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  • Pages: 79
  • Chapter 1 to 5
  • With abstract reference and questionnaire
  • Preview abstract and chapter 1 below


The Role of Social Media in the Participation of Youths in Politics (A Case Study of 2023 General Elections)


This study aims to investigate the role of social media in the participation of youths in politics in the 2023 general elections. The study employed a quantitative research design, using a case study approach to gather data from Nigerian youths. The study found that social media plays a significant role in engaging youths in political activities, particularly in the 2023 general elections. The study identified social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram as the primary tools for political engagement among youths. The study also revealed that social media provides a platform for political education and awareness, allowing youths to stay informed about political events and engage in political discussions. The study further identified social media as a tool for political mobilization, enabling youths to organize political rallies and campaigns. However, the study also found that social media can also be a source of misinformation and hate speech, which can undermine the credibility of political engagement among youths. The study recommended the need for effective regulation of social media to prevent the spread of false information and promote responsible political engagement among youths.






Background to the Study

The participation of young people in politics is an important aspect of democratic governance, as they represent the future of any society. However, in many countries, including Nigeria, the level of youth involvement in politics is a cause for concern. Despite constituting over 60% of the population, young people are often marginalized and excluded from the political process. The Nigerian government has made some efforts to increase youth participation in politics, but more needs to be done to encourage their engagement.

Recent research has shown that social media has become a critical tool for political mobilization and communication, especially among young people. Social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram have been used to disseminate political information, interact with politicians, and mobilize young people for political action. Studies have revealed that young people’s political efficacy and involvement are significantly influenced by their use of social media (Adetunji, 2021; Oyedemi & Olayinka, 2022).

Despite the potential benefits of social media for political engagement, some researchers have raised concerns about the extent to which social media translates to offline political participation. They argue that online political participation does not necessarily lead to offline political action (Ekdale et al., 2021; Tufekci, 2022). Therefore, it is essential to examine how young people’s activities on social media platforms affect their decision to participate in the electoral decision-making process.

Background to the Study Nigeria is Africa’s most populous country and has a vibrant and active youth population. However, the level of youth involvement in politics in Nigeria has been a subject of debate for many years. Despite constituting a significant proportion of the population, young people are often excluded from decision-making processes and face significant barriers to political participation. This exclusion has resulted in a lack of representation and a sense of disenfranchisement among young people.

In recent years, social media has emerged as an essential tool for political mobilization and communication in Nigeria, particularly among young people. Social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram have been used to disseminate political information, interact with politicians, and mobilize young people for political action. As a result, many young people have begun to engage with politics and participate in political discussions online.

However, despite the potential benefits of social media for political engagement, some researchers have raised concerns about the extent to which online political participation translates to offline political action. Some argue that young people’s political participation on social media may not necessarily lead to their participation in the electoral decision-making process. Therefore, there is a need to investigate how young people’s activities on social media platforms affect their decision to participate in the electoral decision-making process.

The 2023 general election in Nigeria presents an opportunity to explore how young people’s social media activities affect their participation in politics. This study examined the role of social media activities such as interaction with politicians, political communication, political knowledge, and access to information in shaping young people’s decision to participate in the electoral process

Statement of the Problem

Despite being a significant percentage of the population, young people in Nigeria are often excluded from the political process. There is a need to understand the reasons for their lack of participation and how to increase their involvement in the democratic process. Social media has been identified as a potential tool for political mobilization and communication among young people, but its effectiveness in translating to offline political action is yet to be established.

Research Objective

The main objective of this study is to investigate the role of social media in the participation of youths in politics (a case study of the 2023 general elections). Specific objectives include to:

  1. Discover the political activities that Nigerian youths use social media for.
  2. Examine the impact of the use of social media platforms by Nigerian youths on their participation in the 2023 general elections.
  3. Assess the most important individual, social, or material determinant of the participation process.
  4. Find out if social media attracts new participants or reinforces the participation of those already active online.

Research Questions

This study seeks to answer the following research questions:

  1. What are the political activities that Nigerian youths use social media for?
  2. What is the impact of the use of social media platforms by Nigerian youths on their participation in the 2023 general elections?
  3. What is the most important individual, social, or material determinant of the participation process?
  4. Does social media attract new participants or reinforce the participation of those already active online?

 Significance of the Study

This study on the impact of social media on Nigerian youths’ participation in the 2023 general election is significant for various reasons. Firstly, the study will provide insight into the political activities that young people engage in on social media platforms. This information will be valuable for political parties, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders involved in mobilizing young people for political action. It will help them tailor their political messages and engagement strategies to young people’s specific needs and interests.

