• Format: ms-word (doc)
  • Pages: 79
  • Chapter 1 to 5
  • With abstract reference and questionnaire
  • Preview abstract and chapter 1 below


The Influence of Home and School Factors on Students’ Academics in Mathematics in Public Secondary Schools in Akinyele Local Government Area Oyo State


This study investigated the factors influencing the academic performance of students in mathematics in public secondary schools within the Akinyele Local Government Area. Employing a quantitative survey research design, data was collected using a structured questionnaire administered to a sample of 120 respondents. The collected data was analyzed using SPSS27 software, which facilitated the presentation and statistical analysis of the findings. Hypotheses were tested using the t-test method, with an assumed mean of 0 and a critical table value of 2.92 at a 5% level of significance. The findings revealed significant influences of both home and school factors on students’ academic performance in mathematics. Specifically, parental involvement, access to learning resources, teacher quality, and the overall learning environment were identified as key determinants of students’ mathematical achievement. Additionally, the combined effect of home and school factors was found to have a substantial impact on students’ academic performance. The study underscored the importance of fostering collaborative partnerships between parents and teachers, providing adequate learning resources, and creating positive learning environments to enhance students’ motivation and engagement with mathematics. In conclusion, the study highlighted the complex interplay of home and school factors in shaping students’ academic performance in mathematics. The findings underscored the need for targeted interventions and policy initiatives aimed at improving parental engagement, enhancing teacher training, and promoting equitable access to learning resources. Additionally, the study emphasized the importance of fostering supportive educational environments that foster positive peer interactions and student-teacher relationships. Based on these findings, recommendations were made to enhance parental involvement, improve teacher training programs, provide adequate learning resources, foster positive learning environments, strengthen home-school partnerships, and encourage further research to deepen understanding of the factors influencing students’ academic performance in mathematics.




Background to the Study

The academic performance of students in mathematics is a significant indicator of educational success and future career opportunities, particularly in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) (Adesoji & Olatunbosun, 2020). In public secondary schools, various factors can influence students’ achievement in mathematics, including both home and school environments (Ale & Adetula, 2020). Akinyele Local Government Area in Oyo State is no exception, where the interplay of these factors contributes to the academic outcomes observed in the region (Chirume & Chikasha, 2022).

Mathematics is often perceived as a challenging subject, yet it is fundamental to various aspects of everyday life and numerous professional fields (Oladayo & Charles-Ogan, 2017). Understanding the factors that influence student performance in mathematics can help educators, policymakers, and parents implement strategies to improve educational outcomes (Dokubo, 2021). In Akinyele Local Government Area, as in many other regions, the academic performance of students in mathematics has been a subject of concern, prompting a closer examination of the contributing factors (Hendry, 2021).

Home factors such as parental involvement, socioeconomic status, and availability of learning resources play a crucial role in shaping students’ attitudes towards mathematics and their overall academic performance (Shamaki, 2021). Parents who are actively involved in their children’s education, provide necessary resources, and create a conducive learning environment at home tend to have children who perform better academically (Sang, 2023). Conversely, students from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds may face additional challenges that hinder their academic progress (Malik & Rizvi, 2018).

School factors, including teacher quality, school infrastructure, and peer influence, also significantly impact students’ performance in mathematics (Suleiman & Hammed, 2019). Qualified and motivated teachers who employ effective teaching methods can inspire students and enhance their understanding of mathematical concepts (Anaduaka & Okafor, 2019). Additionally, well-equipped schools with adequate facilities and a positive learning environment contribute to better academic outcomes (Belaineh, 2017).

Statement of Problem

The academic performance of students in mathematics is a critical concern worldwide, as it serves as a foundational indicator of educational success and future career opportunities (Adesoji & Olatunbosun, 2020). Despite numerous studies investigating the factors influencing students’ achievement in mathematics, there remains a gap in understanding the specific challenges faced by students in Akinyele Local Government Area, Oyo State, Nigeria (Chirume & Chickasha, 2022). While existing research has identified various home and school factors that contribute to student’s performance in mathematics (Sang, 2023; Suleiman & Hammed, 2019), there is limited literature addressing the unique contextual factors within this specific region.

One significant gap in the literature is the lack of research focusing specifically on the interplay between home and school factors and their combined influence on student’s academic performance in mathematics in the Akinyele Local Government Area (Hendry, 2021). While studies have examined these factors independently, there is a need for comprehensive research that considers their interaction and cumulative impact on students’ achievement (Shamaki, 2021). Additionally, the role of cultural and socio-economic factors specific to the region has not been adequately explored, further highlighting the need for localized research (Malik & Rizvi, 2018).

