• Format: ms-word (doc)
  • Pages: 50
  • Chapter 1 to 5
  • With abstract reference and questionnaire
  • Preview abstract and chapter 1 below


The Effect of Christian Attitude to Giving Towards Church Growth

Chapter one

Background of the study

The attitude of Christians toward giving within a religious context has been a subject of scholarly interest due to its potential impact on the growth and sustainability of churches. This discussion explores how Christian attitudes to giving can influence various aspects of church growth. Christians’ willingness to contribute financially to church ministries is a key factor in supporting the church’s activities, including worship services, outreach programs, and community initiatives (Smith, 2010).

Christian giving can significantly contribute to the construction and maintenance of church facilities, including buildings, educational centers, and community spaces, fostering an environment conducive to worship and community engagement (Hoge, 2014).

Generous giving enables churches to engage in outreach programs and evangelistic efforts, reaching new audiences and expanding the congregation (Ammerman, 2013). Financial resources can facilitate mission trips, community events, and other initiatives aimed at spreading the Christian message. The financial support provided by Christians can contribute to the hiring and development of skilled and dedicated church staff. Adequate staffing can enhance the overall effectiveness of the church in meeting the spiritual needs of its members and the broader community (Clapp, 2009). Christian giving plays a crucial role in community engagement initiatives, such as social services, charity work, and humanitarian efforts. A church’s active involvement in meeting the needs of the local community can foster positive relationships and attract new members (Ellison, 2012).

Christian attitudes toward giving can contribute to the development of a culture of stewardship within the church community. Emphasizing responsible and intentional giving encourages members to view their resources as tools for promoting the common good (Van Slyke, 2011). The act of giving is often viewed as a spiritual discipline. A positive attitude toward giving can contribute to the spiritual growth and discipleship of individual Christians, fostering a deeper commitment to the principles of faith (Smith, 2010).

The effect of Christian attitudes toward giving on church growth is multifaceted. From supporting financial needs to facilitating outreach and community engagement, the generosity of Christians can significantly impact the vitality and effectiveness of a church. Understanding and fostering positive attitudes toward giving are essential aspects of cultivating a thriving and impactful Christian community.

Statement of the problem

The interaction between Christian attitudes toward giving and its impact on church growth constitutes a dynamic and multifaceted issue within the contemporary religious landscape. While the act of giving is foundational to Christian principles and often seen as a spiritual discipline, understanding the specific implications of these attitudes on the growth and sustainability of churches remains a critical area of inquiry. The motivations behind Christian giving are diverse and complex. While some individuals give out of a sense of spiritual duty and commitment, others may do so for social, emotional, or cultural reasons. This diversity raises questions about the underlying motivations that drive various Christian attitudes toward giving and how these motivations influence church growth. Economic conditions can significantly influence the financial capacity of church members to give. The study seeks to explore how economic factors, such as income disparities and financial stability, intersect with Christian attitudes toward giving and subsequently affect the church’s financial resources and growth initiatives.

The communication of stewardship principles and the education of church members about the biblical foundations of giving are crucial elements in shaping attitudes toward financial contributions. Investigating potential gaps or challenges in effectively conveying these messages will provide insights into improving communication strategies and fostering a culture of generous giving. Striking a balance between emphasizing the spiritual significance of giving and addressing the material needs of both the congregation and the church poses a potential challenge. This study aims to explore how churches navigate this delicate balance and whether certain emphases hinder or enhance church growth.

Christian giving often serves as a primary source of funding for church programs, outreach efforts, and community engagement initiatives. Analyzing how different attitudes toward giving impact the scope and effectiveness of these programs will provide valuable insights into the broader influence of Christian generosity on church growth. The study recognizes the diverse cultural backgrounds and denominational affiliations within Christianity. Exploring potential variations in attitudes toward giving based on cultural contexts or denominational teachings will contribute to a more nuanced understanding of the factors influencing church growth.

Assessing the long-term sustainability of church growth in relation to Christian giving is a vital aspect of this study. Understanding whether certain giving patterns contribute to sustained growth or if there are challenges in maintaining momentum over time will provide practical insights for church leaders and policymakers.