Secondly, the study will examine the impact of social media on Nigerian youths’ participation in the 2023 general election, identifying the most important individual, social, or material determinants of young people’s participation in the electoral process. This information will be useful for policymakers and electoral management bodies such as the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) in designing effective strategies to increase youth participation in future elections.

Thirdly, the study will help to address the issue of youth marginalization and exclusion from the political process in Nigeria. With young people making up over 60% of the Nigerian population, they are often excluded from decision-making processes that affect their lives. This study will contribute to efforts to address this problem by providing insights into how social media can be used to mobilize and engage young people in the political process.

Fourthly, the findings of this study will be useful for INEC in designing strategies to increase youth participation in the electoral process. While the establishment of a youth voting centre in 2019 was an effort to increase youth participation, there is still a need for more targeted and effective strategies to engage young people in the electoral process. The study’s findings will provide insights into how social media can be used to mobilize and engage young people in the electoral process, which will be useful for INEC in designing future electoral strategies.

Finally, the study will contribute to the academic literature on youth political participation and the impact of social media on political mobilization. It will provide new insights into how young people engage in political activities on social media platforms and the impact of these activities on their offline political participation. The study’s findings will be useful for other researchers interested in youth political participation and the impact of social media on political mobilization.

In summary, the study’s significance lies in its potential to contribute to efforts to increase youth participation in the political process in Nigeria. The findings will be useful for policymakers, electoral management bodies, political parties, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders involved in mobilizing young people for political action. Additionally, the study’s findings will also contribute to the academic literature on youth political participation and the impact of social media on political mobilization.

Scope of the Study

This study will investigate the impact of Twitter on the political participation of Nigerian youths during the 2023 general election. The study’s scope is limited to the use of Twitter and its impact on young people’s political activities, including the dissemination of political information, interaction with politicians, and mobilization for political action. A quantitative survey approach was used to collect data from active Twitter users aged 18 to 35 years in selected states, including Lagos, Abuja, and Port Harcourt online. The study’s goal is to provide insights into how social media can be used to mobilize and engage young people in politics, and its findings will be useful to policymakers, electoral management bodies, political parties, and other stakeholders involved in mobilizing young people for political action.

 Limitations of the Study

This study has several limitations that need to be considered when interpreting its findings. The study’s scope is limited to Twitter use among Nigerian youths and its impact on their participation in the 2023 general election. Therefore, the findings may not apply to other social media platforms or countries. The study’s sample size is also limited to young Twitter users who are eligible to vote in the 2023 election, which may not be representative of all Nigerian youths.

Additionally, the study relies on self-reported data, which could be influenced by social desirability bias. Furthermore, the study’s qualitative interviews and survey may not capture the complexity and diversity of young people’s experiences and perspectives on Twitter and political participation. The focus on Twitter may also overlook other factors that impact young people’s political engagement, such as socio-economic status, education, political efficacy, and access to resources.

The study’s focus on the impact of Twitter on offline political participation may not consider the reciprocal relationship between online and offline political engagement. Young people’s offline political activities may influence their online behaviour and vice versa. Finally, the study’s mixed-methods approach may face challenges in reconciling the diversity and richness of the qualitative data with the standardization and generalizability of the quantitative data.

Operational Definitions

Twitter: A social media platform that allows users to share and interact with short messages called tweets, which can contain text, images, and videos.

Nigerian youths: Young people between the ages of 18 and 35 who reside in Nigeria.

Political participation: The act of engaging in activities related to the governance and decision-making process of a society, such as voting, attending political rallies, joining political organizations, and contacting elected representatives.

General election: A national election that is held to elect the country’s leaders or representatives, such as the President, members of the National Assembly, or governors.

Social media: Digital platforms that allow users to create, share, and exchange content and information, such as text, images, and videos, with other users.

Quantitative research: A research approach that emphasizes measuring and analyzing social phenomena based on numerical data, such as surveys, experiments, and statistical analysis.

Survey: A research method that uses a questionnaire to collect data from a sample of individuals on their attitudes, opinions, behaviours, and characteristics.

Self-reported data: Data collected from participants based on their perceptions, memories, and responses to questions, rather than objective or observable measures.

Social desirability bias: A tendency for participants to provide responses that reflect social norms or expectations, rather than their true attitudes, opinions, or behaviours, to present themselves in a favourable light or avoid social disapproval.


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  • Voice of America. (2022, November 29). Nigeria: Fuel Price Hike Triggers Nationwide Strike, Protests. https://www.voanews.com/africa/nigeria-fuel-price-hike-triggers-nationwide-strike-protests.


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