Automated Examination Time Table To Generate Package (A Case Study Of Computer Science Department, Kwara State Polytechnic, Ilorin)
Abstract of Automated Examination Time Table To Generate Package
Higher Institutions all over the nations are expected to make examination timetables for each semester for the respective students to be able to know the course exams they have in each examination period day. The settings of the examination timetable(s) at times used to be a very tedious, time consuming and pain staking task for any lecturer in charge of the work. And as such, this project work is aimed at developing Automated Examination Timetable Generator for Computer Science Department, Kwara State Polytechnic, Ilorin in order to reduce if not totally remove manual process of setting the exams timetable. Each lecturer and student is eligible for viewing his own timetable once they are finalized for a given semester but they can’t edit them.
The software program for this project work is designed using Visual Basic 6.0 Enterprise Edition in conjunction with Microsoft Access 2005 which serve as the database.
The project is all about how to generate an examination time table for the computer science department so that it will enable the students and the examiners to know all the precise time table, they are having a particular examination.
The purpose and the reason of the project is that it will make the work easier for the co-ordination and the HOD because there will be no need of spending much time on fixing a particular time for examinations.
Table of contents on Automated Examination Time Table To Generate Package
Project Title Page
Table of content
- Introduction
- Statements of Problems
- Aims and Objectives
- Significance of the Study
- Scope and Limitation
- Organization of the Report
- Definition of the Stock Exchange Market Terms
2.1 Introduction
2.2. Historical Background of the Study
2.3 Computerization of the Current State of the Art
2.4 The Impact of Information Technology on Financial Institution
3.1 Data Collection Method Employed
3.2 Analysis of Data and Existing System
3.3. Problems of Existing System
3.4 Analysis and Description of Proposed System
3.5 Advantages of the Proposed System
3.6 Programming Language Used with Reasons
3.7 Hardware and Software Support
CHAPTER FOUR: System Design, Implementation and Documentation
4.1 Design of the System
4.1.1 Output Design
4.1.2 Input Design
4.1.3 File System
4.1.4 Procedural Design
4.2 Documentation of the New System
4.2.1 How to Install the New System
4.2.2 How to Use the New System
CHAPTER FIVE: Summary, Recommendation, Conclusion
5.1 Summary
5.2 Experienced Gained
5.3 Recommendation
5.4 Conclusion
Appendix 1
System Flowchart
Program Flowchart
Source Listing
Computer Generated Output
Chapter one of Automated Examination Time Table To Generate Package
- Introduction
The lecturing staff usually spends a lot of time in examination timetable generation and timetable management. The software program to be design for this project work will captures all parameters used in creating a school examinations timetable and automatically creates one with its timetable generation tool. This school examination timetable generation software also considers the availability of courses and other resources while creating levels in the department (e.g. NDI, NDII, HNDI, HNDII). Moreover, changes can be easily made in the timetable as and when necessary depending on the availability of courses.
Since the inception of the computer science department, the examination time table schedule has been done manually. Relying on manual schedule posses a lot of disadvantages. In order to overcome some setbacks in the method used by the department this project design is brought up, titled Automated time table generator.
This project is to develop a program that will allow the department to provide a timely and accurate schedule timetable in a form of program.
Automated timetable generator is to assist the department on deciding the examination room for each course without conflict at a specific time in a day. Moreover, the program will also assign a unique examinationr to each course but it will ensure that the examination is not in another class at that specific period. Computers are not only storage devices and processing units but also are excellent communication media. They are the means to access the internet and get connected to the world. They are also an effective audio-visual media. Computer can be used to access a vast knowledge base and search for information achieves over the internet. Only computer education can facilitate the use of computers for purpose of communication and entertainment. Computer knowledge coupled with certain other job skills increase one’s chance of getting job; these with knowledge of computer are considered trainable for many kind of jobs. As most of the job involved the use of computers, computer education is an eligibility criterion for almost all of the modern day jobs. Higher education involving network administration, hardware maintenance of software skills open doors for other brighter jobs opportunities.
Computer education helps one to manage one’s own business assets and personal finances, computer serves as efficient means for management information, personal financial assets, medical records and important document can be stored in an electronic format in a computer system. Today, banking transaction and payment of bills can be done over the internet. Similarly, online stopping becoming widely popular to be in the race, it is very important to take computer education.
