• Format: ms-word (doc)
  • Pages: 49
  • Chapter 1 to 5
  • With abstract reference and questionnaire
  • Preview abstract and chapter 1 below


Strategies for enhancing teacher’s performance for effective teaching of business studies in junior secondary schools in Yenagoa LGA Bayelsa state.



This study was on Strategies for enhancing teacher’s performance for effective teaching of business studies in junior secondary schools in Yenagoa LGA Bayelsa state. Three objectives were raised which included: To examine the existing professional development opportunities available to Business Studies teachers, to investigate the extent to which technology is integrated into Business Studies instruction, exploring the types of digital tools and to examine the pedagogical methods employed by teachers in Business Studies classrooms, assessing the level of interactivity, student engagement. A total of 77 responses were received and validated from the enrolled participants where all respondents were drawn from selected secondary schools in Yenagoa. Hypothesis was tested using Chi-Square statistical tool (SPSS).


 Chapter one


Background of the study

Enhancing teacher performance for effective teaching of Business Studies in junior secondary schools involves implementing various strategies that address pedagogical approaches, teacher professional development, and classroom management. Continuous training and development opportunities for teachers have been identified as critical for improving teaching effectiveness. Workshops, seminars, and conferences focused on current trends in business education and teaching methodologies can contribute to teacher growth. Research by Inyang and Ochonogor (2016) emphasizes the importance of professional development in enhancing teachers’ competence and confidence in delivering Business Studies curriculum content

Integration of technology in the classroom has been shown to enhance engagement and understanding. Teachers can use multimedia resources, educational software, and online platforms to make lessons more interactive and relevant. A study by Prensky (2001) highlights the effectiveness of incorporating technology to match the learning styles of modern students, often referred to as “digital natives”. Implementing active learning techniques, such as case studies, role-playing, and group discussions, can help students connect theoretical concepts with real-world applications. This approach fosters critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Bonwell and Eison (1991) emphasize that active learning methods result in improved student performance and retention of information

Recognizing and accommodating diverse learning styles and abilities within the classroom is crucial. Teachers can employ differentiated instruction techniques to tailor their teaching to meet the needs of individual students. Tomlinson (2001) argues that differentiated instruction is essential for creating a positive and inclusive learning environment. Implementing formative assessment practices allows teachers to gauge students’ understanding and adjust their teaching accordingly. This involves providing timely feedback and creating opportunities for students to reflect on their learning. Black and Wiliam (1998) conducted a seminal review on the benefits of formative assessment, highlighting its positive impact on student learning outcomes Encouraging collaboration among teachers through the establishment of professional learning communities fosters the exchange of ideas and best practices. This collaborative approach can lead to continuous improvement in teaching methods. A study by Louis and Marks (1998) emphasizes the importance of collaborative professional development in enhancing teacher performance and student achievement. Establishing clear expectations, maintaining a positive classroom environment, and using effective discipline strategies contribute to an atmosphere conducive to learning. Teachers who effectively manage their classrooms create an environment where students can focus on their studies. The research of Marzano and Marzano (2003) provides insights into effective classroom management strategies that positively impact student behavior and engagement. Implementing these strategies in a coordinated manner can contribute to the overall enhancement of teacher performance and, consequently, the effectiveness of Business Studies education in junior secondary schools

Statement of the problem

Despite the acknowledged significance of Business Studies in the junior secondary school curriculum, there exists a range of challenges impeding teachers’ optimal performance in delivering effective instruction. The following issues merit attention as they contribute to the diminished quality of Business Studies education in junior secondary schools:

Many Business Studies teachers lack adequate access to continuous professional development opportunities that specifically address the evolving demands of business education. Inadequate training may hinder teachers from incorporating contemporary business concepts and technologies into their teaching methodologies.

The underutilization of technology in teaching Business Studies presents a significant challenge. Many teachers may struggle to integrate digital tools, multimedia resources, and interactive platforms into their lessons, limiting students’ exposure to real-world applications of business concepts.

Some teachers may employ traditional and less interactive pedagogical approaches, hindering student engagement and understanding. The overreliance on conventional teaching methods may impede the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills among students.

The diverse learning needs and styles of students may not be adequately addressed, as teachers may encounter challenges in differentiating instruction. This limitation may result in disparities in student comprehension and hinder the overall effectiveness of Business Studies education.

Ineffective assessment strategies, such as a lack of timely and constructive feedback, may hinder both teachers and students from gauging the effectiveness of the teaching-learning process. This can impact the ability to identify areas for improvement and adjust instructional strategies accordingly.

Limited opportunities for collaboration among Business Studies teachers may hinder the exchange of innovative teaching methods and best practices. The absence of professional learning communities may contribute to a lack of shared expertise, hindering collective efforts to enhance teaching performance.

Teachers may encounter difficulties in maintaining effective classroom management, impacting the overall learning environment. Challenges in discipline and behavior management may divert teachers’ focus from the delivery of quality Business Studies instruction.

Addressing these challenges is crucial for optimizing teacher performance in the effective teaching of Business Studies in junior secondary schools. By identifying and implementing targeted strategies, educational stakeholders can contribute to the enhancement of teaching practices, ultimately benefiting students in their preparation for future roles in the business field.

