• Format: ms-word(doc)
  • pages: 65
  • chapter 1 to 5
  • with abstract reference and questionnaire
  • preview abstract and chapter 1 below


The present importation of all sort of films from all over the world has reached an alarming rate. This implies also to technology advancement and innovation in information dissemination, via cable and satellite.
The project is aimed at knowing “The Effect of foreign films on teenagers in Nigeria,” in Ibarpa East Local Government Area of Oyo State.
Three hypothesis were adopted in the research, these are:
i.        Do most teenagers of school age watch foreign films without any form of control by parents or guardians?
ii.       That behaviour, character and attitude of sex, violence, crime, shooting, drugs and destruction exhibited from their exposure to foreign films?
iii.      Do most teenagers of school age have access to foreign film, watch it and through which medium?
The behavioural patterns of the chosen group for this project (teenagers), their traits and attitudes and how the value and cultures of the Nigerian society affects their all ready held disposition as against the foreign cultures was looked into.
The research method used is survey method, questionnaires were administered to some selected secondary schools in Ibarapa East Local Government Area through a simple random sampling. The researchers assuming that foreign films have a lot of influences on the attitudes and behaviours exhibited by teenagers in recent times, this include crime, sex, shooting, violence. Destruction and drug abuse. This research has helped ascertained to what extent foreign  films influence the teenagers  character.
Of all the media communication, the motion picture is perhaps universal as medium combines pictures and sound to create a lasting impression. A film can rise above the power of its visual images. The use of music and sound effects can succeed  in conveying much to viewers of heterogeneous backgrounds.
Large scale research on the effect of mass communication began with the payne fund studies. These efforts of the late 1920’s, and early 1980’s concluded that motion pictures had many influences and effects on children and teenagers. Experts discredited the early research, but in confirmed the public’s belief that movies were powerful and had potential dangerous influence on children.
A large government sponsored project (the report to the surgeon general) focused on television violence and its influence on children and adolescent. I content analyses, experiments and surveys, all indicators pointed to the conclusion that, under specific kinds of circumstances, repeated exposure to violence on television raise the probability of some teenagers and children to be more aggressive. In a review of some 2,500 research studies of the  effects of television (the second report to the surgeon general), the link between exposures to violence portrayed on television and aggressive behaviour (among children and teenagers) was seen as somewhat stronger.
This project is aimed at taking critical  look at “The effects of foreign films on teenagers in Nigeria.” A study of Ibarapa East Local Government Area of Oyo State, the analysis will be in the area of crimes, sex violence and drugs and in what ways does these films affects their cognition,  psychological, sociological or philosophical disposition of these teenagers?
This work seek to analyse and assess the content of foreign films and enumerates solution to the problem faced by this study.
To help in understanding the concept and scope of this research work, the following elements, concepts or operational definitions are teenagers, effect, foreign film, behaviour demonstration and impact. These will prepare our minds to understand subsequent areas as we proceed in this work.
The purpose of this research work is to know the effects that foreign films have on teenagers. Also, it meant to find out the negative effects that are acquired by these teenagers through foreign films broadcast by television stations or through the purchase of video tapes or VCD.


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