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Research Proposal: the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDGS) and Women’s Political Participation in Iran (2015-2021)



Our world is marked by notable contrasts and complexities. Individuals who live in wealthy nations may not be aware of this, but gender discrimination, extreme poverty, and bad living conditions are widespread worldwide. According to a study done by VeneKlasen & Valerie (2021), the rich, famous, and successful make up one aspect of the globe, while poverty, hunger, unemployment, and other grave problems make up the other extreme. We examine how people’s lives are intertwined with processes of development, drawing on grounded research from a variety of situations.  culture and inequality from micro to macro levels. Placing people’s everyday lives at the centre brings the question of poverty, inequality and difference sharply into focus. Such an approach reveals the multidimensional nature of poverty and the way this is linked to axes of social differences and inequality, including gender, age, disability, ill health, sexuality, race and ethnicity among other factors. The concept of intersectionality, which emerged from feminist engagement with questions of difference, is particularly useful in exploring the ways that a range of markers of social differences intersect and interact throughout the life course (White, 2020).

Eliminating gender inequality will need one of history’s largest movements for change because it is one of the most pervasive and pervasive types of injustice. Elsewhere in the world, discrimination and violence against women and girls still exist. Every industry has gender equality issues. In South Asia, only 74 girls out of every 100 boys were enrolled in primary education in 1990. The enrollment ratios were the same in 2012, though (Women and the Sustainable Development Goals, 2018).   There is at least one law that restricts women’s access to the workforce in 155 nations. In most nations, women only make between 60% and 75% of what males do in terms of income. Women make up just 22.8% of all national lawmakers. One in three women endures physical or sexual abuse at some point in their lives (SDG-5).

In Iran, the trend of incorporating women’s affairs in economic, social, cultural, and political development plans shows an upward trend from the first development plan after the victory of the Islamic Revolution to the present time(Amin, 2020).  Article 158 of the Third Development plan was the first initiative for the streamlining of women’s empowerment approaches in the major plans. The most important points of the Article 158 of the Third Development plan are 1) the Identification of the educational and sports needs of women based on Islamic principles and the promotion of their role in the future development of the country, 2) Promoting women’s job opportunities, 3) Facilitating women’s access to legal and juridical affairs, and 4) Supporting, launching, and establishment of women’s non-governmental organizations with emphasis on support for the women who are heads of family as well as women who are lacking legal protection in the less developed regions of the country. Attempts have also been made to streamline and institutionalize women’s empowerment approaches throughout the Fourth Development Plan (2005 – 2009), which is binding on all governmental organizations, and with the earnestness of the civil society institutions, are followed seriously (World Bank, 2019).

Statement of The Research Problem

Despite having social awareness, knowledge, and abilities, women don’t have a significant part in the country’s management. According to statistics released by the United Nations Organization in 2008, the percentage of Iranian women in management and law has been reported to be 16%, whereas the Philippines, Angola, the Caiman Islands, and Mongolia have the greatest shares at 58%, 52%, 51%, and 50%, respectively. As of July 2018, just five of the 12 nations being analysed had a higher percentage of women in management and law than Iran, which was ranked 101 overall. The largest percentage has come from Scandinavia. Pakistan (3%), Qatar (5%), Oman and Saudi Arabia (9%) and the United Arab Emirates (8%) have the lowest percentages (WHO, 2019). In this way, Iran’s standing is equivalent to that of the lowest-ranking nation, even though its scientific, specialised, and technological knowledge is superior to that of these nations in terms of both quality and quantity of major-class graduates and status.

Scope of the Study

This investigation will focus on Iranian women’s political involvement and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (2015-2021). The study will also examines how much Iranian women participate in the country’s sociopolitical evolution, the effect of women’s empowerment on that development, as well as the opportunities, challenges, and perspectives associated with women’s participation in Iranian politics.

Objective of the Study

The main objective of this study is to investigate the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and women’s political participation in Iran (2015-2021). Specific objectives of this study will include to:

  1. Investigate the level of participation of women in the socio-political development of Iran.
  2. Examine the impact of women’s empowerment on the socio-political development of Iran.
  3. Assess the opportunities, barriers and perspectives of socio-political participation of women in Iran.

Significance of the Study

Every member of society will benefit from this research. The results of this study will spark new discussions among policy-makers in Nigeria, parents, schools, socialising agents like the church, health and social workers, and researchers about what causes the problem and how it spreads. Also, the aforementioned parties may unite to create intervention tactics that would successfully handle the issue. Finally, the study may contribute to future investigations into adolescent crime.

Justification of the Study

This study was conducted to look at how Iranian women’s political involvement and empowerment are affected by sustainable development goals. To identify the key reasons for working against Iranian women’s engagement in Iran’s social and political growth, the research will conduct this study. Recommendations will be based on the literature that will be studied concerning the topic of this study, the research seeks to offer long-lasting answers.


The study will adopt an exploratory research design. Exploratory research is defined as research used to investigate a problem which is not clearly defined(Shukla, 2020).  It is carried out to gain a deeper comprehension of the current issue, but it won’t produce definitive findings. A researcher begins such research with a broad concept and utilises it as a tool to pinpoint problems that could serve as the subject of additional study. The researcher must be open to altering courses in response to the discovery of fresh information or insight. In other words, this study will use a qualitative research design. As a result, the literature relevant to the topic of this study will be reviewed, and conclusions will be drawn using the data acquired from the literature reviewed.



  • White, S.(2020). Depoliticising Development: The Uses and Abuses of Participation. In: Development in Practice. Vol.6 (1), pp. 6-15.
  • Women and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (2018). Available at: http://www.un.org/popin/icpd/conference/offeng/poa.html.
  • World Bank.(2019). The Status & Progress of Women in the Middle East & North Africa. Retrieved from http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTMENA/Resources/MENA_Gender_Compendium-2019-1.pdf
  • World Economic Forum(2020). Geneva: World Economic Forum; 2012. [Retrieved March 27, 2019]. The global gender gap report. from http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_GenderGap_Report_2019.pdf .
  • Worldwide guide to women in leadership. (2019). [Retrieved February 10, 2014]. from http://www.guide2womenleaders.com/.


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