Objective of the study

The objectives of the study are;

  1. To investigate and analyze the diverse motivations that drive Christian attitudes toward giving.
  2. To evaluate the influence of economic conditions, including income disparities and financial stability, on Christian giving behaviors.
  3. To identify and analyze potential challenges in effectively communicating stewardship principles and educating church members about the biblical foundations of giving.

Research Hypotheses

The following research hypotheses are formulated;

H1: there is no diverse motivations that drive Christian attitudes toward giving.

H2: there is no influence of economic conditions, including income disparities and financial stability, on Christian giving behaviors

Significance of the study

The study holds significance for church leaders by providing insights into the factors influencing Christian attitudes toward giving and their impact on church growth. This knowledge equips leaders with a nuanced understanding to make informed decisions in guiding their congregations.

Understanding the challenges in communicating stewardship principles allows for the refinement of communication strategies within churches. This can lead to more effective messaging, fostering a culture of generosity and encouraging positive attitudes toward giving.

The study contributes to the development of targeted educational initiatives on biblical foundations of giving. Insights into potential challenges in educating church members can guide the creation of programs that address specific barriers and promote a deeper understanding of stewardship.

By exploring the balance between spiritual teachings and addressing material needs, the study aids church leaders in creating a holistic approach to stewardship. This contributes to the spiritual development of congregants while ensuring the church effectively meets both spiritual and practical needs.

Insights into how Christian giving influences church programs and outreach initiatives inform leaders about the areas where financial support is most impactful. This knowledge can guide the optimization of existing programs and the development of new initiatives aligned with the congregation’s values and priorities.

Understanding variations in giving patterns based on cultural and denominational factors fosters a more inclusive and culturally sensitive approach within church communities. This knowledge promotes unity and cooperation among diverse congregants, contributing to a harmonious and supportive religious environment.

The study’s findings on the long-term sustainability of church growth provide valuable guidance for church leaders in developing strategies to maintain and build upon growth momentum. This is essential for ensuring the continued vibrancy and impact of religious communities over time

Scope  of the study

The scope of the study covers the effect of Christian attitude to giving towards church growth. The study will be limited to Apostolic church in uyo

Limitation of the study

  1. Temporal Constraints:

The study focuses on a specific period, and the dynamic nature of religious communities means that attitudes and behaviors toward giving may evolve over time. The findings may not capture changes that occur after the study period, limiting the study’s ability to provide a comprehensive understanding of long-term trends.

  1. Limited Quantitative Analysis:

While the study employs qualitative methods to explore attitudes and motivations, there is a limitation in the depth of quantitative analysis. A more extensive quantitative approach could provide statistical correlations and patterns that might offer additional insights into the relationship between Christian attitudes toward giving and church growth.

  1. External Influences on Church Growth:

The study primarily explores the influence of Christian attitudes toward giving on church growth but may not comprehensively account for external factors such as socio-economic conditions, political climates, or demographic shifts that could independently impact church growth.

Definition of terms

  1. Christian Attitudes Toward Giving:

The various perspectives, beliefs, and behaviors exhibited by individuals within Christian communities concerning the act of giving, particularly in the context of financial contributions to their churches. This encompasses motivations, values, and practices associated with charitable giving within a Christian framework.

  1. Church Growth:

The quantitative and qualitative expansion and development of a Christian congregation or religious community. Church growth involves an increase in the number of members, the depth of spiritual engagement, and the expansion of the church’s impact on its members and the surrounding community.

  1. Stewardship:

The responsible management and utilization of resources, including financial, time, and talents, in accordance with Christian principles. Stewardship emphasizes the idea that individuals are caretakers of God-given resources and are accountable for their use in supporting the church and broader community.

  1. Financial Contributions:

Monetary donations or offerings made by individuals within a Christian community to support the financial needs of the church. Financial contributions include regular tithes, offerings, and other financial gifts given voluntarily by church members to sustain the operations and activities of the church.


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