Impact Of Training And Development Of Human Resources As A Critical Factor In The Banking Sector (A Case Study Of First Bank Of Nigerian Plc Main Branch Enugu)

Download this complete Business Administration Project material titled; Impact Of Training And Development Of Human Resources As A Critical Factor In The Banking Sector (A Case Study Of First Bank Of Nigerian Plc Main Branch Enugu) with abstract, chapter 1-5, references and questionnaire. Preview abstract and chapter one below
  • Format: PDF and MS Word (DOC)
  • pages = 65

Impact Of Mentor And Mentee Relationship On Organizational Commitment (A Case Study Of DeltaAfrik Engineering Limited)

Download this complete Business Administration Project material titled; Impact Of Mentor And Mentee Relationship On Organizational Commitment (A Case Study Of DeltaAfrik Engineering Limited) with abstract, chapter 1-5, references and questionnaire. Preview abstract and chapter one below
  • Format: PDF and MS Word (DOC)
  • pages = 65

Design And Implementation Of An Online Birth Registration And Birth Rate Monitoring Information Record System

Download this complete Computer Science Project material titled; Design And Implementation Of An Online Birth Registration And Birth Rate Monitoring Information Record System with abstract, chapter 1-5, references and questionnaire. Preview abstract and chapter one below

  • Format: PDF and MS Word (DOC)
  • Size: [110KB]
  • Length: [37] Pages

Design and Implementation of an Academic Information System Using Relational Database and HTTP Sever (A Case Study Of Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Owerri)

Download this complete Computer Science Project material titled; Design and Implementation of an Academic Information System Using Relational Database and HTTP Sever (A Case Study Of Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Owerri) with abstract, chapter 1-5, references and questionnaire. Preview abstract and chapter one below

  • Format: PDF and MS Word (DOC)
  • Size: 182KB
  • Length: 86 Pages

Guidance and Counselling Management System

Download this complete Computer Science Project material titled; Guidance and Counselling Management System with abstract, chapter 1-5, references and questionnaire. Preview chapter one below

  • Format: PDF and MS Word (DOC)
  • 65 pages

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