Furthermore, existing studies often rely on generalizations drawn from broader geographical areas or international contexts, which may not accurately reflect the realities faced by students in Akinyele Local Government Area (Oladayo & Charles-Ogan, 2017). Therefore, there is a gap in research that provides a nuanced understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities within this specific educational context (Dokubo, 2021). Addressing these gaps in the literature is essential for informing targeted interventions and policies aimed at improving mathematics education and enhancing students’ academic outcomes in Akinyele Local Government Area.

Objectives of the Study

The study aimed to achieve the following specific objectives:

  1. To examine the influence of home factors on the academic performance of students in mathematics in public secondary schools in Akinyele Local Government Area.
  2. To investigate the impact of school factors on the academic performance of students in mathematics in public secondary schools in Akinyele Local Government Area.
  3. To identify the combined effect of home and school factors on students’ academic performance in mathematics in public secondary schools in Akinyele Local Government Area.

 Research Questions

The study sought to answer the following research questions:

  1. What home factors influence the academic performance of students in mathematics in public secondary schools in the Akinyele Local Government Area?
  2. What school factors impact the academic performance of students in mathematics in public secondary schools in the Akinyele Local Government Area?
  3. How do home and school factors combined affect the academic performance of students in mathematics in public secondary schools in Akinyele Local Government Area?

 Research Hypotheses

The study was guided by the following hypotheses:

  1. There is no significant influence of home factors on the academic performance of students in mathematics in public secondary schools in the Akinyele Local Government Area.
  2. There is no significant impact of school factors on the academic performance of students in mathematics in public secondary schools in the Akinyele Local Government Area.
  3. There is no significant combined effect of home and school factors on the academic performance of students in mathematics in public secondary schools in Akinyele Local Government Area.

Significance of the Study

The significance of this study lies in its potential to contribute valuable insights into the factors influencing students’ academic performance in mathematics within the specific context of Akinyele Local Government Area, Oyo State, Nigeria. By addressing this gap in the literature, the study holds several implications for various stakeholders involved in education, policymaking, and community development.

Firstly, understanding the factors influencing students’ performance in mathematics is crucial for educators and school administrators to develop targeted interventions and instructional strategies that cater to the unique needs of students in the region. By identifying specific home and school factors that contribute to academic success, educators can implement evidence-based practices to support students’ learning and improve overall educational outcomes.

Secondly, the findings of this study can inform policymakers at the local, state, and national levels about the challenges and opportunities within the education system in Akinyele Local Government Area. By highlighting the factors that hinder or facilitate students’ academic performance in mathematics, policymakers can develop policies and allocate resources effectively to address these issues and improve the quality of education in the region.

Moreover, the study’s findings can also provide valuable insights for parents and caregivers regarding their roles in supporting their children’s education. By understanding the importance of parental involvement, providing a conducive home environment, and ensuring access to learning resources, parents can actively contribute to their children’s academic success in mathematics.

Furthermore, the study has implications for future research and academic discourse in the field of mathematics education. By exploring the interplay between home and school factors and their impact on student’s academic performance, this study contributes to a deeper understanding of the complex dynamics involved in mathematics learning. It opens avenues for further research into the mechanisms through which these factors influence student outcomes and the development of comprehensive frameworks for improving mathematics education.

Additionally, the study’s findings can also serve as a basis for community engagement and collaboration among various stakeholders, including schools, parents, policymakers, and community organizations. By fostering partnerships and collective action, communities can work together to create a supportive learning environment that promotes academic success and empowers students to reach their full potential in mathematics and beyond.

 Scope of the Study

The study focused on public secondary schools in Akinyele Local Government Area, Oyo State. It examined the influence of various home and school factors on students’ academic performance in mathematics. The study covered a sample of students, parents, teachers, and school administrators to gather comprehensive data on the factors affecting mathematics performance. The investigation was limited to the 2023 academic year, providing a snapshot of the current situation in the selected schools.

 Operational Definition of Terms

Academic Performance: The level of achievement or proficiency demonstrated by students in their academic work, particularly in mathematics, as measured by test scores, grades, and other assessment tools.

Home Factors: Characteristics and conditions within the home environment that influence a student’s academic performance, including parental involvement, socio-economic status, availability of learning resources, and parental education levels.

School Factors: Elements within the school setting that affect students’ academic performance, such as teacher quality, school infrastructure, teaching methods, and peer influence.

Parental Involvement: The participation of parents in their children’s education, including activities such as helping with homework, attending parent-teacher meetings, and providing educational support and resources at home.

Socio-economic Status (SES): The social and economic standing of an individual or family, typically measured by income, education, and occupation, which can impact students’ access to educational resources and opportunities.

Teacher Quality: The qualifications, experience, teaching skills, and effectiveness of teachers in delivering educational content and fostering a positive learning environment.

School Infrastructure: The physical and organizational structures and facilities of a school, including classrooms, libraries, laboratories, and learning materials, which support the educational process.

Peer Influence: The impact that classmates and schoolmates have on a student’s attitudes, behaviours, and academic performance, which can be either positive or negative.


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