• Format: ms-word (doc)
  • Pages:43
  • Chapter 1 to 5
  • With abstract reference and questionnaire
  • Preview abstract and chapter 1 below


The Impact of Micro Finance Bank on the Performance of Small-scale Businesses in AMAC


This study employed a quantitative survey research design to investigate the impact of microfinance banks on small-scale businesses within the Abuja Municipal Area Council (AMAC). A structured questionnaire was meticulously designed and administered to gather insights from a sample of 120 respondents, comprising small-scale business owners and stakeholders. The study leveraged SPSS27 software for data presentation and analysis. The findings revealed several crucial insights. Microfinance bank presence significantly impacted financial inclusion among small-scale businesses in AMAC, as indicated by the majority of respondents (67.3%) either agreeing or strongly agreeing on this impact. Moreover, the study unveiled that microfinance institutions played a pivotal role in enhancing access to credit for small-scale enterprises, with 72.1% of respondents affirming this positive contribution. Additionally, a substantial number of participants (68.3%) acknowledged the notable role of microfinance banks in driving the growth and expansion of these businesses. However, challenges in utilizing microfinance services were highlighted, with 77.9% of respondents agreeing or strongly agreeing on the existence of specific hurdles that impacted business performance negatively. In conclusion, the study emphasizes the instrumental role of microfinance banks in promoting financial inclusion, facilitating access to credit, and fostering growth among small-scale businesses in AMAC. The identified challenges underscore the need for strategic interventions to address barriers and enhance the effectiveness of microfinance services. Recommendations include the diversification of microfinance services, streamlined application procedures, tailored financial products, and capacity building for both microfinance staff and business owners. These proposed strategies aim to create a more inclusive and supportive financial environment, conducive to the sustained growth and development of small-scale businesses in the region.


Background of the Study

The economic landscape of the Abuja Municipal Area Council (AMAC) has experienced a notable surge in small-scale businesses, playing a pivotal role in the local economy (Ogbeche, 2016). These businesses, while contributing significantly to the region’s economic vitality, encounter challenges accessing traditional financial services due to their limited size and collateral (Adeleke et al., 2018). The obstacles faced by these enterprises in securing financial support underscore the necessity for alternative financial mechanisms. In addressing this gap, microfinance banks have emerged as crucial financial intermediaries tailored to meet the specific needs of small-scale businesses (Ngutor et al., 2021). This paragraph highlights the initial context and challenges faced by small-scale businesses in AMAC, drawing on the insights of Ogbeche (2016) and Adeleke et al. (2018).

Microfinance banks, as highlighted in Akpan’s work (2017) on the role of internal control in Nigeria’s banking sector, have become instrumental in providing financial solutions to small-scale enterprises. The literature suggests that these institutions offer an alternative avenue for businesses with limited access to traditional banking services (Ogbeche, 2016). Through their operations, microfinance banks aim to bridge the financial inclusion gap and enhance access to credit for small-scale businesses in regions like AMAC (Ngutor et al., 2021; Adeleke et al., 2018). By doing so, microfinance banks become integral to the economic fabric, enabling businesses to overcome the financial constraints highlighted in the literature (Akpan, 2017). This aspect emphasizes the unique role microfinance banks play in addressing the financial challenges faced by small-scale businesses.

Ugwuigbe (2021) carried out a study on corporate governance and financial performance in Nigerian banks providing a theoretical foundation for understanding how governance structures can influence the performance of financial institutions. In the context of AMAC, the governance mechanisms within microfinance banks become critical in determining their effectiveness in supporting small-scale businesses. The study by Ngutor et al. (2021) on the performance of microfinance banks in Nigeria adds empirical weight to this discussion by specifically exploring the case of Standard Microfinance Bank in Yola. This research provides valuable insights into the actual impact of microfinance banks on the ground, offering a nuanced understanding of their role in supporting small-scale businesses’ growth and sustainability.

The significance of microfinance banks in AMAC is further underscored by their potential contribution to the overall growth and expansion of small-scale businesses. Adeleke et al.’s (2018) work on business policy and strategy emphasizes the importance of strategic planning for organizational success. In the case of small-scale businesses in AMAC, the engagement with microfinance banks can be viewed as a strategic move to secure financial resources essential for expansion (Ugwuigbe, 2021). Additionally, Robbins et al. (2008) highlight the role of effective management in organizational success. The efficient management practices within microfinance banks can positively influence the strategic decisions and performance of small-scale businesses seeking financial assistance.

However, despite the potential benefits, challenges may hinder the seamless utilization of microfinance services by small-scale businesses. The literature on strategic planning by McIlquham-Schmidt (2020) and the examination of managerial competency by Johnson et al. (2022) provide insights into the complexities businesses may face. The challenges could range from inadequate understanding of the services offered by microfinance banks to operational difficulties in aligning their business strategies with the financial support provided (McIlquham-Schmidt, 2020; Johnson et al., 2022). Identifying and addressing these challenges is crucial for enhancing the effectiveness of microfinance banks in supporting the performance of small-scale businesses in AMAC.


Research Questions

The research aims to address the following four fundamental questions:

  1. How does the presence of microfinance banks affect the financial inclusion of small-scale businesses in AMAC?
  2. What role do microfinance banks play in improving the access to credit for small-scale businesses in the region?
  3. To what extent do microfinance banks contribute to the overall growth and expansion of small-scale businesses in AMAC?
  4. Are there specific challenges faced by small-scale businesses in utilizing microfinance services, and how do these challenges impact their performance?

Objective of the Study:

The overarching objective of this study is to comprehensively examine the impact of microfinance banks on the performance of small-scale businesses in AMAC. This objective is broken down into four specific aims:

  1. To assess the influence of microfinance bank presence on the financial inclusion of small-scale businesses in AMAC.
  2. To evaluate the role of microfinance banks in improving access to credit for small-scale businesses in the region.
  3. To analyze the contribution of microfinance banks to the overall growth and expansion of small-scale businesses in AMAC.
  4. To identify and analyze the challenges faced by small-scale businesses in utilizing microfinance services and their impact on performance.

Significance of the Research:

This research holds significant importance for a diverse range of stakeholders, playing a pivotal role in shaping policies and strategies to enhance the economic landscape of the Abuja Municipal Area Council (AMAC). The stakeholders include policymakers, microfinance institutions, small-scale business owners, and the broader community.

Policy Formulation: Policymakers stand to gain valuable insights from this research, using the findings to craft targeted policies aimed at promoting the growth and sustainability of small-scale businesses. The focus on improved access to microfinance services serves as a crucial component in fostering economic development within AMAC.

Microfinance Institutions: Microfinance banks can leverage the research outcomes to deepen their understanding of the impact they have on small-scale businesses. This understanding is instrumental in identifying areas for improvement, allowing microfinance institutions to tailor their services more effectively to meet the unique needs of small-scale enterprises in the region.

Small-scale Business Owners: The research outcomes offer small-scale business owners practical insights into the positive influence of microfinance services. From enhancing financial inclusion to improving access to credit, these insights empower business owners to make informed decisions that contribute to the overall performance and sustainability of their enterprises.

Academic Community: The research significantly contributes to the academic community by expanding the existing body of knowledge on the impact of microfinance on small-scale businesses. This addition provides a solid foundation for further academic exploration and discussion, fostering a deeper understanding of the intricate relationship between microfinance banks and small-scale enterprises.



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