Objective of the study

  1. To examine the existing professional development opportunities available to Business Studies teachers.
  2. To investigate the extent to which technology is integrated into Business Studies instruction, exploring the types of digital tools.
  3. To examine the pedagogical methods employed by teachers in Business Studies classrooms, assessing the level of interactivity, student engagement

Research Hypotheses

H1: There are no existing professional development opportunities available to Business Studies teachers

H2: There is no extent to which technology is integrated into Business Studies instruction, exploring the types of digital tools

Significance of the study

The significance of the study lies in its potential to contribute valuable insights and recommendations to the field of education, specifically in the context of enhancing the performance of teachers in the delivery of Business Studies education in junior secondary schools. The study holds importance for various stakeholders, including educators, policymakers, school administrators, and researchers. The key significance of the study includes:

The study aims to identify effective strategies for enhancing teacher performance in Business Studies education. Insights gained from the research can lead to the improvement of teaching practices, ensuring that educators are equipped with the necessary skills and methodologies to deliver high-quality instruction.

By addressing challenges in teacher performance, the study has the potential to positively impact student learning outcomes in Business Studies. Effective teaching strategies contribute to increased student engagement, understanding, and the development of essential skills required for success in the business world.

The findings of the study can inform the design and implementation of professional development programs for Business Studies teachers. Policymakers and educational institutions can use this information to create targeted training initiatives that address the specific needs and challenges identified in the study.

In today’s digital age, technology plays a crucial role in education. The study’s insights into the integration of technology in Business Studies classrooms can inform efforts to promote the effective use of digital tools, enhancing the overall learning experience for students.

Scope of the study

The scope of the study covers Strategies for enhancing teacher’s performance for effective teaching of business studies in junior secondary schools in Yenagoa LGA Yayelsa state. The study will be limited to selected secondary schools in  Yenagoa LGA

Limitation of the study

Like any research endeavor, the study on enhancing teacher performance for effective teaching of Business Studies in junior secondary schools may encounter certain limitations that could affect the scope, generalizability, and applicability of its findings. Identifying and acknowledging these limitations is crucial for interpreting the study’s results accurately and providing context for future research. The potential limitations of the study include:

  1. Geographical and Cultural Context:

The study’s findings may be influenced by the specific geographical and cultural context in which it is conducted. The strategies identified and their effectiveness may be shaped by regional or cultural nuances, limiting the generalizability of the results to other educational settings.

  1. Sample Size and Selection Bias:

The size and composition of the sample may impact the study’s external validity. If the sample is not representative of the broader population of Business Studies teachers in junior secondary schools, the findings may not be easily generalized to a wider context. Additionally, selection bias could influence the results if certain groups of teachers are overrepresented or underrepresented.

  1. Temporal Constraints:

The study may be conducted within a specific time frame, and this temporal limitation could affect the comprehensiveness of the research. Educational practices, policies, and technologies evolve over time, and the study’s findings may not capture long-term trends or changes in the field.

  1. Resource Constraints:

Resource limitations, such as time and funding, may impact the depth and breadth of the study. A more extensive investigation involving multiple schools or regions could provide a more comprehensive understanding of the challenges and strategies related to teacher performance in Business Studies.

  1. Subjective Nature of Data:

Data collected through surveys, interviews, or observations are subject to interpretation and subjectivity. Respondents may provide information based on their perceptions, which could introduce bias. Ensuring the reliability and validity of data may be challenging.

Definition of terms

  1. Teacher Performance:

Teacher performance refers to the effectiveness and proficiency of educators in delivering instruction, managing classrooms, and facilitating student learning. It encompasses instructional strategies, communication skills, assessment practices, and the overall impact of teaching on student outcomes.

  1. Business Studies:

Business Studies, in the context of this study, refers to an academic subject that encompasses a range of topics related to business and economics. It includes the study of business principles, entrepreneurship, finance, marketing, management, and the application of these concepts in real-world scenarios.

  1. Junior Secondary Schools:

Junior secondary schools typically refer to educational institutions that provide education to students in the lower secondary level, often spanning grades 7 to 9 or equivalent. In this context, the focus is on the teaching of Business Studies in these specific grade levels.

  1. Professional Development:

Professional development refers to the ongoing process of learning, skill enhancement, and knowledge acquisition that educators undertake to stay current with best practices, new methodologies, and advancements in their field. It aims to improve teaching effectiveness and student outcomes.



  • Ohaka, N.C. (2016). Conflict containment in schools: The onus of the teacher as an inloco-parentis (unpublished journal article). Assessed on 5th of March, 2017
  • Ohaka, N.C. (2017). Corporate planning and crisis containment strategies: Insights for 21st century business educators. 2nd annual conference proceedings of Association of Business Educators of Nigeria (ABEN) Rivers State chapter on 17th – 19th May, 2017 at Rivers State University.
  • Teaching methods (2017). Retrieved from http//teach.com/what/teachers-teach/teaching methods.
  • Wikipedia (2017). What is a Strategy? Retrieved from www.wikipedia the free encyclopedia on June 10th, 2017


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