Drug Abuse and Its Effect on Tertiary Students Learning Capability and Academic Achievement in Rivers Students

Drug Abuse and Its Effect on Tertiary Students Learning Capability and Academic Achievement in Rivers Students CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study Drug misuse among the global youth population has become a severe issue that affects everyone. Addiction sends many people, particularly young people, on a downward spiral of hopelessness that may be lethal in some situations. A drug, according to Kalunta (2015), is anything other than food or water that alters how people feel, think, see, and behave. Drug abuse, according to Kerochio (2015), is defined as the use of drugs for purposes other than medical treatment, with detrimental consequences for the user in a negative social, cognitive, or bodily aspect. The use of medications in and of itself poses no risk, as pharmaceuticals that are properly provided have proven to be...

Effectiveness of Television in Reporting Banditry Attacks in Nigeria

Effectiveness of Television in Reporting Banditry Attacks in Nigeria CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Of The Study Historically, there has been an increasing rate of banditry attacks by Fulani herders in farming regions, evolving from a community conflict into deadly paramilitary groups (Claire, 2021). Banditry, according to Adegoke (2019), has become an enticing source of income in Nigeria, where weak governance, unemployment, poverty, and inequality have left citizens with few choices for survival. Notably, manpower and resources are inadequately supplied in the Nigerian security sector, making it difficult to successfully tackle banditry. Additionally, unpoliced borders have helped the spread of small guns and light weaponry among bandit gangs (Kuna, 2016). The increase in banditry and attacks has had a negative impact on people's...

Evaluation of Acceptance and Adoption of Health-care Information on Twitter by University Students

Evaluation of Acceptance and Adoption of Health-care Information on Twitter by University Students CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1       Background of the study The internet, or more especially the websites on the World Wide Web, is always evolving due to technical advancements. As a result, has alterthe way health information is distributed on the social space. The usage of social media is one of these information transformations. A growing number of internet users now spend a significant amount of time on social networking platforms (Pew Internet, 2012). In recent years, the usage of social media, which is described as an internet-based technology that allows people to share ideas, opinions, and information through networks and communities, has risen dramatically. Social media are internet platforms that allow users to publish their own...

An Evaluation of Empowerment and Its Impact on Women’s Participation in Development Processes in Umuahia

An Evaluation of Empowerment and Its Impact on Women’s Participation in Development Processes in Umuahia CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1    Background Of The Study Women have always been a marginalized minority. This is due to the fact that they do not possess the means of production. As a result, they fall short of their male counterparts. Women have always been on the receiving end of our cultural and religious practices, sex roles, and societal constructs, which have had a significant impact on them from their origin (Enemuo, 2001). According to Eboh (2002), one gender is consistently discriminated against as a result of social structure dysfunctions to the extent that disparities in access to societal social services, resources, property, and wealth are formed, resulting in gender stratification. Gender inequality is ubiquitous, with...

Evaluation of the Level of Newspaper Readership Among Career Women in Abuja

Evaluation of the Level of Newspaper Readership Among Career Women in Abuja CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1       Background of the study It is common knowledge that the most effective way to promote awareness is through the media, where useful information may be conveyed to thousands of people in a certain area from a reliable source. In other words, newspapers, radio, television, magazines, posters, pamphlets/leaflets, billboards, the internet, and other forms of mass media are utilized to inform, communicate, and educate (among other things) as change agents in every culture. Newspapers are a type of mass media that distributes current information at regular intervals. Newspapers are beneficial for education, information, enjoyment, relaxation, and entertainment as a mass media. This explains why newspapers are crucial, according to...

Evaluation of Youths Participation in Self-help Community Development Projects in Asaba

Evaluation of Youths Participation in Self-help Community Development Projects in Asaba CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1       Background of the study From the earliest time of human history people have enjoyed and shared together the good tidings of nature because of the presence of communities and the social activities performed by the people for the advancement of their community, which is better called Community Development  (CD). The notion of community development was first stated publicly in 1948 at the Cambridge Conference on African Administration at which community development was considered as a movement aiming to promote better living for the entire community. For Hill (2011), it signifies a coordinated strategy whereby the community members conduct activities and initiatives in order to ameliorate the living situation of the...