The word processing application of a computer services serves as an effectives means of documentation.
The database management software that are part of computer system serves as the means of managing large amount of data. The networking capabilities of a computer facilitate connecting to the network to reach out to the world. Gaining application and media players are some of popular computer software, which are popularly used a crossed the world.
Computer, which have such a wide variety of applications, are indeed ruling society. To beep up the pace in this fact life of today, computer education is extremely important. Computers are an integral part of life and so is computer education.
1.2 Statements of the Problem
In the course of research work, we encountered some problems while collecting data, processing and analyzing the data for this research work.
Among them includes:
- We made repeated calls before we were being attended to. This nearly jeopardized other academic works.
- Most literature books we used were got from reference section, where books cannot be borrowed, a lot of time was spent on this
- Also, some website were surfled for more information, which were used in this project work.
1.3 Aim and Objectives of the Study
The aim of this project work is to reduce the tension encounter when scheduling courses to student, and make it easy to generate courses to the students
The objective at this project is to solve the problem that has been encountered in the manual or existing system of the department. Other aims and objectives are started bellows:
- The objective of the automated timetable generated project was to be developed. A tool that enables department to dynamically generate timetable for student to access directly from the schedule table data.
- It enables the department to present changes to their schedule immediately tiding public.
- It enables the department to plan well in advance to design and their student schedule.
- It will also enable the management to their student with updated schedule information when changes to the schedule occur.
- It will enable the management to provide timely accurate schedule data.
- Simplicity : Easy-to-understand & simple-to-operate with intuitive user interface, guides and samples
- Fast: Generates timetable in minutes, saving your time, efforts and money
- Intelligent Suggests best alternatives as your help agent for error-free and clash-free timetable with best possible resource optimization.
- Affordability : Perfect timetable solution within your budget
The software to be design for this project write-up performs the following objectives, if implemented in the higher institutions (e.g. Computer Science Department, Kwara State Polytechnic, Ilorin).
- To examine the uses of computer system as a substitute for the manual setting of Examination Timetable.
- To produce fast processing rate of generating timetable
- To make sure that only authorize personnel have access to the record.
- To analyze the impact of information technology on school examination time table generation.
- To reduce the time interval used in setting examination time table.
1.4 Significance of the Study
The significance of this project write-up on “Automation Examination Time Table to Generate Package” is to improve on how Examination Time Table is being generated by school for the usage by the students.
In this project write-up, the impact of computer system usage is being greatly analyzed.
The study is considered to be the great importance in that it examines the impact of computer introduction in developing an automated time table generator.
This one may confidently state that the introduction of computer system to computer science for development of the generator timetable would bring about improvement in the management in terms of time and resources involved.
1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study
The scope of this project work is on “Automation Examination Time Table to Generate Package”.
The software designed allows Courses Offered (Registered) in each semesters to be enter in the system for each levels (e.g. ND1, ND2, HND1, HND2 Full Time AND Part-Time.) after which it is the software designed for this project work will generate the Examination Timetable automatically and displays it on the Screen to be printed out immediately the Database Administrator click on the command button named Generate Timetable
However, this project work does not totally eliminate some of the manual operations carried out in the higher institution (e.g. Payment of Staff salary, Processing of Students admission in the school, Accepting and processing of student profile etc.)
1.6 Organization of the Study
For ease study and proper understanding of this project write-up, It is planned and organized into five chapters. The description of what each chapter contains is explained below:
CHAPTER ONE: This contains an Introduction to the whole write-up, the problem of the study, aims and objectives of the study, the significant of the study, the scope and limitation of the study, and organization of the report.
CHAPTER TWO: It contains the literature review of the study, organization of the board of director, computerization of the current state of the art.
CHAPTER THREE: Presents data collection method employed, analysis of data and existing system, advantages of the proposed system, design and implementation, programming language used with reasons, hardware and software support.
CHAPTER FOUR: contains system design implementation and documentation, design of the system, output design, input design, file system, procedural design, and documentation of the new system.
CHAPTER FIVE: contains the summary, experienced gained, recommendation and conclusion.
Appendix 1 – System Flowchart, Program Flowchart, Source Listing, Computer Generated Output.