunge, S.; Thushar, Q. Greenhouse gas emissions during timber and concrete building construction—A scenario-based comparative case study. Sustain. Cities Soc. 2018, 38, 91–97.
  • Saunders, M., Lewis, P., & Thornhill, A. (2016, 2019). Research Methods for Business Students. 7th/8th Ed. Harlow: Pearson Education.
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