Factors That Promote Job Satisfaction Among Physics Teachers in Umuahia

Factors That Promote Job Satisfaction Among Physics Teachers in Umuahia CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study             From the dawn of time, education has been one of the most essential institutions in all cultures. It has played a significant role in the development of human capital and the empowerment of citizens with self-reliance skills. Teachers, on the other hand, are the pivot around which global education revolves, and they are tasked with the mental, physical, and moral training of students in all educational institutions worldwide (Paula, M., 1996). The most significant function in the educational process is that of the teacher. They improve and grow the human intellect through this schooling. Teachers are also the central figure in achieving and implementing Nigeria's educational objectives and aims....

A Critical Analysis of the Menace of Insecurity and Its Implication on Economic Growth in Nigeria

A Critical Analysis of the Menace of Insecurity and Its Implication on Economic Growth in Nigeria CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study Concerns about security are taken seriously all throughout the world. It is recognized as one of a state's most fundamental responsibilities. Security has historically been an element of human survival and sustenance, and may be defined as freedom from threats or violence that could result in the loss of lives or property. That is, security refers to a scenario in which citizens are protected from dangers to their lives and livelihoods, including bodily damage, illnesses, unemployment, and human rights abuses, regardless of where they are in a sovereign nation. A country will not be able to prosper until it first strives for human security (Ito, 2013). This is because human resources are...

A Critical Assessment of Accounting Systems Effectiveness in Anaocha Local Governments

A Critical Assessment of Accounting Systems Effectiveness in Anaocha Local Governments CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study According to Yassin, (2006)  in addition to its large and significant role in decision-making operations at organizations where management should not overlook this role, the accounting information system has become an important part of the management operation as well as a basic source for supporting and observing its plans and operations. As businesses exist in the information revolution age, which includes knowledge rapid access in all aspects of life within a specific time frame, which human skills cannot attain, and observation As a consequence, the globe became a tiny global village, with a community of information and knowledge emerging as a result, with civilization aspects and article strengths...

A Critical Assessment of CCTV Utilization and Its Impact on the Security of Students in Port Harcourt

A Critical Assessment of CCTV Utilization and Its Impact on the Security of Students in Port Harcourt CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1       Background of the study Every aspect of human life has been impacted by technology. The educational system has not been forgotten. Around the world, schools have consistently employed technology in many aspects of their operations (Squelch, 2001). In terms of school safety, schools have adopted modern technologies to track children and their activities in order to keep them safe, to monitor and deter outsiders who may illegally enter schools, to provide evidence in the event of criminal activity investigations in schools, to protect school property from vandalism, and to monitor staff as they perform their duties (Matthew, 2017). Closed circuit television (CCTV), fingerprint identification, RFID...

A Critical Assessment of the Ict Awareness & Utilization Among Mechanized Farmers in Niger State: a Perspective of GSM and the Internet

CHAPTER ONE  INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study The growth of any nation is impossible without the innovative and inventive exploitation of gathered information. Modern innovations and discoveries, represented in the growth of science and technology, economy, social and cultural development, are all functions of the logical application of recorded knowledge. According to Armstrong (2012), The rising value and usage of information as a commodity have given rise to the demand for the development of quicker and more efficient facilities for gathering, storing and disseminating it. While the achievement of these have further resulted to the proliferation of various types of information services, as well as information professionals using new technology, and the technology with the greatest impact on information are those that deal with...

A Critical Assessment of the Influence of Strategic Planning on the Success of SMES in Enugu State

A Critical Assessment of the Influence of Strategic Planning on the Success of SMES in Enugu State  CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1    BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Small and medium-sized firms (SMEs) play an important economic role in Nigeria, and Nigerian economic planners have acknowledged their relevance in economic growth (Berry 1998). Because micro and small size firms are accelerators for socioeconomic growth, the government has prioritized SMEs as a means of fostering larger engagement in the private sector. SMEs are a means for achieving national microeconomic goals such as job creation at a low investment cost and apprenticeship training expansion (Balasundaram 2009). In Nigeria, SMEs employ 64 percent of the labor force and generate more than 18 percent of the country's GDP (GDP). This sector accounts for more than 85 percent of all...
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